Trying to get to them better days...
Incoming, Here Comes Company!
My grandparents came down from Las Vegas for the weekend. We were celebrating my grandfather's birthday. They came over Saturday and we ended up eating out at this tiny Italian place nearby. And I do mean tiny...It has maybe five tables and 4 booths. Despite a lack of space, the food there is delicious.
Unfortunately, the party sitting behind us was pretty damn loud and was discussing some not quite dinner appropriate things, especially considering that there was many a young child to be found in the restaurant that night. Afterwards, we all came back to the house and looked at some vacation pictures, chatted it up, and all that good stuff.
I had begun not feeling well on Saturday night, so I missed out on going Seaport Village on Sunday (As much as I would have liked to have been with my grandparents, I was glad that I couldn't go because I hate that slow walking through shops kind of deal). Anyway, they came back in the afternoon and had brought me some smoked yellow tail, which is pretty tasty, although not quite as good as I had remembered it being. Anyway, later in the day we went out to Outback and had dinner. It was kind of funny because we had all ordered the exact same thing, the Victoria fillet. I was still not feeling well, so I couldn't man up and finish it all...On the bright side, I have quite a tasty lunch for tomorrow lol

Forgot to mention that before they all left for Seaport Village, my brother and his girlfriend came by to say hi and the grandfolks.
Overall it was a nice little visit. We won't be seeing them again until late December/early January. They are going on a cruise in the first week of December and will be spending a week up in Oregon over Christmas with my aunts, cousins, and the rest of the family up there.
Cash rules everything around me. CREAM! Get the money, dolla dolla bills ya'll!
This weekend was spent spending money. I bought my Christmas present over Ebay on Saturday. A brand new Sony DSC-H2. It came in a little kit and ended up costing $449.80 plus $18.95 shipping. The kit comes with a telephoto lens, a wide angle lens, a three piece filter kit, 1 GB memory card and reader, four extra rechargeable batteries, a lens cleaning kit, a mini table tripod, and a case to carry it all in. This camera brand new at other sites goes for $320-$380, so I figure we are getting a pretty good deal. My dad didn't quite agree, figuring that cameras would drop in price via sales around holiday time. However, I started looking at prices of some of the extras, and it looks like we are still getting a good deal, so I made up my mind and bought it (Well, used their credit card to buy it anyway lol). Sadly I won't get to play around with it until Christmas (The one condition my parents put on the purchase).
The camera has gotten some pretty damn good reviews, and looking at some Photo Samples, I'm really looking forward to getting to use it. It seemed to have the best quality compared to its two main competitors (The Canon S3 IS and the Panasonic DMC-FZ7).
Then today I bought a brand new pair of running shoes. A pair of white/navy/red Saucony Grid Domain 3. They were on sale and ended up costing $40 (Reg. $100).
The Sports Arena
To the Chargers:
Once again, sloppy play leads to a defeat. Today's game was all too familiar with blowing yet another lead in the fourth quarter. Get your shit together fools!
To the Padres:
Congratulations on winning the West! The first time in franchise history that we've made the playoffs in back to back years! We have tickets to Tuesday's and Thursday's games. Oh how I love the playoffs, so much more excitement and atmosphere at the park! I had previously thought that we wouldn't do much in the post-season, but with the way things have played out, we have one hell of a chance to make it to the big show. We go up the Cards in the first series, who we finished 4-2 against (If memory serves correctly). The Dodgers vs. Mets series should be interesting. NY has been so dominant all season, but they are hurting. LA is a very streaky team. If they get hot in the post-season, they could be dangerous. I'll be rooting for the Dodgers because we've simply owned them all year long, so I would love to play against them. Plus, what would be more classic than to having two rivals playing for one spot in the World Series? Padres take the series and face the Yankees in the big show.
Now this would be a wonderful scenario. First we beat our SoCal rivals, then we get a rematch of the '98 World Series. Yes, that would indeed be wonderful. Sadly, I think once again NY prevails

The Wrap-Up
I'm still not feeling all too well. It isn't a sinus infection (Thank goodness), but my allergies have just been dreadful, my stomach is all messed up, and I'm in a state of just generally not feeling well.
I really need to call Billy tomorrow and see if I can get into classes starting next week (Since the Pads game is this week).
Hope you all had a great weekend. Much love goes out to all!
Current Mood: Under the Weather
Currently Listening to: "Sora" - Yoko Kanno (From Escaflowne)
Currently watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of: Smallville, Miami Ink, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Made, True Life
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix, [p]X | Suckimus Maximus, or [p]X | Beware the Kha'ak), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad, Sandtiger on Akama), Battlefield 2 (=Superman=KalEl or =PXConqueror=), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror)
Currently Reading: A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
GaiaOnline Last.FM

and yay for spending lots of money, aaaal about that