Lovely ! I'm better in time to go back to work.

Still, I've had fun in the snow. Fallen over a few times and been horse riding lots before the snow came down, so not all is bad. Also reading L.A. Confidential which is way, way better than the movie of the same name.
With typical westy timing, just three days into my holiday, I get tonsi-sodding-litis blackeyed

Am now on some wierd type of antibiotic 'cause I turn into a join the dots puzzle with the other stuff !!

On a five day course of funny pink pills and no alcahol at all which, oddly enough, as I don't drink that much, I'm finding rather annoying.

Still all better...
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Feel better!
Cheers sweet xx.
Been to see The Reader and The Baader Meihof Complex (TB-MC) in the past week. Both very good films and I'd recomend seeing them. Was particularly proud of getting into the auditorium just as the initial credits were rolling for TB-MC, as it started 15 minutes after I finished work 15 miles away.

Motorways are brilliant aren't they.


Just had my Annual Performance Rview (A.P.R.)...
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Recovering nicely from the new years wine, mulled wine and alcaholic trifle excesses. Loved every minute of it and now looking forward to two weeks off at the end of this month. What with xmas bonus tucked away and air miles I'll stretch my wings a bit....Prague sounds rather nice I think !!
Nice smile
Merry Christmas one and all lads and lasses and an even better new year.
♥ hope you had a wonderful christmas ♥
Hope you had a great one hon smile
How to scare yourelf silly lesson 1 : Go to your kitchen to put the kettle on, switch on the light switch and then smell the gas !!!

Oh deary, deary me. Having waited for 5 seconds for the house to go bang I opened my eyes and switched the cooker off, only properly this time.

And I wonder why I sometimes check locks and...
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Thank you for the sweet comment on my new set..
Riae and the tartan biggrin kiss
I'm struggling to find stuff to put into this blog thing. A friend has suggested strting a discussion on feminism, empowerment and pornograpghy. In the blue corner....Julie Bindel, a radical feminist, who writes for the Guardian, who hates the stuff. In the red corner.....Nina Hartley, who's been doing adult films since the 70's and has spoken up in favour of porn at various conferences.

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'ray !! Bonus time.

boo !! Bills to pay...............still got enough to get a new pair of riding boots......sweet.
...On second thoughts maybe not. Bonus is now late a scecond time !!!!!

What was it Churchill (I think ?) said.

'Once is happenstance'
'Twice is coincidence'
'Three times is emeny action'

I shall be awaiting Nov 30th with baited breath.

On a lighter note my horse riding has been improving. It's less the horse has a passenger and more the horse has a rider...
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