Fuck That Bitch
Ok, so here is the deal. Basically, my sister has been dead to me for the past few months, but despite having no feelings for her anymore, she still keeps fucking with my life.
There's a pretty long story, but to keep from rambling on and ranting, here's the basics: She met some guy on the Internet, and proceeding to fuck up her marriage. My brother-in-law took my nephew and moved to Colorado. My sister and my niece then moved out here in SD, where they she began spinning this massive web of lies...I mean, we had police coming to our house and everything because of what she said. So, she stops acting like a mom, and we take over care of my niece, and eventually get my sister to sign over custody to my brother-in-law so that we can send my niece out to Colorado to be away form all this drama. My sister then starts to get involved in some real shady shit...Doing drugs, stealing from family members, cashing stolen checks, trying to sell social security numbers down in Mexico...
Anyway, the shit finally catches up with her, and she gets arrested...But because they didn't have her on tape, she doesn't go to jail. So, she comes running to us and my mom lets her spend a night with us. Later that night, we get a call from my aunt saying that as long as my sister lives with us, our lives are in danger because apparently she's been talking shit and running her mouth to some chulos that are pretty serious...So, we kick her out the next day, and a few days later we find out that she has been placed in jail. And while it may sound cruel, I am glad that she has been put away somewhere...At least she'll have trouble causing shit for other people now that she's locked away...
Hopefully my life will calm down now...Now that I don't have to worry about shady people coming to my house, and won't have my mom's anger towards my sister unintentionally thrown at me...
A Glance at the Future
So, my summer is finally coming to a close...It seems so short...I'm not ready to head of to college just yet. So, next Saturday, a few friends and I are going up to take a road-trip of sorts...Well, if you can call a two-hour drive up to Disneyland a road-trip...It should be pretty fun.
Then, that Sunday, my parents and making me go to this Convocation thing at SDSU, which is going to suck...It is like some welcoming ceremony, and I am definitely not one for these types of events...But it is kind of hard to argue with my parents about it when they are the ones paying for my education.
And then on Wednesday, August 31, my summer will be officially over, and I will be back in school.
World of Warcrack: My Anti-Job
Yea, so I've starting playing WoW more, but not as much as I'd like too...I think I've gotten my UD Mage (Ice Spec'd) to lvl 36 or so, and I just started a HU Warlock. And this song is great...I love the Pure Pwnage guys
World of Warcraft is a Feeling
You look good in high-res
You've got uber chat skills
Won't you grind quests with me - endlessly
Tanking mobs is my role
I maintain aggro
But the rogue doesn't know, he's not MT (main tank) tonight
World of Warcraft is a feeling
Who needs a social life
I can't wait to log in,
Hop on a gryphon
Stockades, gnomer, SM
Won't you join me, on an instance farming run
Let me hit the vendor, free up some bag space
Once I repair, I'll be good to go
World of Warcraft is a feeling
Who needs a social life
Stratholme, Scholo, and UBRS
He just dropped my valor helm
How could I roll a 6?
Grats to my guildmate, but I can't believe this shit
This is the best game
This is the best game I've ever played
This is the greatest game
World of Warcraft you're the greatest game
World of Warcraft you're the greatest game
The best game I've ever played
I can't wait to log on
Hop on gryphon
World of Warcraft, a World of Warcraft
A reality.
Tearing Up Those Dirty Terrorists
Yea, so as always, Counter-Strike: Source is stealing all my free time. And as my clanmates have informed me, I am a Dust2 whore
Anyway, as sad as this may sound, I hit the zone a few days ago. I usually have a 2.5 or so KDR, but man, the other day I went 59-6...It was crazy...I was getting rounds where I'd have 9 kills. I ended up finishing 112-24, which is still pretty impressive. Sadly, I must have used up all of my skill that day, because I entered a 2 day phase where I was struggling to keep a 1 KDR lol
The Art Scene
Yea, so I've actually been really productive as far as my art goes these past few weeks. Right now in my art class, we are designing comic covers...My first one should be pretty cool...I'm doing a sillouette of Superman, kinda floating in the air with the moon behind him..It should look pretty cool cause it is going to give Superman more of an edge...Like a not so heroic hero
Anyway, here are my latest pieces:
Samurai Champloo
Clint Eastwood
This Gun for Hire
Current Mood: Asi asi
Currently Listening to: "World of Warcraft is a Feeling"-purepwnage.com
Currently Watching: Nothing
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad), Battlefield 2 (PXPhoenix)
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga
Ok, so here is the deal. Basically, my sister has been dead to me for the past few months, but despite having no feelings for her anymore, she still keeps fucking with my life.
There's a pretty long story, but to keep from rambling on and ranting, here's the basics: She met some guy on the Internet, and proceeding to fuck up her marriage. My brother-in-law took my nephew and moved to Colorado. My sister and my niece then moved out here in SD, where they she began spinning this massive web of lies...I mean, we had police coming to our house and everything because of what she said. So, she stops acting like a mom, and we take over care of my niece, and eventually get my sister to sign over custody to my brother-in-law so that we can send my niece out to Colorado to be away form all this drama. My sister then starts to get involved in some real shady shit...Doing drugs, stealing from family members, cashing stolen checks, trying to sell social security numbers down in Mexico...
Anyway, the shit finally catches up with her, and she gets arrested...But because they didn't have her on tape, she doesn't go to jail. So, she comes running to us and my mom lets her spend a night with us. Later that night, we get a call from my aunt saying that as long as my sister lives with us, our lives are in danger because apparently she's been talking shit and running her mouth to some chulos that are pretty serious...So, we kick her out the next day, and a few days later we find out that she has been placed in jail. And while it may sound cruel, I am glad that she has been put away somewhere...At least she'll have trouble causing shit for other people now that she's locked away...
Hopefully my life will calm down now...Now that I don't have to worry about shady people coming to my house, and won't have my mom's anger towards my sister unintentionally thrown at me...
A Glance at the Future
So, my summer is finally coming to a close...It seems so short...I'm not ready to head of to college just yet. So, next Saturday, a few friends and I are going up to take a road-trip of sorts...Well, if you can call a two-hour drive up to Disneyland a road-trip...It should be pretty fun.
Then, that Sunday, my parents and making me go to this Convocation thing at SDSU, which is going to suck...It is like some welcoming ceremony, and I am definitely not one for these types of events...But it is kind of hard to argue with my parents about it when they are the ones paying for my education.
And then on Wednesday, August 31, my summer will be officially over, and I will be back in school.
World of Warcrack: My Anti-Job
Yea, so I've starting playing WoW more, but not as much as I'd like too...I think I've gotten my UD Mage (Ice Spec'd) to lvl 36 or so, and I just started a HU Warlock. And this song is great...I love the Pure Pwnage guys

World of Warcraft is a Feeling
You look good in high-res
You've got uber chat skills
Won't you grind quests with me - endlessly
Tanking mobs is my role
I maintain aggro
But the rogue doesn't know, he's not MT (main tank) tonight
World of Warcraft is a feeling
Who needs a social life
I can't wait to log in,
Hop on a gryphon
Stockades, gnomer, SM
Won't you join me, on an instance farming run
Let me hit the vendor, free up some bag space
Once I repair, I'll be good to go
World of Warcraft is a feeling
Who needs a social life
Stratholme, Scholo, and UBRS
He just dropped my valor helm
How could I roll a 6?
Grats to my guildmate, but I can't believe this shit
This is the best game
This is the best game I've ever played
This is the greatest game
World of Warcraft you're the greatest game
World of Warcraft you're the greatest game
The best game I've ever played
I can't wait to log on
Hop on gryphon
World of Warcraft, a World of Warcraft
A reality.
Tearing Up Those Dirty Terrorists
Yea, so as always, Counter-Strike: Source is stealing all my free time. And as my clanmates have informed me, I am a Dust2 whore

The Art Scene
Yea, so I've actually been really productive as far as my art goes these past few weeks. Right now in my art class, we are designing comic covers...My first one should be pretty cool...I'm doing a sillouette of Superman, kinda floating in the air with the moon behind him..It should look pretty cool cause it is going to give Superman more of an edge...Like a not so heroic hero

Anyway, here are my latest pieces:
Samurai Champloo
Clint Eastwood
This Gun for Hire
Current Mood: Asi asi
Currently Listening to: "World of Warcraft is a Feeling"-purepwnage.com
Currently Watching: Nothing

Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad), Battlefield 2 (PXPhoenix)
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga
"Why'd you turn the screen off?"
"Cuz, uh, i couldn't see the dirt... i was cleaning my screen... don't have something to do?"
^ _ ^