I'm Sick, but What's New?
Why does it seem like I'm sick all the time??? *Sigh* Ok, so this time it was a sinus infections...Which I had for over two weeks before getting to see a doctor
This is by far the worst sinus infection I have ever had in my life, and was, of course, complicated by other health issues. I mean, I had times when yellowish/greenish ooze was just pouring out of my nose. My equilibrium was completely thrown off and I was become extremely light-headed and start to wobble while walking/standing. My eyes felt like they were going pop out. And I keep losing hearing in my right ear. Luckily, all of these things occur far less often now that my medication is taking effect. I'm on a combination of Levaquin, Entex, Claritin, a Proventil inhaler, and Nyquil just so I can get out of the house and get to school.
An Unquenchable Thirst
For some reason unbeknown to me, I have an unquenchable thirst. No, I'm not talking about an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, or any other term you can substitute in there. I am talking about actually thirst. Now, as far as health concerns go, I'm in no-man's land. You see, I take in just over 2 liters more than the old stand by: "8 ounces of water 8 times a day" (Which comes out to about 1.9 liters). Now, another source recommends that males take in 3 liters of fluid...But even at that, I still take in more. Now here is the real problem: For the majority of the time, fluid isn't exiting my body as fast as it goes in my body. We asked a doctor about it, and he said that if this continues where fluid doesn't exit my body as it should, we may need to start doing some blood tests. But until then, I'll just have to keep an eye on things and hope things don't get too bad.
My Body Gets a "F" for Energy Efficiency
Since I'm on the topic of health, I might as well talk about another thing which has been bothering me. Ever since my second surgery, I've noticed that I burn through energy at a ridiculous rate. I mean, it isn't like I'm horribly out of shape...I mean, I've played sports and trained all of my life, and even after the surgeries started I still remained active via paintballing and basketball. But after the one in January, I just can't do it anymore. I can barley go an hour of playing basketball in my backyard before I have to stop and replenish myself. I'm not just talking about drinking, but also eating. I usually go through about 2 bottles of water/Gatorade while playing, and drink another two during my breaks. But I also have to eat during these breaks...Trail mix, granola bars, fruits, goldfish/crackers, etc.
I'm sure this behavior isn't horribly strange...But for me it is...And I don't like it
So She's Like go to School and Stuff...So I Tell Her Like I'll Take Her to School if She Wants to go to School so Bad
So, two and a half weeks into my college career, and I'm already tired of it lol. It isn't that I'm not excited about college or anything like that, it is just that GED is so blah...I just can't stand these lectures and just can't stand these constant barrages of information...I hope things will get better once I hit upper division and can actually do some more hands on stuff.
On a positive note, I really like my History teacher. He is kind of weird and geeky, but I like the guy. He pulled out a Star Trek reference, and if it wasn't for the fact that I don't like showing my true geeky self in public, I so would have busted out the "Live long and prosper." Oh well, maybe when I finally start settling down with someone and don't have to care so much about other people, maybe I'll show the public world my true self.
Apparently, I'm Just too Fucking 1337
Ok, I know since I am going to repost this on my many other blogs, some of my clanmates will see this and be like "lol wtf?" And they'll be right...I frequently suck...A lot...Anyway, to get on with the story, I am hardcore Dust2 now (And have been for a while). I have a pretty good knowledge of the map, so I've picked up a few tricks along the way. Now, apparently, I come off as a hacker to those who haven't played with me much or don't know me. I mean, I've gotten used to being accused of hacking, but it is ridiculous how someone such as myself, who is pretty run of the mill in most situations, gets accused soooooo many times. The most recent accusations include #1: My screen looks shaky, so I must aimbot #2: You killed me while flashed, you have no flash hack #3: A nice and simple, you wallhack.
And now for my responses, which I have stated numerous times, but for some reason, these little asshole kids can't seem to believe that I'm better than they are:
#1: Compared to most, I have a high mouse sensitivity at 7.0. So yes, my gun is going to move more than other people's. I also contently move my crosshairs. Why? Because it keeps my wrist loose, my eyes moving, and keeps me from locking up when shots open up.
#2: It is funny how people think they are so good that every throw they make is a perfect throw, and that the opponent must be flashed. This is where my little tricks of the map come into play, as I've found a few areas that will allow you to not be fully flashed and able to own these noobs.
#3: This one just makes me laugh. Do people think that they have god-like powers and can walk on air or something? My favorite response just happens to be: "Yea, I have these leet hacks called speakers. They make it so when you run like a noob, I can hear you. I'm such a cheater."
/end rant
Life is a Series of Down Notes
My aunt was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and had to have surgery. The good news is that they were able to remove all the cancerous areas, so she won't have to have chemotherapy. But now, my mom is freaking out, and rightfully so, because another of my aunts on that side had breast cancer and died when I was very young. But there is not much that can be done now is there? All we can do is hope for the best.
In SuicideGirls News
Amina's latest set just might be the most fucking beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life. I mean, she has always been gorgeous, but this new set...With her coming out with what most what just label a tragedy and think "poor girl"...The fact that she had the courage to show her true self with a "Love me or love me not."...I don't know about you, but that sort of act makes me look at her in a completely different light...She has a whole new sort of beauty to me now...Fucking amazing it is.
Current Mood: Somewhere lost between sickness and happiness
Currently Listening to: "Bat Country" - Avenged Sevenfold
Currently Watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of Smallville and Miami Ink
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad), Battlefield 2 (PXPhoenix), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror or t3tsu0 on USWest)
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
Why does it seem like I'm sick all the time??? *Sigh* Ok, so this time it was a sinus infections...Which I had for over two weeks before getting to see a doctor

An Unquenchable Thirst
For some reason unbeknown to me, I have an unquenchable thirst. No, I'm not talking about an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, or any other term you can substitute in there. I am talking about actually thirst. Now, as far as health concerns go, I'm in no-man's land. You see, I take in just over 2 liters more than the old stand by: "8 ounces of water 8 times a day" (Which comes out to about 1.9 liters). Now, another source recommends that males take in 3 liters of fluid...But even at that, I still take in more. Now here is the real problem: For the majority of the time, fluid isn't exiting my body as fast as it goes in my body. We asked a doctor about it, and he said that if this continues where fluid doesn't exit my body as it should, we may need to start doing some blood tests. But until then, I'll just have to keep an eye on things and hope things don't get too bad.
My Body Gets a "F" for Energy Efficiency
Since I'm on the topic of health, I might as well talk about another thing which has been bothering me. Ever since my second surgery, I've noticed that I burn through energy at a ridiculous rate. I mean, it isn't like I'm horribly out of shape...I mean, I've played sports and trained all of my life, and even after the surgeries started I still remained active via paintballing and basketball. But after the one in January, I just can't do it anymore. I can barley go an hour of playing basketball in my backyard before I have to stop and replenish myself. I'm not just talking about drinking, but also eating. I usually go through about 2 bottles of water/Gatorade while playing, and drink another two during my breaks. But I also have to eat during these breaks...Trail mix, granola bars, fruits, goldfish/crackers, etc.
I'm sure this behavior isn't horribly strange...But for me it is...And I don't like it

So She's Like go to School and Stuff...So I Tell Her Like I'll Take Her to School if She Wants to go to School so Bad
So, two and a half weeks into my college career, and I'm already tired of it lol. It isn't that I'm not excited about college or anything like that, it is just that GED is so blah...I just can't stand these lectures and just can't stand these constant barrages of information...I hope things will get better once I hit upper division and can actually do some more hands on stuff.
On a positive note, I really like my History teacher. He is kind of weird and geeky, but I like the guy. He pulled out a Star Trek reference, and if it wasn't for the fact that I don't like showing my true geeky self in public, I so would have busted out the "Live long and prosper." Oh well, maybe when I finally start settling down with someone and don't have to care so much about other people, maybe I'll show the public world my true self.
Apparently, I'm Just too Fucking 1337
Ok, I know since I am going to repost this on my many other blogs, some of my clanmates will see this and be like "lol wtf?" And they'll be right...I frequently suck...A lot...Anyway, to get on with the story, I am hardcore Dust2 now (And have been for a while). I have a pretty good knowledge of the map, so I've picked up a few tricks along the way. Now, apparently, I come off as a hacker to those who haven't played with me much or don't know me. I mean, I've gotten used to being accused of hacking, but it is ridiculous how someone such as myself, who is pretty run of the mill in most situations, gets accused soooooo many times. The most recent accusations include #1: My screen looks shaky, so I must aimbot #2: You killed me while flashed, you have no flash hack #3: A nice and simple, you wallhack.
And now for my responses, which I have stated numerous times, but for some reason, these little asshole kids can't seem to believe that I'm better than they are:
#1: Compared to most, I have a high mouse sensitivity at 7.0. So yes, my gun is going to move more than other people's. I also contently move my crosshairs. Why? Because it keeps my wrist loose, my eyes moving, and keeps me from locking up when shots open up.
#2: It is funny how people think they are so good that every throw they make is a perfect throw, and that the opponent must be flashed. This is where my little tricks of the map come into play, as I've found a few areas that will allow you to not be fully flashed and able to own these noobs.
#3: This one just makes me laugh. Do people think that they have god-like powers and can walk on air or something? My favorite response just happens to be: "Yea, I have these leet hacks called speakers. They make it so when you run like a noob, I can hear you. I'm such a cheater."
/end rant
Life is a Series of Down Notes
My aunt was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and had to have surgery. The good news is that they were able to remove all the cancerous areas, so she won't have to have chemotherapy. But now, my mom is freaking out, and rightfully so, because another of my aunts on that side had breast cancer and died when I was very young. But there is not much that can be done now is there? All we can do is hope for the best.
In SuicideGirls News
Amina's latest set just might be the most fucking beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life. I mean, she has always been gorgeous, but this new set...With her coming out with what most what just label a tragedy and think "poor girl"...The fact that she had the courage to show her true self with a "Love me or love me not."...I don't know about you, but that sort of act makes me look at her in a completely different light...She has a whole new sort of beauty to me now...Fucking amazing it is.
Current Mood: Somewhere lost between sickness and happiness
Currently Listening to: "Bat Country" - Avenged Sevenfold
Currently Watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of Smallville and Miami Ink
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad), Battlefield 2 (PXPhoenix), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror or t3tsu0 on USWest)
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls