A Note From the Editor
It's better to burn out than to fade away.
The Truth Will Set You Free
So, I finally stopped lying to my parents about school and wrote a sixteen page letter to them describing to them everything that has happened over the past year or so. A good eleven pages of the letter were copies of blogs I've writing over that period. The letter covers how bad things have gotten with my health and all of the emotional problems I've had, including that dark period in which I was filled with suicidal thoughts.
They really took the letter to heart, and when I returned home (No fool am I...If they would have reacted badly, I sure as hell didn't want to be there) we had an hour long discussion about things that was filled with loads of crying. So, I'm going to be taking a leave of absence from SDSU and will be enrolled at a community college. This is great because I don't have to re-apply to SDSU and can come back whenever I want.
I've also got my grade situation fixed for my first semester withdrawal, and turned in my paperwork for retroactive withdrawal from last semester.
I just couldn't stand all the lying anymore, and I definitely feel better having gotten everything off of my chest and taken care of.
I Must Have Tasty Blood
So, the other day we met up at a park with my brother, his girlfriend, and her kids to go get some Cold Stone. You see, the park is pretty damn close to a lake, and around that lake, there are thousands of mosquitoes. So, there I am in the dark in shorts (Mind you, it is still pretty hot here)., getting eaten alive. But they're just mosquito bites, they can't be that bad right? What a fool you are to think that! This is me we are talking about after all! The problem is that I react very badly to insect bites. So we finally get back to the car and I'm already scratching my legs raw. I place my palm on my shin and find that it is just burning up...Think of it as my leg was having a fever. You see, mosquito bites swell up on me, so blood was just rushing to my leg. I ended up with these huge welts that I eventually had to ice to get the swelling down.
This happened a couple of days ago, but even now I still have dark red spots about the size of a penny on my legs. And yes, they still itch like crazy
I ended up with five bites (One on my left leg, and four on my right).
Le sigh
In Tech News
So, Cox ended up having a massive outage here and were having problems in San Diego and Orange counties. So, we were left without the Internet from Tuesday night until just a couple of hours ago. It wasn't that long, but for a sick guy who can't do anything else, I was extremely bored...The situation was only made worse due to the fact that there was absolutely nothing worth watching on TV
We have like 700 channels, you'd think something would be on, but you'd be wrong 
My game finally arrived! A couple weeks ago I bought Golden Sun on Ebay (Complete with box and booklets too!). It ended up costing $24.99 plus $5 for shipping. A bit pricey for an older and used game, but to give you an idea of the situation: A brand new factory sealed version of this game goes from anywhere from $69.99 to $98.88 plus shipping on Amazon.com.
The Wrap-Up
So, some good things happened in the past week or so. Unfortunately, I'm still feeling pretty damn ill, especially these last few days.
Hope you've all had a great week and have a fantastic weekend!
Current Mood: Ugh
Currently Listening to: "Get Well Soon" - Reggie & the Full Effect
Currently watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of: Smallville, Miami Ink, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Made, True Life
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix, [p]X | Suckimus Maximus, or [p]X | Beware the Kha'ak), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad, Sandtiger on Akama), Battlefield 2 (=Superman=KalEl or =PXConqueror=), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror)
Currently Reading: A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
GaiaOnline Last.FM

It's better to burn out than to fade away.
The Truth Will Set You Free
So, I finally stopped lying to my parents about school and wrote a sixteen page letter to them describing to them everything that has happened over the past year or so. A good eleven pages of the letter were copies of blogs I've writing over that period. The letter covers how bad things have gotten with my health and all of the emotional problems I've had, including that dark period in which I was filled with suicidal thoughts.
They really took the letter to heart, and when I returned home (No fool am I...If they would have reacted badly, I sure as hell didn't want to be there) we had an hour long discussion about things that was filled with loads of crying. So, I'm going to be taking a leave of absence from SDSU and will be enrolled at a community college. This is great because I don't have to re-apply to SDSU and can come back whenever I want.
I've also got my grade situation fixed for my first semester withdrawal, and turned in my paperwork for retroactive withdrawal from last semester.
I just couldn't stand all the lying anymore, and I definitely feel better having gotten everything off of my chest and taken care of.
I Must Have Tasty Blood
So, the other day we met up at a park with my brother, his girlfriend, and her kids to go get some Cold Stone. You see, the park is pretty damn close to a lake, and around that lake, there are thousands of mosquitoes. So, there I am in the dark in shorts (Mind you, it is still pretty hot here)., getting eaten alive. But they're just mosquito bites, they can't be that bad right? What a fool you are to think that! This is me we are talking about after all! The problem is that I react very badly to insect bites. So we finally get back to the car and I'm already scratching my legs raw. I place my palm on my shin and find that it is just burning up...Think of it as my leg was having a fever. You see, mosquito bites swell up on me, so blood was just rushing to my leg. I ended up with these huge welts that I eventually had to ice to get the swelling down.
This happened a couple of days ago, but even now I still have dark red spots about the size of a penny on my legs. And yes, they still itch like crazy

Le sigh

In Tech News
So, Cox ended up having a massive outage here and were having problems in San Diego and Orange counties. So, we were left without the Internet from Tuesday night until just a couple of hours ago. It wasn't that long, but for a sick guy who can't do anything else, I was extremely bored...The situation was only made worse due to the fact that there was absolutely nothing worth watching on TV

My game finally arrived! A couple weeks ago I bought Golden Sun on Ebay (Complete with box and booklets too!). It ended up costing $24.99 plus $5 for shipping. A bit pricey for an older and used game, but to give you an idea of the situation: A brand new factory sealed version of this game goes from anywhere from $69.99 to $98.88 plus shipping on Amazon.com.
The Wrap-Up
So, some good things happened in the past week or so. Unfortunately, I'm still feeling pretty damn ill, especially these last few days.
Hope you've all had a great week and have a fantastic weekend!
Current Mood: Ugh

Currently Listening to: "Get Well Soon" - Reggie & the Full Effect
Currently watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of: Smallville, Miami Ink, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Made, True Life
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix, [p]X | Suckimus Maximus, or [p]X | Beware the Kha'ak), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad, Sandtiger on Akama), Battlefield 2 (=Superman=KalEl or =PXConqueror=), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror)
Currently Reading: A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
GaiaOnline Last.FM

yay, im happy that your school situation is going well. and that you can switch back if/when you want to 

Ahh, mosquitoes...I am all too familiar with those. Think about it this way: if you happen to run into any vampires, you can always tell them that your good blood has already been taken