I've Never Felt so Fake
So, Thursday was my Dad's birthday. It was also the birthday of the woman I once called "sister." Anyway, my mom invited that woman over...Even went so far as to make plans to take that woman out to dinner. And unfortunately, try as I might, I was unable to talk my mom into letting me stay home with my dad (Who is still recovering from pneumonia). So, my mom, my brother, and I went to dinner with this woman. I don't think I've ever been so disgusted, so angry, so close to snapping and going off on a person as I was during that ride to the restaurant. Hearing this woman trying to brag about going to jail...Hearing her lies about how it wasn't her fault...
I was quite all through dinner...I didn't want to talk to this person...I didn't want to be in her vicinity...But I tried my best to remain civil...Tried my best to hide it...Oh how it was difficult...I was so disgusted at this woman's recent action and tales that it was difficult to even swallow my food...Her presence made me sick. The ride home was even worse. Food in my stomach meant food I could throw up...I was stuck swallowing back vomit all the way home.
My brother and I exited the car and my mom took this woman with her to go get my dad something to eat. They conversed about her life and she claimed that she would rather live practically in the streets, be poor and unemployed, and steal than live with us and our rules. Well, you know what? Fuck her. If she wants to continue to waste her life and not even try, then I will continue to have no respect for her. She is lower than the dirt i walk on to me. I truly hate people of her kind...They do nothing but drag the rest of us down.
My Dad Writes for ESPN
Well, sort of. He isn't one of their journalists, and he doesn't get paid, but my dad writes the column for the San Diego Chargers for ESPN's fantasy football league. You can see his article here: San Diego Chargers
Shopping Spree
Yea, so I went on a mini shopping spree the other day, and I didn't have to pay a thing from my wallet...Thank goodness for gift cards lol. Went to Best Buy and picked up three new CDs from The Dresden Dolls, Audioslave, and Death Cab for Cutie. After that, I went to Borders and picked up Batman: Hush volumes 1 and 2, and a "How to" book on drawing action poses.
The Happiest Place on Earth
So, this past Saturday John, Paul, and I went to Disneyland. We left soooooo early...Think we left my house just after 5:30 in the morning. Started the day off on one hell of a bad note though. My mom wouldn't let me drive, and made this big deal about it...So she went on this rant and got John to drive our car. Ok, I'm not the greatest driver in the world, but I'm honestly not that bad. I've never been in an accident, or received a ticket, or anything like that...But my mom tries to baby me too much and was over exaggerating things and making up excuses for me not to drive (She does this every time I try to drive my friends places). So, I was a bit displeased at her to say the least
There was no traffic at all on the way up there...I mean, we were the only car even pulling into Disneyland when we arrived. We got into the park 15 or so minutes after 8, thanks to a really old, slow guy who was working our line. We hit up POTC, Haunted Mansion, Thunder Mountain, and Splash Mountain. After that, the lines started to get a bit long...Hour to hour and fifteen minute lines...Which isn't too bad for Disneyland on a weekend, but it was hot as hell, and we didn't want to stand out in the sun. We went on a few more rides, and headed home at 3 something...I drove this time...No problems at all, even with the 4 or so traffic jams we hit
Disneyland is so damn expensive though >_< Completely emptied out my wallet. I ended up buying some Mickey Mouse gloves, 2 Miney Mouse dolls for my nieces, a sucker, and some rock candy.
Summer is Coming to a Close
Yes, my summer is quickly coming to an end. I start school on Wednesday...I am so not ready to go back
Picked up my books yesterday...Think we spent something like $600 on them
I really wish this summer heat would come to an end as well...Bring on Winter and the rain...I'm ready for it.
Current Mood: Slowly feeling better
Currently Listening to: "Exit Emergency" - Houston Calls
Currently Watching: The video of the above
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad), Battlefield 2 (PXPhoenix), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror or t3tsu0 on USWest)
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga
So, Thursday was my Dad's birthday. It was also the birthday of the woman I once called "sister." Anyway, my mom invited that woman over...Even went so far as to make plans to take that woman out to dinner. And unfortunately, try as I might, I was unable to talk my mom into letting me stay home with my dad (Who is still recovering from pneumonia). So, my mom, my brother, and I went to dinner with this woman. I don't think I've ever been so disgusted, so angry, so close to snapping and going off on a person as I was during that ride to the restaurant. Hearing this woman trying to brag about going to jail...Hearing her lies about how it wasn't her fault...
I was quite all through dinner...I didn't want to talk to this person...I didn't want to be in her vicinity...But I tried my best to remain civil...Tried my best to hide it...Oh how it was difficult...I was so disgusted at this woman's recent action and tales that it was difficult to even swallow my food...Her presence made me sick. The ride home was even worse. Food in my stomach meant food I could throw up...I was stuck swallowing back vomit all the way home.
My brother and I exited the car and my mom took this woman with her to go get my dad something to eat. They conversed about her life and she claimed that she would rather live practically in the streets, be poor and unemployed, and steal than live with us and our rules. Well, you know what? Fuck her. If she wants to continue to waste her life and not even try, then I will continue to have no respect for her. She is lower than the dirt i walk on to me. I truly hate people of her kind...They do nothing but drag the rest of us down.
My Dad Writes for ESPN
Well, sort of. He isn't one of their journalists, and he doesn't get paid, but my dad writes the column for the San Diego Chargers for ESPN's fantasy football league. You can see his article here: San Diego Chargers
Shopping Spree
Yea, so I went on a mini shopping spree the other day, and I didn't have to pay a thing from my wallet...Thank goodness for gift cards lol. Went to Best Buy and picked up three new CDs from The Dresden Dolls, Audioslave, and Death Cab for Cutie. After that, I went to Borders and picked up Batman: Hush volumes 1 and 2, and a "How to" book on drawing action poses.
The Happiest Place on Earth
So, this past Saturday John, Paul, and I went to Disneyland. We left soooooo early...Think we left my house just after 5:30 in the morning. Started the day off on one hell of a bad note though. My mom wouldn't let me drive, and made this big deal about it...So she went on this rant and got John to drive our car. Ok, I'm not the greatest driver in the world, but I'm honestly not that bad. I've never been in an accident, or received a ticket, or anything like that...But my mom tries to baby me too much and was over exaggerating things and making up excuses for me not to drive (She does this every time I try to drive my friends places). So, I was a bit displeased at her to say the least

Disneyland is so damn expensive though >_< Completely emptied out my wallet. I ended up buying some Mickey Mouse gloves, 2 Miney Mouse dolls for my nieces, a sucker, and some rock candy.
Summer is Coming to a Close
Yes, my summer is quickly coming to an end. I start school on Wednesday...I am so not ready to go back

Current Mood: Slowly feeling better
Currently Listening to: "Exit Emergency" - Houston Calls
Currently Watching: The video of the above
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad), Battlefield 2 (PXPhoenix), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror or t3tsu0 on USWest)
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga