SDSU Overnight Orientation
Yea, so on Thursday and Friday I was at an overnight orientation at SDSU. Overall, it was pretty cool...The lectures were hella boring, but everything in between was tight ^^
So, on Thursday, we pretty much just talked about Gen Ed and the Catalog. Anyway, they served us dinner (Student only, parents had to leave by this time), and I just happened to pick out the worst items they had...So, I really didn't eat that much. Anyway, I had this group of 4 or so girls come sit by me, and we talked for a while, and it was nice ^^ Big pimpin till I die. Anyway, after that we had another meeting, which our group just turned into a Q&A session for out ambassador. Afterwards we went off to the "Late Night Entertainment." I hung out with these two guys who are also in engineering and I kind of clicked with them and felt really comfortable around them, so hopefully this means that I'll have more than that whore Angelo (Nothing but love for ya buddy ^^) to hang out with. Anyway, we played a few videogames and then went up to the Cross-Cultural Center to play some board games...It was a pretty nice way to end the day. After that we went back to Cuicacalli and all went to sleep.
Friday was pretty boring. Ate breakfast with my parents and then went off to some workshops. It was funny though, the second workshop I went to was for the Cross-Cultural Center, and I was the only one there. And not only was I the only one there, I was the first person who had gone to that workshop all day lol ^^ So I didn't really do much except talk to the girls that were there...Again...So yea, afterwards we had lunch and went off to register for our classes. My schedule looks like this:
8am-9am: Rhetoric 100
11am-Noon: Chemistry 200
Noon-1pm: Math 151 (Calculus II)
1pm-2pm: Economics 102
8am-11am: Chemistry 200 Lab
Noon-1pm: Math 151(Calculus II)
8am-9am: Rhetoric 100
11am-Noon: Chemistry 200
Noon-1pm: Math 151 (Calculus II)
1pm-2pm: Economics 102
8am-11am: Chemistry 200 Lab
1pm-2pm: Economics 102
8am-9am: Rhetoric 100
11am-Noon: Chemistry 200
Noon-1pm: Math 151 (Calculus II)
Memoirs of a Comic-Con Attendee
Yea, so it has taken me a hell of a lot longer than I though it would to get this blog out, but here it is, a review of my Comic-Con experience.
So, Wednesday night was preview night. We (My dad and I) really didn't do much...Just got our passes and wondered around making a mental map of where everything was at.
We wake up early to get stand in line, and on our way we see my art teacher Billy Martinez (He teaches lessons across the street from Helix). We talked to him for a bit and he told us how he sold his original booth spot. We were kind of confused at why he would do this because he had a great spot. He then went on to say that he was offered another decent spot, and the people who bought it offered him like $1400 more than he had paid for it...Not a bad start to the Con I'd say ^^ Anyway, we walked around the floor for a while, and I picked up a couple of prints and got them signed, and I also picked up a copy of Revisionary Issue 1 and talked to EricJ for a bit...Which was pretty cool, since he actually remembered me lol ^^
So, we went early again, this time to stand in line for Hall H for the Warner Bros panel. Anyway, there was this big fiasco where the stupid ass organizers fucked up and started letting people who had just registered come down and go into the hall. So needless to say, all of us standing outside at the "Line for Hall H Starts Here" sign were hella pissed...What made it worse was that the people came out and explained what was going on and still didn't let us in...WTF??? Anyway, we finally get in, and they are doing this stupid ass thing where to sit in the front sections, you had to walk along the wall and do this hella long u-turn type of thing...It was fucking stupid
So, we get a seat and I must say that all the frustration was well worth it. We got to see world premier clips from V for Vendetta, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, a ten or so minute long clip of The Fountain, and a musical scene from the Corpse Bride (Which looks amazing). Afterwards, we went back to the floor for a while, and I received a free sketch from EricJ...Which I was really happy about ^^ My dad also bought a print from this guy who did a lot of concept art for I, Robot. Later in the afternoon, we went to the Padres game to finish off the day ^^
We woke up early again to stand in line for Hall H...But we ran late. Fortunately, we weren't too far back in line. We stayed in Hall H the entire day, and it was worth the numbness in my ass ^^ We got to see more world premier clips of Superman Returns (Which looked really good), Aeon Flux, The Fog, Underworld: Evolution, Ghost Rider, and King Kong. We also sat through some shitty Universal panel which about shit I really didn't care about. We also were played the trailer for The Exorcism of Emily Rose which was banned by the MPAA. Kevin Smith also had a panel which was, as always, hilarious...Non-stop laughter yet again. And to finish off the day, a concert by Tenacious D, which was great =D
So yea, that is about it...I didn't go Sunday, but my dad did...Anyway, the Con was great, and I can't wait for next year's
Current Mood: Tired
Currently Listening to: "Give it All"-Rise Against
Currently Watching: Nothing
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad), Battlefield 2 (PXPhoenix)
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga
Yea, so on Thursday and Friday I was at an overnight orientation at SDSU. Overall, it was pretty cool...The lectures were hella boring, but everything in between was tight ^^
So, on Thursday, we pretty much just talked about Gen Ed and the Catalog. Anyway, they served us dinner (Student only, parents had to leave by this time), and I just happened to pick out the worst items they had...So, I really didn't eat that much. Anyway, I had this group of 4 or so girls come sit by me, and we talked for a while, and it was nice ^^ Big pimpin till I die. Anyway, after that we had another meeting, which our group just turned into a Q&A session for out ambassador. Afterwards we went off to the "Late Night Entertainment." I hung out with these two guys who are also in engineering and I kind of clicked with them and felt really comfortable around them, so hopefully this means that I'll have more than that whore Angelo (Nothing but love for ya buddy ^^) to hang out with. Anyway, we played a few videogames and then went up to the Cross-Cultural Center to play some board games...It was a pretty nice way to end the day. After that we went back to Cuicacalli and all went to sleep.
Friday was pretty boring. Ate breakfast with my parents and then went off to some workshops. It was funny though, the second workshop I went to was for the Cross-Cultural Center, and I was the only one there. And not only was I the only one there, I was the first person who had gone to that workshop all day lol ^^ So I didn't really do much except talk to the girls that were there...Again...So yea, afterwards we had lunch and went off to register for our classes. My schedule looks like this:
8am-9am: Rhetoric 100
11am-Noon: Chemistry 200
Noon-1pm: Math 151 (Calculus II)
1pm-2pm: Economics 102
8am-11am: Chemistry 200 Lab
Noon-1pm: Math 151(Calculus II)
8am-9am: Rhetoric 100
11am-Noon: Chemistry 200
Noon-1pm: Math 151 (Calculus II)
1pm-2pm: Economics 102
8am-11am: Chemistry 200 Lab
1pm-2pm: Economics 102
8am-9am: Rhetoric 100
11am-Noon: Chemistry 200
Noon-1pm: Math 151 (Calculus II)
Memoirs of a Comic-Con Attendee
Yea, so it has taken me a hell of a lot longer than I though it would to get this blog out, but here it is, a review of my Comic-Con experience.
So, Wednesday night was preview night. We (My dad and I) really didn't do much...Just got our passes and wondered around making a mental map of where everything was at.
We wake up early to get stand in line, and on our way we see my art teacher Billy Martinez (He teaches lessons across the street from Helix). We talked to him for a bit and he told us how he sold his original booth spot. We were kind of confused at why he would do this because he had a great spot. He then went on to say that he was offered another decent spot, and the people who bought it offered him like $1400 more than he had paid for it...Not a bad start to the Con I'd say ^^ Anyway, we walked around the floor for a while, and I picked up a couple of prints and got them signed, and I also picked up a copy of Revisionary Issue 1 and talked to EricJ for a bit...Which was pretty cool, since he actually remembered me lol ^^
So, we went early again, this time to stand in line for Hall H for the Warner Bros panel. Anyway, there was this big fiasco where the stupid ass organizers fucked up and started letting people who had just registered come down and go into the hall. So needless to say, all of us standing outside at the "Line for Hall H Starts Here" sign were hella pissed...What made it worse was that the people came out and explained what was going on and still didn't let us in...WTF??? Anyway, we finally get in, and they are doing this stupid ass thing where to sit in the front sections, you had to walk along the wall and do this hella long u-turn type of thing...It was fucking stupid

We woke up early again to stand in line for Hall H...But we ran late. Fortunately, we weren't too far back in line. We stayed in Hall H the entire day, and it was worth the numbness in my ass ^^ We got to see more world premier clips of Superman Returns (Which looked really good), Aeon Flux, The Fog, Underworld: Evolution, Ghost Rider, and King Kong. We also sat through some shitty Universal panel which about shit I really didn't care about. We also were played the trailer for The Exorcism of Emily Rose which was banned by the MPAA. Kevin Smith also had a panel which was, as always, hilarious...Non-stop laughter yet again. And to finish off the day, a concert by Tenacious D, which was great =D
So yea, that is about it...I didn't go Sunday, but my dad did...Anyway, the Con was great, and I can't wait for next year's

Current Mood: Tired
Currently Listening to: "Give it All"-Rise Against
Currently Watching: Nothing

Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad), Battlefield 2 (PXPhoenix)
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga