Eeep...I have an appointment tomorrow with my new ENT doctor...Going to be going over my latest CT scan and MRI >_< So scared
I hope everything is back to normal...
And for those of you who don't know (Which is probably all of you), the past two years have been hell for me healthwise...I have been host to a tumor (Luckily it is not cancer related) since December of 2003 (Well, that's when I was diagnosed at least)...The tumor occurs only in males, and I was the lucky 1 in 5000 guys that gets it >_< Luckily, mine wasn't as aggressive as other cases (It rapidly spreads out and can grow into your brain), but mine was unusual in its growing pattern...I have had two surgeries to remove it, and both doctors had never seen a tumor grown like mine...I'm really hoping that they got it this time >_<

And for those of you who don't know (Which is probably all of you), the past two years have been hell for me healthwise...I have been host to a tumor (Luckily it is not cancer related) since December of 2003 (Well, that's when I was diagnosed at least)...The tumor occurs only in males, and I was the lucky 1 in 5000 guys that gets it >_< Luckily, mine wasn't as aggressive as other cases (It rapidly spreads out and can grow into your brain), but mine was unusual in its growing pattern...I have had two surgeries to remove it, and both doctors had never seen a tumor grown like mine...I'm really hoping that they got it this time >_<