The workers were revolting again today. It never ceases to amaze me why people act up for (what seems to me) the sake of it, though to be fair I did get a job one of them was after. So as it's pay day I is off to Manchester to have a few beers and dances in Rockworld biggrin

Got a horse riding lesson tomorrow am...
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pay day - rip it up !
and if you have time, check out my set in member review kiss
Dutifully checked and commented on biggrin
Blimey !! Is it really that long since wrote on this blog. A 2 month gap is not acceptable old chap. Well anyway, after having a good time at Leeds Uni's Wendy House night last week I got a flyer for The Corp(ortion) in Sheffield, one of the best clubs I've ever been to. Glad I did 'cause now get to see VNV Nation on...
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Got to do a 3 loop serpentine (A horse riding manouver) yesterday. First time I've tried it. Did it well and didn't fall off. 'Ray me.

Boss is also on holiday this week, so I'm running the store with staff for whom the concept of time keeping is non existent. hmmm...ought to be interesting.

Hope you guys and gals out in SG land are having...
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Congrats on the Serpentine! smile Nothing is more satisfactory to me than trying something new on horseback. I just started taking lessons again, couldn't believe it when I got my diagonals right!

As for Facebook, I'm hooked. I recommend it but be warned! it's addictive.
yeah and Pygmy hippos stay baby for ever!
Well I feel great today. The pollen fairy just mugged me with my annual hayfever attack and my eyes are streaming like Niagra Falls.

Work's doing really well and with the pay rise that came with it I can now realistically start planning for my first proper holiday in years.

All in all doing rather well at the moment and am rather happy with life..
'Ray !! I got a promotion at work. Start a week on Monday. Even got a pay rise too !!
Well I must be improving my horse riding skills, 'cause it must take a lot of skill and effort to fall off one of the bloody things when it's (a) standing still and (b) in the stable yard !!

In my defence, though, I had just crushed one of my erm...'delicates' between my thigh and the saddle , so I was rather distracted at the...
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Well for those who remember, I was going to do a reverse bungee jump. I was done on 5/4/9 in a pub car park, just off the M62 motorway. Seeing West Yorkshire upside down and back to front was brilliant. Also raised 41 for a local childrens hospital. Not much really, so next time I'll be trying a lot harder to raise more cash.
In two weeks time I'm doing a reverse bungy jump to raise funds for a childresn hospital. Done it before and it's a real good laugh. Wish me luck.....
Got to see The Watchmen on Sunday afternoon. It's an absolutely superb film and I loved every minute of it. Yes there's a lot left out from the book (graphic novel ?), esp the comic within a comic Tales of The Black Freighter, which apparently has a dvd to itself and most of the New York scenes not involving our heroes. I would agree ,...
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ohhhhhhhhh WATCHMEEEEEN! I neeed see this film! tongue
so... how are you after saw the film? wink

kisses! ^^
Doing great thanks and I would recomend seeing this film.

In my latest act of insanity I'm doing a reverse bungy jump for charity in two weeks time. Really looking forward to it.
Am waiting with baited breath for the release of Watchmen, on Friday. It seems to be a faithful adaptation of the comic/graphic novel and as the director did 300 I have no doubt it'll be superb.
I'm actually intrigued by that as well
I'll post a review when I've seen it.