I Sold my Soul at the Auction House
Ok, so I found out, in a very expensive way I might add, that the Auction House is extremely addictive
I started the day with 72g90s35c and had 80g23s31c after checking my mail. A few minutes later, I get another 4g42s50c from a successful auction. So, I head over to the AH to see how my other items are doing and to do my Auctioneer scan, and this is where things went wrong. I started looking through the items and started coming across all these great deals. Next thing I know, I'm down to 36g7s65c! WTF??? Where did all my money go
Mind you, none of the items I bought are actually for myself lol...I immediately took all the cheap items I bought, and placed them right back in the AH at higher (Though slightly lower than normal) prices. I really hope this doesn't fall through, or else I'm going to be stuck with like 25 recipes I can't use lol...
However! I did get one thing for myself at the AH a day or two ago. http://wow.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?witem=9434 Oh yea, my Mage is big pimpin with that
Allakhazam has it as a 11g item, Auctioneer had it just under 10g, and I bought it for 3g50s. I'm such a bargain hunter
Good News from the Land of Doctors
Ok, so I had a doctor's appointment for what we had thought was an ulcer. It turns out that I probably have gastritis, which definitely kicks in when I'm stressed (Those of you who read one of my recent journals will know why). Despite the name, this problem actually has nothing to do with gas
So, I'm on a double-dose of Prilosec for two weeks, and then we'll see how things go from there. If the problem persists, I have to go through the whole blood testing and stuff again...But I really don't think it is going to get that bad at all.
Also was told that the doctor we are seeing right now may be coming back in December, and if he does, he will be there for good. I really hope he does come back, because both my mom and I like him. He is really thorough and takes the time to answer any and all questions. It just seems like he actually cares about his patients, rather than cares about how many patients he can get in.
It Doesn't Make Much Difference What you Study, as Long as you Don't Like It.
School is so...Ugh. I'm tired of sitting through four hours of lectures...I'm tired of my crappy English teacher...I'm tired of my often confusing Calculus II teacher...I only have one class that I look forward to going to, and I only have that class two days a week...*sigh*
The Art Scene
So yea, I'm still working on this Batman cover, and I must say, it looks fucking awesome
So far I have about half of Batman actually inked. I still have his lower body to do, and a rather simply background setup. The background is going to be a giant clock (Pimped out all Joker like) with Joker cards in the corners to fill up the remaining space. It is going to look so cool >_< Can't wait until I finish it.
Watch me Own Noobs
Yea, so I was bored one day, and a former clan member joined this site, and I followed him. So, you can now watch me own, via screenshots uploaded every 30 seconds, at http://www.freegamecam.com/users/viewuser.php/PX_Phoenix
Current Mood: Fearful and tired of crap
Currently Listening to: "Give it All" - Rise Against
Currently Watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of Smallville and Miami Ink
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix pr [p]X | KalEl Krypton's Last Son), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad), Battlefield 2 (PXPhoenix), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror or t3tsu0 on USWest)
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
Ok, so I found out, in a very expensive way I might add, that the Auction House is extremely addictive

However! I did get one thing for myself at the AH a day or two ago. http://wow.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?witem=9434 Oh yea, my Mage is big pimpin with that

Good News from the Land of Doctors
Ok, so I had a doctor's appointment for what we had thought was an ulcer. It turns out that I probably have gastritis, which definitely kicks in when I'm stressed (Those of you who read one of my recent journals will know why). Despite the name, this problem actually has nothing to do with gas

Also was told that the doctor we are seeing right now may be coming back in December, and if he does, he will be there for good. I really hope he does come back, because both my mom and I like him. He is really thorough and takes the time to answer any and all questions. It just seems like he actually cares about his patients, rather than cares about how many patients he can get in.
It Doesn't Make Much Difference What you Study, as Long as you Don't Like It.
School is so...Ugh. I'm tired of sitting through four hours of lectures...I'm tired of my crappy English teacher...I'm tired of my often confusing Calculus II teacher...I only have one class that I look forward to going to, and I only have that class two days a week...*sigh*

The Art Scene
So yea, I'm still working on this Batman cover, and I must say, it looks fucking awesome

Watch me Own Noobs
Yea, so I was bored one day, and a former clan member joined this site, and I followed him. So, you can now watch me own, via screenshots uploaded every 30 seconds, at http://www.freegamecam.com/users/viewuser.php/PX_Phoenix
Current Mood: Fearful and tired of crap
Currently Listening to: "Give it All" - Rise Against
Currently Watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of Smallville and Miami Ink
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix pr [p]X | KalEl Krypton's Last Son), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad), Battlefield 2 (PXPhoenix), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror or t3tsu0 on USWest)
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls