A Note From The Editor
Drifting aimlessly through life. Who am I? What have I done with my talent and skills? What will I do with my life? I have no ideas, no goals, and therefore no future.
I need to straighten out my life...
The Day the World Changed
I remember that day so well. I walked into my Tech Discoveries class oblivious to what had happened. Everyone's eyes were glued to the TV in the corner...And in an instant, so were mine.
It was like life was put on hold, even though I was thousands of miles away. Every class I went to...All we did was watch the news as those horrific events played out.
Everyone knows where they were when JFK was shot, and for my generation, this is that big event that we will all vividly remember for he rest of our lives.
It was the day that all of our lives would be changed. It was a day that put security at the forefront of all concerns, and the day that drove our country to give up rights (Which generations before us had given their lives to attaint and protect).
Even though there are people still dying from the events of that day, the man "responsible" remains free. I put that in quotes because to be honest, I am unsure as to who was really behind the attack. Don't get me wrong, I am by no means saying that Bin Laden is an innocent soul, but please allow me to get all conspiracy theorist on you all and say that there certainly are a hell of a lot of things about the attack that don't add up. Go check out the Loose Change video if you get a chance.
I find it an incredible insult to all of those who have died, and to the American people who bound together after the attack that justice has not been brought to those responsible. It is ridiculous and shows a complete lack of compassion that this administration constantly calls on 9/11 to pass legislation but neglects to apprehend those responsible. Rather, we go to war with a country that was not involved in the attack. Hussein was no doubt an evil person, but he did not orchestrate the largest terrorist attack on our country.
But enough of my ranting. Here is to all of the men and women who died, both on that day and as a result of that day. Here is to the future where one day, the culprits will be captured and punished for their crimes against humanity.
Health News: Good? Bad? Not Sure...
As some of you know, last Friday, I had a MRI to check the status of my tumor. I had to wake up at six in the morning and get down to La Jolla by seven. It has been forever since I've had to wake up this early, so I wasn't in the greatest of moods (Although I doubt anyone could tell since I was half-asleep and very zombie-like).
The MRI actually went pretty quickly. They had to use contrast, as always, but unfortunately, the vein in my arm didn't want to pop up, so they had to use the one in my wrist and HOLY HELL DID THAT HURT!!!
So, later in the same day, I had an appointment with my surgeon to go over the results.
Fortunately, the tumor has not changed in structure (i.e. it has expanded anywhere else). However, it has grown a couple millimeters, which my not seem like much, but when you consider that the tumor is in the middle of my face, any growth at all certainly isn't good.
The doctor still wants to hold off on surgery as long as he can, but with the way my health has been, I'm sure it will happen sooner rather than later.
We asked him about the nosebleeds again, but unless I'm actively bleeding, they can't determine from where the blood is coming from. But, at least we are almost certain that it isn't the tumor. Normally, when this type of tumor bleeds, it is pretty massive, which mine have not been. Then again, my tumor has been anything but normal, so there is always that chance that it is bleeding on the back side or on the bottom when the scope can't reach.
As a result of the nosebleeds and growth of the tumor, I am going to get MRIs done roughly every four or so months, rather than every six months.
Monday Night Football
Chargers versus Raiders tonight! Fuck yea! Not only are we going to beat the scum that is the Raiders and accompanying Raider Nation, but we also get the chance to start out the season in first place! Sorry all you LA people, but even with piece of shit Rivers behind center, you still can't beat us. (Boo Rivers, bring back Brees!!!).
*Cough* we better win...I really don't want to have to take all this back lol *Cough*
Oh yea, we've been flying our Chargers flag and I'm sporting my Gates jersey. Chargers Pride!
BTW, for all you football fans in San Diego, you really should check out my dad's article. It's definitely one of the better ones on the ESPN fantasy site: Charger's Article!!!
Here's one that he wrote about a week ago (I helped a little with the lingo
"...Do you feel lucky Punk?"
Apparently, Clint Eastwood was visiting town this holiday weekend. Or at least that's who some City of Coronado police officer was doing his best Dirty Harry impression of.
In a shootout worthy of any Hollywood cops and robbers (I mean, when was the last time that you heard of a cop firing a warning shot? Ever??), Officer Barney Fife (since we don't know the officer's real name) apprehended the Chargers notorious gangsta rappa Steve "Fifty Cent" Foley. Foley's actually got about nine more bullets until he catches up with the real Fifty Cent, which should be about three trips across the bridge to Coronado.
From the new's reports, the officer may have also killed Foley's accomplice, a vicious gopher laying in wait behind a bush, an Oldsmobile Cutlass radiator, a windshield, and a partridge in a pear tree. Before Officer Fife could reload and maim some more inanimate objects, Sheriff Andy and the rest of his posse arrived on the scene.
Foley's season was ostensibly ended when one of the bullets struck an artery near his knee. It was unclear if Officer Fife was aiming for FC's knee or if it was another warning shot gone astray. It's also possible that the Officer was trying to take out a ground squirrel that looked like it was pointing something at him. Fortunately, that something just turned out to be an acorn.
The Charger's GM AJ Smith, ever the diplomat and bleeding heart, immediately placed Fifty Cent on injured reserve and said FC would not be paid his salary this season. Additionally, Smith's quick thinking saved the Bolts about another million since FC will also not get the roster bonus he would have been due in the next couple of days. Said Smith, "Right now, at this point in time, Steve's health is the most important thing." Boy, I'll bet Foley can't wait to get AJ's get well card.
This is not to say that FC is completely innocent in all of this. He does have a long history of alcohol related encounters of the third kind...and his weaving in and out of traffic was probably just "happy driving" celebrating the fact that the DA's office had just decided to drop the charges stemming from a previous incident occurring just last April. As for his gun moll, she was arrested for outstanding warrants.
The good news resulting from the incident is with the increased street cred for the Chargers, scores of Oakland Raider fans are buying Bolt season tickets.
For it's part, the Coronado Police Department has placed Officer Fife on administrative leave and ordered all of the other city's officers to report for mandatory target practice.
The Wrap-Up
I feel lost in life right now. I don't know what to do with myself...I don't know what I'm going to do about my future...I don't know what I'm going to do about my health and surgery. Something will happen this week that might helps things a bit. I'll update when it goes down.
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and will have a fantastic week!
Current Mood: Ugh
Currently Listening to: "Get Well Soon" - Reggie & the Full Effect
Currently watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of: Smallville, Miami Ink, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Made, True Life
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix, [p]X | Suckimus Maximus, or [p]X | Beware the Kha'ak), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad, Sandtiger on Akama), Battlefield 2 (=Superman=KalEl or =PXConqueror=), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror)
Currently Reading: A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
GaiaOnline Last.FM
Drifting aimlessly through life. Who am I? What have I done with my talent and skills? What will I do with my life? I have no ideas, no goals, and therefore no future.
I need to straighten out my life...
The Day the World Changed

I remember that day so well. I walked into my Tech Discoveries class oblivious to what had happened. Everyone's eyes were glued to the TV in the corner...And in an instant, so were mine.
It was like life was put on hold, even though I was thousands of miles away. Every class I went to...All we did was watch the news as those horrific events played out.
Everyone knows where they were when JFK was shot, and for my generation, this is that big event that we will all vividly remember for he rest of our lives.
It was the day that all of our lives would be changed. It was a day that put security at the forefront of all concerns, and the day that drove our country to give up rights (Which generations before us had given their lives to attaint and protect).
Even though there are people still dying from the events of that day, the man "responsible" remains free. I put that in quotes because to be honest, I am unsure as to who was really behind the attack. Don't get me wrong, I am by no means saying that Bin Laden is an innocent soul, but please allow me to get all conspiracy theorist on you all and say that there certainly are a hell of a lot of things about the attack that don't add up. Go check out the Loose Change video if you get a chance.
I find it an incredible insult to all of those who have died, and to the American people who bound together after the attack that justice has not been brought to those responsible. It is ridiculous and shows a complete lack of compassion that this administration constantly calls on 9/11 to pass legislation but neglects to apprehend those responsible. Rather, we go to war with a country that was not involved in the attack. Hussein was no doubt an evil person, but he did not orchestrate the largest terrorist attack on our country.
But enough of my ranting. Here is to all of the men and women who died, both on that day and as a result of that day. Here is to the future where one day, the culprits will be captured and punished for their crimes against humanity.
Health News: Good? Bad? Not Sure...
As some of you know, last Friday, I had a MRI to check the status of my tumor. I had to wake up at six in the morning and get down to La Jolla by seven. It has been forever since I've had to wake up this early, so I wasn't in the greatest of moods (Although I doubt anyone could tell since I was half-asleep and very zombie-like).
The MRI actually went pretty quickly. They had to use contrast, as always, but unfortunately, the vein in my arm didn't want to pop up, so they had to use the one in my wrist and HOLY HELL DID THAT HURT!!!
So, later in the same day, I had an appointment with my surgeon to go over the results.
Fortunately, the tumor has not changed in structure (i.e. it has expanded anywhere else). However, it has grown a couple millimeters, which my not seem like much, but when you consider that the tumor is in the middle of my face, any growth at all certainly isn't good.
The doctor still wants to hold off on surgery as long as he can, but with the way my health has been, I'm sure it will happen sooner rather than later.
We asked him about the nosebleeds again, but unless I'm actively bleeding, they can't determine from where the blood is coming from. But, at least we are almost certain that it isn't the tumor. Normally, when this type of tumor bleeds, it is pretty massive, which mine have not been. Then again, my tumor has been anything but normal, so there is always that chance that it is bleeding on the back side or on the bottom when the scope can't reach.
As a result of the nosebleeds and growth of the tumor, I am going to get MRIs done roughly every four or so months, rather than every six months.
Monday Night Football
Chargers versus Raiders tonight! Fuck yea! Not only are we going to beat the scum that is the Raiders and accompanying Raider Nation, but we also get the chance to start out the season in first place! Sorry all you LA people, but even with piece of shit Rivers behind center, you still can't beat us. (Boo Rivers, bring back Brees!!!).
*Cough* we better win...I really don't want to have to take all this back lol *Cough*
Oh yea, we've been flying our Chargers flag and I'm sporting my Gates jersey. Chargers Pride!
BTW, for all you football fans in San Diego, you really should check out my dad's article. It's definitely one of the better ones on the ESPN fantasy site: Charger's Article!!!
Here's one that he wrote about a week ago (I helped a little with the lingo

"...Do you feel lucky Punk?"
Apparently, Clint Eastwood was visiting town this holiday weekend. Or at least that's who some City of Coronado police officer was doing his best Dirty Harry impression of.
In a shootout worthy of any Hollywood cops and robbers (I mean, when was the last time that you heard of a cop firing a warning shot? Ever??), Officer Barney Fife (since we don't know the officer's real name) apprehended the Chargers notorious gangsta rappa Steve "Fifty Cent" Foley. Foley's actually got about nine more bullets until he catches up with the real Fifty Cent, which should be about three trips across the bridge to Coronado.
From the new's reports, the officer may have also killed Foley's accomplice, a vicious gopher laying in wait behind a bush, an Oldsmobile Cutlass radiator, a windshield, and a partridge in a pear tree. Before Officer Fife could reload and maim some more inanimate objects, Sheriff Andy and the rest of his posse arrived on the scene.
Foley's season was ostensibly ended when one of the bullets struck an artery near his knee. It was unclear if Officer Fife was aiming for FC's knee or if it was another warning shot gone astray. It's also possible that the Officer was trying to take out a ground squirrel that looked like it was pointing something at him. Fortunately, that something just turned out to be an acorn.
The Charger's GM AJ Smith, ever the diplomat and bleeding heart, immediately placed Fifty Cent on injured reserve and said FC would not be paid his salary this season. Additionally, Smith's quick thinking saved the Bolts about another million since FC will also not get the roster bonus he would have been due in the next couple of days. Said Smith, "Right now, at this point in time, Steve's health is the most important thing." Boy, I'll bet Foley can't wait to get AJ's get well card.
This is not to say that FC is completely innocent in all of this. He does have a long history of alcohol related encounters of the third kind...and his weaving in and out of traffic was probably just "happy driving" celebrating the fact that the DA's office had just decided to drop the charges stemming from a previous incident occurring just last April. As for his gun moll, she was arrested for outstanding warrants.
The good news resulting from the incident is with the increased street cred for the Chargers, scores of Oakland Raider fans are buying Bolt season tickets.
For it's part, the Coronado Police Department has placed Officer Fife on administrative leave and ordered all of the other city's officers to report for mandatory target practice.
The Wrap-Up
I feel lost in life right now. I don't know what to do with myself...I don't know what I'm going to do about my future...I don't know what I'm going to do about my health and surgery. Something will happen this week that might helps things a bit. I'll update when it goes down.
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and will have a fantastic week!
Current Mood: Ugh

Currently Listening to: "Get Well Soon" - Reggie & the Full Effect
Currently watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of: Smallville, Miami Ink, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Made, True Life
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix, [p]X | Suckimus Maximus, or [p]X | Beware the Kha'ak), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad, Sandtiger on Akama), Battlefield 2 (=Superman=KalEl or =PXConqueror=), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror)
Currently Reading: A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
GaiaOnline Last.FM

and i just thought i would let you know that you are so brave! i hope everything goes well for you.