I need to find the other half of me. I want the love, the fights, the joy, the tearsI want all of it. I'm tired of dealing with all of this shit on my own.
Adorn that Fake Smile
Despite how I have been feeling, I have put on my happy face and have been going out a lot more as of late. I've been hanging out with Derek whenever we are bored. We always end up going down to the little league field and throwing a football around and stuff like that. I've also been hanging out John and Angelo a lot lately. Angelo has less than a week left here, so we've been hanging out as much as we can. I've been feeling horrible the past couple of days, but I can't let that stop me right now.
So, Angelo and I went out on another sketch session at the Ocean Bean pier. It was a really nice day. Wasn't too hot or too coldJust right. There was a slight wind, and it was sunny as could be.

Then, later in the week, John, Angelo and I went out to breakfast. The food sucked big time, but it was good times as always. We also went out to the malls. Angelo wanted to get some Christmas shopping downAlthough he isn't going to be here for the holiday. As he put it, "I want to make sure I have a place to come back to when I'm done." Sad, if I do say so. He ended up buying gifts for his mom, dad, brother, and for John and I. It was a bit awkward to tell the truth. Here he was buying us gifts, and we couldn't return the favor since he wasn't going to be here. Oh well, I'll just have to make sure to buy him a kick ass graduation present in eight months. Oh for those of you wondering, I picked out a beanie for him to get me.
So, the trip was definitely good times. John as always was a constant source of entertainment. And no trip to the mall is complete without a visit to Victoria's Secret. I swear, we end up in that store every single time. This time it was to pick up something for John's gf, but there really wasn't much there. The employees there gave us hella bad looks. I suppose I can't blame them thoughOnly natural to think that a group of three "boys" (I suppose men may be more appropriate, but hell if I feel like a man yet) in that type of store would be up to no good.
John's gift was Madden '07. The cashier's selling point for the disc insurance was "You can break it right here in my face, and I'll replace it with a brand new one." So, we buy the insurance and head out. About five store lengths later, it dawns on us what he had said. So we head back, ask the guy if he was serious, he says yes, so we take the opportunity to have a little fun. Angelo struggled opening the package, so the guy even went so far as opening up everything and handing us the CD. It was greatThe entire store was watching lolSo Angelo goes about bending the CD. I've seen this happen before, so I'm already turning away to protect myself. An off-work employee was not as smart however. He tried walking past Angelo as he was bending, and when the disc snapped, a piece came flying out and hit him in the face. I was trying so hard not to laugh lol
Most of the people in the store were like "WTF?" An older lady was even like "Why would you do something like that?" Honestly? We were bored as hell. The guy behind the desk was all into it though. Angelo gave him the broken CD and was like "Thanks for making my day." To which he responded, "No thanks for making my day. That's the first time anyone has ever done that."
It was a $3 well worth it. We got to break some shit. Laugh about it. And then leave with a brand new game.
Then today, Angelo and I went out again for another sketch session. However, we didn't end up doing any sketching at all. We wanted to draw the roller coaster at Belmont Park. So we get there and soon realize that there is not a good view of the coaster anywhere. The one view we could get was from a park across the street, and it sucked because you couldn't see the beach or the waterJust a grip of buildings in the background. So we walked around in search of a spot and couldn't find anything.
While at the park, I decided I'd do a bit of free-running. Needless to say, it wasn't the greatest of ideas I've ever had. So, I see a little playground, and I start running towards it. I jump the first obstacle with no problem. I jump up a slide and make my way towards the bar wall on the other side. I still have my sketch book in my hand, so I toss it ahead, grab the bars, and launch myself over them.
I learned an important lesson today. When falling into sand, you sink. So there I am, flying through mid-air. I land in the sand, but rather than being able to go forward with my momentum, I get stuck in the sand. So I'm spinning, trying to control the forces still acting upon my body, but I cannot move my feet at all. So I spin and fall, like a drunken man.
I learned another important lesson today. If you are going to fall, just fall. Don't try to grab onto something and stay up. You see, I tried grabbing the bar wall which I had just jumped from. I succeeding in that effort, but it cost me. Rather than fall into the soft sand, I now fell into the side of the jungle gym, scrapping my arm up in the process.
All the while, Angelo is in the background laughing his ass off. It was so worth it though, especially when I was able to spit out such line as, "So, you can see why I'm not a real MexicanI can't jump shit." (Note: The whole "real Mexican" thing comes from my Algebra II class, in which this Mexican kid who sat next to me turned to me and started speaking Spanish. When I just looked at him, he goes "You don't speak Spanish???" I was like "I speak a bit, but I can't understand when you talk that fast." His response being "Psh, you aren't a real Mexican." Ouch)
So, there have definitely been some good times this past week or so. It is just too bad that behind all the laughter and smiles I've been feeling like shit

So, in case you've missed the hundred references to my health in the above section, I have not been feeling well at all lately.
My sinuses are horrendous. Post-nasal drip, stuffiness, runny nose, swollen face, pressure, sinus headaches. And on top of that, I have been having asthma problems as well. And then, on top of that, I may have picked up a stomach virus or something along those lines. I have suffered from nausea for the past couple days, and it especially kicks up after I eat something. I had to spend all night last night sleeping sitting up because laying down brought me || close to upchucking

I have a MRI coming up here in the next couple of weeks (Might actually be next week I think), so we'll see if anything has changed with my tumor.
Somewhere Out There, my Better Half is Hiding
God, I reeeeeeaaaaaaaally need a girlfriend. Fuck all the physical perks that come with a relationship. I just need that extra pillar of strength in times like theseOne of my best friends is leaving for eight months, it is the unhappy anniversary of my diagnosis (3 years ago this month), and everyday it seems my health is going further down in the shitter.
Any takers? (Yes, I know, this is patheticlol)
The Wrap-Up
Hopefully I can rest up this weekend and will feel better by the time the trio gets together for Angelo's final going away event.
Hope you all are much better off than I am. Have a good weekend folks!
Current Mood: Sick
Currently Listening to: "All you got" - Tegan and Sara
Currently watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of: Smallville, Miami Ink, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Made, True Life
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix, [p]X | Suckimus Maximus, or [p]X | Beware the Kha'ak), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad, Sandtiger on Akama), Battlefield 2 (=Superman=KalEl or =PXConqueror=), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror)
Currently Reading: The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
GaiaOnline Last.FM

oh man.. i love sex dreams!!!!!! yessssss... yes i do!
the cake was pretty yummy