A Note From the Editor
Procrastinate -
1. To defer action; delay: to procrastinate until an opportunity is lost.
2. To put off till another day or time; defer; delay.
3. To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness.
4. To postpone or delay needlessly.
Farewell Hair
So, before we headed off to Disneyland, I stopped and got a haircut. While I am trying to grow out my hair, I must admit, I was looking pretty damn shaggy. So, I stop by The Haircutters and tell the lady that I'm trying to grow my hair out, so I just want the sides and back cut shorter, and everything else just cleaned up. Apparently she had shut off her ears as she promptly grabbed my bangs and cut of over an inch.
So, not much I could do at this point except clench my teeth and take it like a man. A little piece of me died as I watched all that time I had put into my hair drift slowly to the ground. And to make things worse, she left the back way longer than I wanted. She ends the raping with "Isn't that so much better?" My mental abilities failed me once again as I desperately tried to set her on fire with my mind.
So now I was pissed off and in a hurry just to get out of there before she went ahead and just shaved my head. Upon returning home, I realize that the bitch forgot to cut one of my sideburns! So, here there I was in the bathroom cutting my own damn hair
The Happiest Place on Earth
Well! It took me forever, but here is a recap of our Disneyland trip, finally! We were celebrating my dad's birthday, and fortunately for me, I was allowed to invite a friend. So, Friday around noon (Actually, I think we may have actually left after 1But we had planned for noon), Derek, my parents, and I headed off north to Disneyland. The car ride was pretty boring. I ended up falling asleep and snoring loud enough to wake myself up lol.
Surprisingly, the park was not as crowded as I thought it was going to be. We didn't have much trouble at all getting into rides. We went to Pirates, Thunder Mountain, Splash Mountain, and Space Mountain. I hate the new Jack Sparrow models in PiratesThe slut only has one talking part, and he doesn't even say savvy! While standing in line for Thunder Mountain, we were fortunate enough to have quite the pieces of eye candy to stare hot. Hot girls with nice asses wearing short, short, short, short shortsYea, I have my shallow moments just like everyone else lol
Then on the ride, I happened to utter one of those lines we kept saying over and over again all trip. It was near the end of the ride, and I looked over to my left to see this girl sitting on the rail. You see, apparently this girl forgot to put on her underwear! So, there she was, sitting on the rail, with no less than half her ass hanging out. Needless to say, I was caught off-guard, and the only thing that came to mind was "Whoa." Not "Whoa!" but "Whoa"Said in a very dry tone lol.
We were in the first two seats for Splash Mountain, and we got absolutely soaked. So much so that afterwards, everyone we walked past pretty much just stared at us. I so wish I would have had a camera during that ride. It was getting late in the day, so on the big drop, we went through a part of total darkness, and then we hit the water. So, out of complete blackness, all I could see was a twelve-foot wall of water, and Derek's silhouette. It would have made an amazing photo lol. I think we also went on Indiana Jones that dayI just remember we talked to like 4 employees, all of whom sent us to the wrong place. We ended up walking in through the exit, then jumping a barrier and getting into the Fast Pass lane and cutting all sorts of people while in that line lol.
Oh yea! We also went on The Haunted Mansion the first day. You know that part with the mirrors and the ghost shows up in the middle of the chair? Yea, well I so made out with it! Ghosts need love too right? I also spit some game at the ghost brideThat was freaky as hell though. Our ride and stopped, and her voice was going in and out as they played something over the PA. I swear, she mouthed some very disturbing things to me when her voice went out
I think we also ended up going on a couple kiddie rides later in the night. The park got hella crowded late at night. Everyone and their mother showed up for the fireworks. Derek and I had had enough and left before the show started.
I felt sorry for Derek. You see, I had forgot that I had brought along my Breathe Right nasal strips, so I went to bed without putting one on. The problem you ask? Well, because of the condition with my whole nasal system, I snoreReally loudly lol. Poor, poor Derek lol
We had pretty bad luck on the first day. Just about every ride we went on had some technical difficulty.
The next day we went back to Disneyland in the morning. The first ride we went on was the Matterhorn, followed by several kiddie rides again (Don't ask me whyWe hung around with my parents, and that's what they chose). Afterwards, we hit up Pirates again and headed over to California Adventure. The first ride we went on was Grizzly River Run, and boy did my mom get soaked. She was absolutely drenched. Afterwards we fooled around on the Redwood Creek Challenge TrailLots of jumping around and trying to be a ninja lol.
I think we went to A Bugs Land after that, and Derek and I attempted to race in the bumper cars there. We didn't even make a full lap around before our time ran out lolAnd we wee also the oldest people there. Good times for sure.
The best ride of the trip was here. The Maliboomer. Why was this ride the best? Well, first of all, the wait is always short. When we got there, it was less than five-minutes. And secondly, the ride is friggin' cool. Shoots you straight up into the air, and then you free fall. Derek was yelling and didn't even know what he was sayingCame out as "Oooooooooooh myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Goooooooooooooood!!!" When we hit the peak and got that weightless feeling, I completely geeked out and said "How does Superman do this?!?!" Would definitely go on that one again.
After that we jumped on California Screamin'. Upon this ride, I uttered yet another classic line from the trip. You see, sometimes I space out a bit and don't notice details of things. So while on the ride, I notice something strange with the tracks in front of us. You see, for the first time, I noticed that there was a loop in the ride. So there I am, mere seconds away from the inevitable when my brain kicks in and is like "What the fuck???" which is followed by me exclaiming, "Is that a loop???"
After this ride, my back was down. I'm not sure on what ride it happened on, but apparently I had jarred my back somewhere, and it was now becoming quite painful; to the point where it was becoming increasingly difficult to just stand up straight. So we made our way back to the room and ended up jumping in the jacuzzi (which greatly helped with my back) and the pool for a little bit. Afterwards it was back to Disneyland, where we jumped on a couple more kiddie rides and grabbed some dinner. The park was packed once again as everyone and their mother came for the nighttime shows.
Sunday morning we came home and surprisingly made amazing time. I think it ended up taking us less than an hour and a half to get back home. Overall, the trip was pretty great, although I was beat and my back was killing me.
Picture time! Sorry for the horrendous quality of my cameraDeal with it
Mr. Toad!!! My mom doesn't like being in pictures
Standing in line for a rideCrappy MySpace-styled self shot pic!
Passing some time while waiting for drinks
Derek walks too fast and I didn't get his Japanese girl poseSo here's a shot with no one in it!
I hope they are sending the Beach Boys a check!
Fooling around in shopsDerek with his big glasses
More fooling around in shopsWeston, the greatest pilot in the world!
Fooling around in the roomDerek and I so bought these hats
Found a couple on my dad's camera
Kicking it in front of our castle
Walking back to the roomMy back was dead and I was tired
Home, Not Quite the Happiest Place on Earth
Sadly, the good times of Disneyland didn't last long as I had started feeling ill at the park, and felt worse once we got home. I ended up in the doctor's office and was put on yet another period of antibiotics. We were given a month-long dosage, but we'll see if the insurance covers it allBefore they had me limited to 14 pills, which just isn't enough these days
The, the following day, I went through a period where I suffered five nosebleeds in roughly two days. I was back in the doctor's office for the second time in a week, and they sent us over to an ENT and had me scoped. The doctor couldn't see anything, but from how I described it (Blood mostly running down the back of my throat rather than pouring out of my nostrils), he guessed that it is coming from either behind or below the tumor, neither area which can be seen with the scope. So, they sent over a request to the MRI department to check to see if the tumor has changed at all (We are still waiting for an appointment) and took blood to make sure I was anemic or anything like that. The guy who took my blood gave me the jail raping of all pin pricksI still have a bruise and blood trapped under the skin
So, needless to say, I am pretty fucking scared right now. Especially since I'm continuing to have nosebleeds (I've had them for the past two or three nights now as well). Unfortunately, unless I'm actively bleeding, they can't really see from where it is coming from, or what is causing it. As the doctor explained, it could be a hundred different things.
And all of this sinus infection and nosebleed business has sparked conversations about my future. As in, do I continue to wait until I'm older and keep suffering like this, or do I take a risk and try yet another removal surgery. What's the problem with this situation? Well, I simply can't continue like I am. I mean, I've sick practically every other week these days. On the other hand, I really don't want to undergo surgery again, especially because they have been so traumatic for me. My tumor is extremely vascular, so I bleed a hell of a lot. To give you an idea, I have roughly nine to nine and a half pints of blood in my body. During my last surgery, I had to have a blood transfusion (For the second time), and they had to put four pints back in meAnd even then, I came out anemic. Not to mention that while in the hospital, I didn't have enough strength to even stand up and wipe my own ass, and it took me five-weeks to be able to walk to the end of the street and back.
So, as you can see, I'm not too thrilled about either of my choices. There is a third choice, however, but it is far worse than the two described above. And that, of course, is radiation treatment. Needless to say, I'm going to do everything in my power to avoid this. Aside from the immediate effects of the treatment, because I am so young, in about 20 years from now, I will develop new tumors due to the treatment.
Yes, things are not going too well for your buddy here. Send some good vibes my wayGoodness knows I could use them.
Holiday Weekend
Didn't really do much this weekend. Went GeoCaching with my dad for a bit. We were gone for about two and a half hours and found four caches. It was really fun! One of the containers was like a custom-made rat bottle that fit right along with the story the guy wrote (He write his things like a pirate). It took us forever to find that oneWe looked for over and hour and couldn't find it. So we headed off to the others and came back, only to find it in five minutes lol
Having just found a cache, I find that I have a little Captain in me
The ever controversial Mount. Helix Cross
I wasn't in an adventurous moodWaiting for my dad to find the cache and come back
The long road back to the car
Ended up going to my brother's for a bit and went swimming over there. His girlfriend's brother was in town, so I got to meet him as well. Afterwards we went down to the beach and grabbed something to eat. Unfortunately, something was wrong with my stomach and only managed to force down one rib before feeling too sick to eat anymore.
The Wrap-Up
I completely forgot! For those of you wondering what we gave to my dad for his birthday, we bought him a iPod video and a Chargers sweaterAt least, I think it was a Chargers sweaterMy mind is a little preoccupied at the moment, sorry.
Anyway, life's kicking up like a bitch again. Someone put a smile on my face? I'll love you forever if you do!
Hope you all are doing much better than I am.
Current Mood: Damn it all to hell...
Currently Listening to: "Miserable" - Lit
Currently watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of: Smallville, Miami Ink, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Made, True Life
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix, [p]X | Suckimus Maximus, or [p]X | Beware the Kha'ak), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad, Sandtiger on Akama), Battlefield 2 (=Superman=KalEl or =PXConqueror=), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror)
Currently Reading: A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
GaiaOnline Last.FM

Procrastinate -
1. To defer action; delay: to procrastinate until an opportunity is lost.
2. To put off till another day or time; defer; delay.
3. To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness.
4. To postpone or delay needlessly.
Farewell Hair
So, before we headed off to Disneyland, I stopped and got a haircut. While I am trying to grow out my hair, I must admit, I was looking pretty damn shaggy. So, I stop by The Haircutters and tell the lady that I'm trying to grow my hair out, so I just want the sides and back cut shorter, and everything else just cleaned up. Apparently she had shut off her ears as she promptly grabbed my bangs and cut of over an inch.
So, not much I could do at this point except clench my teeth and take it like a man. A little piece of me died as I watched all that time I had put into my hair drift slowly to the ground. And to make things worse, she left the back way longer than I wanted. She ends the raping with "Isn't that so much better?" My mental abilities failed me once again as I desperately tried to set her on fire with my mind.
So now I was pissed off and in a hurry just to get out of there before she went ahead and just shaved my head. Upon returning home, I realize that the bitch forgot to cut one of my sideburns! So, here there I was in the bathroom cutting my own damn hair

The Happiest Place on Earth
Well! It took me forever, but here is a recap of our Disneyland trip, finally! We were celebrating my dad's birthday, and fortunately for me, I was allowed to invite a friend. So, Friday around noon (Actually, I think we may have actually left after 1But we had planned for noon), Derek, my parents, and I headed off north to Disneyland. The car ride was pretty boring. I ended up falling asleep and snoring loud enough to wake myself up lol.
Surprisingly, the park was not as crowded as I thought it was going to be. We didn't have much trouble at all getting into rides. We went to Pirates, Thunder Mountain, Splash Mountain, and Space Mountain. I hate the new Jack Sparrow models in PiratesThe slut only has one talking part, and he doesn't even say savvy! While standing in line for Thunder Mountain, we were fortunate enough to have quite the pieces of eye candy to stare hot. Hot girls with nice asses wearing short, short, short, short shortsYea, I have my shallow moments just like everyone else lol

We were in the first two seats for Splash Mountain, and we got absolutely soaked. So much so that afterwards, everyone we walked past pretty much just stared at us. I so wish I would have had a camera during that ride. It was getting late in the day, so on the big drop, we went through a part of total darkness, and then we hit the water. So, out of complete blackness, all I could see was a twelve-foot wall of water, and Derek's silhouette. It would have made an amazing photo lol. I think we also went on Indiana Jones that dayI just remember we talked to like 4 employees, all of whom sent us to the wrong place. We ended up walking in through the exit, then jumping a barrier and getting into the Fast Pass lane and cutting all sorts of people while in that line lol.
Oh yea! We also went on The Haunted Mansion the first day. You know that part with the mirrors and the ghost shows up in the middle of the chair? Yea, well I so made out with it! Ghosts need love too right? I also spit some game at the ghost brideThat was freaky as hell though. Our ride and stopped, and her voice was going in and out as they played something over the PA. I swear, she mouthed some very disturbing things to me when her voice went out

I think we also ended up going on a couple kiddie rides later in the night. The park got hella crowded late at night. Everyone and their mother showed up for the fireworks. Derek and I had had enough and left before the show started.
I felt sorry for Derek. You see, I had forgot that I had brought along my Breathe Right nasal strips, so I went to bed without putting one on. The problem you ask? Well, because of the condition with my whole nasal system, I snoreReally loudly lol. Poor, poor Derek lol
We had pretty bad luck on the first day. Just about every ride we went on had some technical difficulty.
The next day we went back to Disneyland in the morning. The first ride we went on was the Matterhorn, followed by several kiddie rides again (Don't ask me whyWe hung around with my parents, and that's what they chose). Afterwards, we hit up Pirates again and headed over to California Adventure. The first ride we went on was Grizzly River Run, and boy did my mom get soaked. She was absolutely drenched. Afterwards we fooled around on the Redwood Creek Challenge TrailLots of jumping around and trying to be a ninja lol.
I think we went to A Bugs Land after that, and Derek and I attempted to race in the bumper cars there. We didn't even make a full lap around before our time ran out lolAnd we wee also the oldest people there. Good times for sure.
The best ride of the trip was here. The Maliboomer. Why was this ride the best? Well, first of all, the wait is always short. When we got there, it was less than five-minutes. And secondly, the ride is friggin' cool. Shoots you straight up into the air, and then you free fall. Derek was yelling and didn't even know what he was sayingCame out as "Oooooooooooh myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Goooooooooooooood!!!" When we hit the peak and got that weightless feeling, I completely geeked out and said "How does Superman do this?!?!" Would definitely go on that one again.
After that we jumped on California Screamin'. Upon this ride, I uttered yet another classic line from the trip. You see, sometimes I space out a bit and don't notice details of things. So while on the ride, I notice something strange with the tracks in front of us. You see, for the first time, I noticed that there was a loop in the ride. So there I am, mere seconds away from the inevitable when my brain kicks in and is like "What the fuck???" which is followed by me exclaiming, "Is that a loop???"
After this ride, my back was down. I'm not sure on what ride it happened on, but apparently I had jarred my back somewhere, and it was now becoming quite painful; to the point where it was becoming increasingly difficult to just stand up straight. So we made our way back to the room and ended up jumping in the jacuzzi (which greatly helped with my back) and the pool for a little bit. Afterwards it was back to Disneyland, where we jumped on a couple more kiddie rides and grabbed some dinner. The park was packed once again as everyone and their mother came for the nighttime shows.
Sunday morning we came home and surprisingly made amazing time. I think it ended up taking us less than an hour and a half to get back home. Overall, the trip was pretty great, although I was beat and my back was killing me.
Picture time! Sorry for the horrendous quality of my cameraDeal with it

Mr. Toad!!! My mom doesn't like being in pictures

Standing in line for a rideCrappy MySpace-styled self shot pic!

Passing some time while waiting for drinks

Derek walks too fast and I didn't get his Japanese girl poseSo here's a shot with no one in it!

I hope they are sending the Beach Boys a check!

Fooling around in shopsDerek with his big glasses

More fooling around in shopsWeston, the greatest pilot in the world!

Fooling around in the roomDerek and I so bought these hats

Found a couple on my dad's camera
Kicking it in front of our castle

Walking back to the roomMy back was dead and I was tired

Home, Not Quite the Happiest Place on Earth
Sadly, the good times of Disneyland didn't last long as I had started feeling ill at the park, and felt worse once we got home. I ended up in the doctor's office and was put on yet another period of antibiotics. We were given a month-long dosage, but we'll see if the insurance covers it allBefore they had me limited to 14 pills, which just isn't enough these days

The, the following day, I went through a period where I suffered five nosebleeds in roughly two days. I was back in the doctor's office for the second time in a week, and they sent us over to an ENT and had me scoped. The doctor couldn't see anything, but from how I described it (Blood mostly running down the back of my throat rather than pouring out of my nostrils), he guessed that it is coming from either behind or below the tumor, neither area which can be seen with the scope. So, they sent over a request to the MRI department to check to see if the tumor has changed at all (We are still waiting for an appointment) and took blood to make sure I was anemic or anything like that. The guy who took my blood gave me the jail raping of all pin pricksI still have a bruise and blood trapped under the skin

So, needless to say, I am pretty fucking scared right now. Especially since I'm continuing to have nosebleeds (I've had them for the past two or three nights now as well). Unfortunately, unless I'm actively bleeding, they can't really see from where it is coming from, or what is causing it. As the doctor explained, it could be a hundred different things.
And all of this sinus infection and nosebleed business has sparked conversations about my future. As in, do I continue to wait until I'm older and keep suffering like this, or do I take a risk and try yet another removal surgery. What's the problem with this situation? Well, I simply can't continue like I am. I mean, I've sick practically every other week these days. On the other hand, I really don't want to undergo surgery again, especially because they have been so traumatic for me. My tumor is extremely vascular, so I bleed a hell of a lot. To give you an idea, I have roughly nine to nine and a half pints of blood in my body. During my last surgery, I had to have a blood transfusion (For the second time), and they had to put four pints back in meAnd even then, I came out anemic. Not to mention that while in the hospital, I didn't have enough strength to even stand up and wipe my own ass, and it took me five-weeks to be able to walk to the end of the street and back.
So, as you can see, I'm not too thrilled about either of my choices. There is a third choice, however, but it is far worse than the two described above. And that, of course, is radiation treatment. Needless to say, I'm going to do everything in my power to avoid this. Aside from the immediate effects of the treatment, because I am so young, in about 20 years from now, I will develop new tumors due to the treatment.
Yes, things are not going too well for your buddy here. Send some good vibes my wayGoodness knows I could use them.
Holiday Weekend
Didn't really do much this weekend. Went GeoCaching with my dad for a bit. We were gone for about two and a half hours and found four caches. It was really fun! One of the containers was like a custom-made rat bottle that fit right along with the story the guy wrote (He write his things like a pirate). It took us forever to find that oneWe looked for over and hour and couldn't find it. So we headed off to the others and came back, only to find it in five minutes lol
Having just found a cache, I find that I have a little Captain in me

The ever controversial Mount. Helix Cross

I wasn't in an adventurous moodWaiting for my dad to find the cache and come back

The long road back to the car

Ended up going to my brother's for a bit and went swimming over there. His girlfriend's brother was in town, so I got to meet him as well. Afterwards we went down to the beach and grabbed something to eat. Unfortunately, something was wrong with my stomach and only managed to force down one rib before feeling too sick to eat anymore.
The Wrap-Up
I completely forgot! For those of you wondering what we gave to my dad for his birthday, we bought him a iPod video and a Chargers sweaterAt least, I think it was a Chargers sweaterMy mind is a little preoccupied at the moment, sorry.
Anyway, life's kicking up like a bitch again. Someone put a smile on my face? I'll love you forever if you do!
Hope you all are doing much better than I am.
Current Mood: Damn it all to hell...
Currently Listening to: "Miserable" - Lit
Currently watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of: Smallville, Miami Ink, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Made, True Life
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix, [p]X | Suckimus Maximus, or [p]X | Beware the Kha'ak), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad, Sandtiger on Akama), Battlefield 2 (=Superman=KalEl or =PXConqueror=), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror)
Currently Reading: A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
GaiaOnline Last.FM

never been to Disneyland...would like to at some point