Birthday Boy
I am officially no longer a teenager. Man...It is hard to believe I am in my twenties already...Seems like time has just zipped on by me. Hell, I still think I'm like 14 years old lol...I'm not gonna lie...I feel a bit weird right now
My grandparents from Las Vegas sent me $50. I'm sure my grandmother here in SD will be giving me at least $20 (Although I hate taking money from here cause she can't really afford it). I talked to my parents and it looks like they are going to give me new speakers for the Jeep (Thank goodness), as well as taking amp/subwoofer from the Honda and putting it in the Jeep.
Oh yea, that reminds me. I completely forgot to write about this, but we bought a new car a couple of weeks ago!!! It is Nissan Murano...Not sure on the year, but it is pretty new. Also not really sure on the color lol...It is sort of like a champagne color. It is actually a really nice car. Anyway, with the purchase of the Murano, the Jeep Cherokee is pretty much mine. Think the plan from here is that we are going to sell the Honda, and my dad is going to buy a Jeep Wrangler for himself.
Nothing much really planned for today. My mom picked up my cake last night...A white chocolate raspberry cheesecake...YUM-O
The Wrap-Up
Anyway, I hope you all are doing ok. I'm still not feeling well, but I'm making an extra effort to make this day a great one. Much love to everyone!
I also changed my alias because well...I'm bored and Weston was available
Current Mood: Sick but happy
Currently Listening to: "Over My Head" - The Fray
Currently watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of: Smallville, Miami Ink, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Made, True Life
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | The Sundance Kid), World of Warcraft (Horde on Kel'Thuzad, Alliance on Akama)
Currently Reading: The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
GaiaOnline Last.FM
Happy Birthday
a lil late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY