A Note From the Editor
Things are looking good my friends, things are looking good.
Letting Out Steam Through this Mouth of Mine
So, I had my first appointment to talk with someone today. I must say, it went much better than I had anticipated. The guy I went to see deals a lot with family therapy, so my mom hung around for the first half or so and answered a few questions as well, just about the family, what Im going through, etc. He also has some experience with health-related issues and depression, as he did some group work with children who had a particular lung disease.
Anyway, the session went pretty well and time flew by to tell the truth. Mother fucker damn near made me cry lol. Yes, I did get choked up a bit during it. He was asking if I was sad about high school and the things I missed, and I went on to start trying to explain things, and well, once I started thinking about all of that stuff I ran into some trouble speaking. Emotional times were to be had. But, I dont want to get too much into that because well, Im in a much better mood now, and I dont want to drag myself down anymore.
There was one moment where, as I explained to my mom, I tried to kill him with my mind lol. I had gotten done explaining something and he replied with Wow, that is really depressing. My mind replied with Yea, no shit, thats kind of why Im here. Now die in a fire. At which point I tried to set him on fire with my mind. Needless to say, the fire never came.
But all in all, I felt pretty comfortable talking to him and the session was good. I think Ill be sticking with this guy for a bit. Gotta love that insuranceOnly a fifteen-dollar co-pay comes out of our pocket. And the place is pretty damn close to our house as well.
Afterwards I felt much better. Ive come down a bit since then, but Im still looking forward to how things are moving currently. For some reason it seemed like some great weight had been temporarily lifted off of my chest and shoulders. I feltLike I used toWhen I was that happy kid without a worry in the world.
Im still trying to eat healthier and to get out more. Yesterday I had a salad, two pieces of garlic bread, and two glasses of orange juice for brunch, but had Jack N the Box for dinner because my parents were working late and Im lazy. Today I didnt do too wellHad McDonalds for lunch (Hey, we were short on time), which ended up giving me an upset stomach, and I wont be eating much better later today since my dad and I will be going to the Padres game. Made some plans to meet up with a friend this weekendJust gonna get together, hang out, and wing it.
Knights of Cydonia
Knights of Cydonia Muse
Oh. My. Goodness. This song fucking rocks. Has anyone else heard it? Heres a link for all you slow people out there: Pure Joy to My Ears. One of the guys over at 91X (Local legendary station mind you!) was talking about when they played this song at a concert here in town not too long ago, and he said he hasnt seen an encore call like that in years. I mean, Muse is sexy to begin with, but this song is like WOW! And the video is pretty nifty too!
Fun with Guns
Not sure if I mentioned this before, but my new paintball barrel arrived. Huge upgrade over the one that came with my gun. The old barrel was roughly eight and a half inches, and the new one is sixteen inches. To give you an idea
They also had a twenty-one inch one as well, but after looking at my eighteen inch ruler, I though that was a bit much lolAnyway, here is a pic of me testing it out today:
Works like a charm. I look fat in that picture lolStupid wind blowing my shirt all over the place
And Now for Something Completely Different
I picked up V for Vendetta today while getting drinks at CostCo. Woot? Yes, I think so.
The Gaming Scene
Had two Cyberathlete Amateur League matches this week. We got paired up with some pretty craptacular teams since our record is so bad. In all honesty, we arent that bad of a teamWeve just had a few too many mid-game meltdowns. Anyway, we rolled the guys we played in our first match, 29-1. Not too bad if you ask me, but we were all pretty pissed that we didnt manage to get that 30-0 score. In the next match, the team didnt show, so we got a forfeit win. So, right now we are 4-4, ranked 17/31 in our division with two more games to go. If we finish the season 6-4, Ill be one happy little gamer. This is our first season together, and we dont have a whole lot of experience between us, but weve made some big improvements over the course of the season, and I would love to see us finish out strong.
Yes, I know, Im a geek. You dont have to say anything
The Wrap-Up
So, things are definitely looking up for your ol pal here. Keep your fingers crossed for me! And many thanks once again to all of you that have sent me well-wishes throughout this period. Have a great weekend kiddoes!
Current Mood: Hopeful
Currently Listening to: "Knights of Cydonia - Muse
Currently watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of: Smallville, Miami Ink, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Made, True Life
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix, [p]X | Suckimus Maximus, or [p]X | Beware the Kha'ak), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad, Sandtiger on Akama), Battlefield 2 (=Superman=KalEl or =PXConqueror=), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror)
Currently Reading: A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
GaiaOnline Last.FM

Things are looking good my friends, things are looking good.
Letting Out Steam Through this Mouth of Mine
So, I had my first appointment to talk with someone today. I must say, it went much better than I had anticipated. The guy I went to see deals a lot with family therapy, so my mom hung around for the first half or so and answered a few questions as well, just about the family, what Im going through, etc. He also has some experience with health-related issues and depression, as he did some group work with children who had a particular lung disease.
Anyway, the session went pretty well and time flew by to tell the truth. Mother fucker damn near made me cry lol. Yes, I did get choked up a bit during it. He was asking if I was sad about high school and the things I missed, and I went on to start trying to explain things, and well, once I started thinking about all of that stuff I ran into some trouble speaking. Emotional times were to be had. But, I dont want to get too much into that because well, Im in a much better mood now, and I dont want to drag myself down anymore.
There was one moment where, as I explained to my mom, I tried to kill him with my mind lol. I had gotten done explaining something and he replied with Wow, that is really depressing. My mind replied with Yea, no shit, thats kind of why Im here. Now die in a fire. At which point I tried to set him on fire with my mind. Needless to say, the fire never came.
But all in all, I felt pretty comfortable talking to him and the session was good. I think Ill be sticking with this guy for a bit. Gotta love that insuranceOnly a fifteen-dollar co-pay comes out of our pocket. And the place is pretty damn close to our house as well.
Afterwards I felt much better. Ive come down a bit since then, but Im still looking forward to how things are moving currently. For some reason it seemed like some great weight had been temporarily lifted off of my chest and shoulders. I feltLike I used toWhen I was that happy kid without a worry in the world.
Im still trying to eat healthier and to get out more. Yesterday I had a salad, two pieces of garlic bread, and two glasses of orange juice for brunch, but had Jack N the Box for dinner because my parents were working late and Im lazy. Today I didnt do too wellHad McDonalds for lunch (Hey, we were short on time), which ended up giving me an upset stomach, and I wont be eating much better later today since my dad and I will be going to the Padres game. Made some plans to meet up with a friend this weekendJust gonna get together, hang out, and wing it.
Knights of Cydonia
Knights of Cydonia Muse
Oh. My. Goodness. This song fucking rocks. Has anyone else heard it? Heres a link for all you slow people out there: Pure Joy to My Ears. One of the guys over at 91X (Local legendary station mind you!) was talking about when they played this song at a concert here in town not too long ago, and he said he hasnt seen an encore call like that in years. I mean, Muse is sexy to begin with, but this song is like WOW! And the video is pretty nifty too!
Fun with Guns
Not sure if I mentioned this before, but my new paintball barrel arrived. Huge upgrade over the one that came with my gun. The old barrel was roughly eight and a half inches, and the new one is sixteen inches. To give you an idea

They also had a twenty-one inch one as well, but after looking at my eighteen inch ruler, I though that was a bit much lolAnyway, here is a pic of me testing it out today:

Works like a charm. I look fat in that picture lolStupid wind blowing my shirt all over the place

And Now for Something Completely Different
I picked up V for Vendetta today while getting drinks at CostCo. Woot? Yes, I think so.
The Gaming Scene
Had two Cyberathlete Amateur League matches this week. We got paired up with some pretty craptacular teams since our record is so bad. In all honesty, we arent that bad of a teamWeve just had a few too many mid-game meltdowns. Anyway, we rolled the guys we played in our first match, 29-1. Not too bad if you ask me, but we were all pretty pissed that we didnt manage to get that 30-0 score. In the next match, the team didnt show, so we got a forfeit win. So, right now we are 4-4, ranked 17/31 in our division with two more games to go. If we finish the season 6-4, Ill be one happy little gamer. This is our first season together, and we dont have a whole lot of experience between us, but weve made some big improvements over the course of the season, and I would love to see us finish out strong.
Yes, I know, Im a geek. You dont have to say anything

The Wrap-Up
So, things are definitely looking up for your ol pal here. Keep your fingers crossed for me! And many thanks once again to all of you that have sent me well-wishes throughout this period. Have a great weekend kiddoes!
Current Mood: Hopeful
Currently Listening to: "Knights of Cydonia - Muse
Currently watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of: Smallville, Miami Ink, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Made, True Life
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix, [p]X | Suckimus Maximus, or [p]X | Beware the Kha'ak), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad, Sandtiger on Akama), Battlefield 2 (=Superman=KalEl or =PXConqueror=), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror)
Currently Reading: A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
GaiaOnline Last.FM

2. wholly cow, paintball? ive always was interested but never did it before
3. i need to buy v for vendetta!!! the movie theatre i saw it in had a black out and i never saw the ending so i need to buy the dvd...ps, did you see natalie portman on SNL? it was odd/funny because she was rapping in one skit.