Hooray !!

My Quarterly bonus is getting paid, a mere 3 weeks late, grrrr..... I can now get those Mountain Horse riding boots I've been after smile

Boo Hiss !!

Back to work yesterday, after having 9 days off.
Thanks hon smile
Hooray, nine days off work before the xmas rush kicks in.
Boo Hiss, work didn't pay me my quarterly bonus, so, apart from a visit to my old home town, I ain't going anywhere, grrrr......Will be treating myself to the new Within Temptation album tomorrow to cheer myself up a bit.
It strikes me that if you buy/pay for a service, in this case membership of S.G. you'll have wasted your money if you don't use it. So from now on in I'll be making more of an effort to blog at least once a week and to comment more on the threads of groups I've signed up to.
Memo to self. When cantering downhill, if the horse goes straight ahead, when you expect the little darling to go left, expect to part company !!!! End result 1 x broken rib...ouch !! and personal dignity which needs superglueing together again. Not that I got much sympathy from the staff of course. I got told off for falling off when there were no witnnesses with...
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hehe oh yes I missed that out my coach was an hour and a half late meaning I could not enter frown
Well last Thursday was fantastic.

Got over to Copenhagen early in the afternoon and down to the boat (the MS Stubnitz) for a sound check at fourish. The boat's a converted fishing vessel with the fore and aft holds converted into stages and with several bars on deck and below.

It was my mate T. who was playing and after the sound engineer was dug...
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Sweet. Have got it confirmed at last !!! Am off to the DasBoot festival in Copenhagen, Denmark, on Thursday 17th July biggrin biggrin biggrin

Fly out on Thur's a.m. and back on Fri' p.m. late. A really good way so spend teo days off. Will post pic's on my return.

A good night out was had by self and others the other Saturday (7th) when I went to the Corporation, in Sheffield for the second time but for my first proper night out there. Meet loads of new people, great music and loads of rooms to explore and didn't leave till stupid o'clock in the morning. Still even with the light coming over the horizon...
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Hope you like the pic's. My fav's are the ninja and B;ackwater ones.
Have just watched The Prestige, with Hugh Jackman and Christiuan Bale. Utterly brilliant, with twists within twists. I thouroughly recomend it to all of you. It was the first film in a very long time that had me on the edge of my seat.
I still have to see that movie
Great ! I've moved stores and got a promotion and more responsibilty. Not more pay alas but I'm now moving in the right direction at last. Have renewed a lot of old aquaintences from the last time I was there and even better..more sales and fewer customer service issues.

Have got a week booked off on holiday in July. Hopefully off to Germany and/or Poland...
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