A Note From the Editor
Theres always next year
So, the stomach troubles didnt cease after one day. I ended up getting sick Saturday afternoon as well. I awoke Sunday morning still feeling a bit ill, so I missed the Con on Sunday as well. I really wish I could have made it as my parents came home with all sorts of goodies and had a great time at the Reno 911 panel.
Comic Con
Preview Night:
I have never seen Preview Night so crowded before! There were a bigillion people there
So, my dad and I made our way through the aisles, just scoping out where everything was. One random booth had a print that caught my eye, so I bought it. The artist is...One sec while I look...Sam Hiti. Last year it took me two and a half days to buy something...This year I didn't even make it through Preview Night.
Here is a photo of my print:
So, I had talked one of my friends into going. We got there a little after 7:20am...My dad dropped us off to go wait in line to pick up Derek's badge while he parked. That line actually moved in pretty quickly, and we ended up standing in the third line near the front to get in. My dad ended up calling, and told us that he had met up with his coworker and was standing in the line with all the four day pass people...So we ditched our line and found him...Passing thousands of people along the way.
I was already not feeling well at this point. In fact, the symptoms had started when we arrived home from Preview Night the night before. But I toughed it out, I mean, it is Comic Con after all. So, my dad, Derek, and I all started out together, but eventually, Derek and I broke off to go at our own pace (Much faster). I spent the whole day pointing out every slut with a Naruto headband. God I hate those things. And we saw the funniest image ever. Before I get to the story, one detail you must know is that there is a booth (Jada Toys) that was handing out bags that had Chub City on them (A line of toys they make or something).
Comic Con is filled with extremely heavy people. So, here were these extremely huge ladies walking in the other direction as us. As they walk past us Derek notices their bags...Yup, you guessed it. Chub City. We had a good laugh at that, and for the rest of the day, that was our little inside joke.
So, I stopped by the Moonstone booth, hoping to find Mr. EricJ, but he wasn't there. Looks like I'll be missing him this year since I'll be stuck in Hall H all day Saturday, the day that he will be doing his signings. I also stopped by Neko Press' booth and checked in with Billy. He figured I was going through some tough times and said he has saved my spot in the class...So I'm planning on starting up my art lessons again next month.
After that, we met up with my dad, his coworker and accomplices and had lunch at Trophy's. It wasn't a very good outing. Derek ended up sending his food back to the kitchen, and I was so ill at this point that I only managed to get down two bites of hamburger and six french-fries. But, to put a bright spot on the outing, guess who we saw???
Seth fucking Green
I was the first to notice him. I saw he and his friends were seated. He had on a hat and big sunglasses, so my first thought was damn that guy is short. Then I was like, you know, he kind of looks like Seth Green...And is about the right height. Then I saw him smile and that's when I realized that it was him. We didn't saw anything because 1) he was eating and 2) they didn't look like they were in a good mood lol
We ended up running into them again in the con, but just let him do his thing.
So, Derek and I finished walking up and down the aisles by 3:30...I was feeling like shit, and there wasn't anything that we really wanted to go back and see, so we sat down for 20 or so minutes, then met back up with my dad. We met up with my aunt at 4:15 to head off, and ended up waiting for like an hour for my cousin to show up. She had apparently gone to the wrong Starbucks...Can't blame her though since there are like three of them inside the convention center.
As soon as we got home, the bathroom became my office for like the next hour. I tried playing a bit of CS, but I was just in too much pain, so I hopped off and went to lie down. I ended up falling asleep and taking a bit of a nap. For those of you that don't know me too well, if I take a nap, I am really not feeling well...I never take naps otherwise.
Well, I had my alarm set early, just in case I woke up feeling great. I didn't. So when my dad asked if I was going, I had to decline. I ended up sleeping until ten or so, when my mom woke me up and asked me if I wanted her to drop me off at the Con on her way to work. I figured that after the previous day, I just wanted to rest up and get some food and liquid back into my system. My dad tried to persuade me with "I'm going to the Snakes on a Plane panel" lol...Tempting, but didn't seal the deal.
My dad ended up buying two things. A Batman print, and a Batman sketch from the same artist. Here are pics of them:
On a side note, wearing my sliding shorts from baseball was the best idea ever! I have a nasty habit of walking with my legs together, so having that layer of skintight spandex saved my inner thighs from rubbing raw against each other.
Why has it been so fucking humid here lately? It is like living in Florida for goodness sake. We actually ended up getting a pretty good spot in line for Hall H. We were much further back in line than last year, but we still managed to grab pretty good seats. It was miserable in line. The sun was just beating down on our spot, and my dad gave up and found a nearby spot of shade to sit in. I tried to tough it out, but I just couldnt stop sweating, so I joined him. Shortly after, the line shifted and we ended up in the sun again with no nearby shade to save us. So there I was, sweating up a storm and desperately trying to wipe myself off my with hand towel. By the time we made it in, every inch of my undershirt was damp with sweat
So, like I said, we grabbed pretty decent seats. The line this year was actually pretty small. My dad pointed out that they had broken up the big panels this year into two days (Friday and Saturday), so thats why there wasnt as big of a crowd this year.
I wasnt in the greatest of moods throughout the day. My ass was hurting from sitting for so long, and standing in the line and being all sweaty had left my face all greasy, despite my efforts to wipe it clean and dry.
The first panel of the day definitely set the bar high. In fact, with the exception of maybe Spider-Man 3, no other panel came close to it. This panel was for the upcoming movie of Frank Millers 300. This film looks absolutely incredible. The imagery, the way they shot the battle scenes, and everything else about the clip they showed us was simply breathtaking. It was such a hit that they ended up showing the clip like three times.
The next panel was for Robert Rodriguezs and Quentin Tarantinos Grind House. Let me just say, that Mr. Tarantino must have been a drug baby or something. He is so energetic and bouncing of the walls that it is like he is on speed or something. The movie is actually going to be two full-length movies, fir the price of one. We only got to see Roberts since Quentin hasnt started filming yet, but it was so over the top. It is a zombie movie with things an amputee getting a machine gun attached to her leg. It was actually pretty funny. In addition, they also filmed a bunch of trailers to show before and in-between the films, and one of them is hilarious. The trailer is for Machete and one of the images they shot is of the lead character opening up his trench coat, and it being filled with dozens of machetes. That got a big laugh out of me.
Kevin Smith was supposed to have a panel after that, but he ended up getting stuck in traffic, so they rescheduled him for a 6:30 panel (5 hours later than this original time). Rosario Dawson ended up coming out to cover for him for a bit. She sang a little bit, told some stories about shooting Clerks 2, and ended up calling Kevin on his cell phone and putting it on speaker phone so we could hear. She asked where he was, and his response was something along the lines of, Im actually in San Diego, but I cant make it to the convention center because there are too many people walking in the streets dressed up as fucking Robin.
The next panel of note was the last scheduled one of the day: Sony. We got to see some Ghost Rider footage, and it didnt look as bad as I thought it would. Then they brought out the stars and stuff, and I swear Nicolas Cage was under the influence of something. First he comes out in these huge Elvis sunglasses. Whenever someone is inside and wearing sunglasses, you know there is a problem. Not too mention that everyone says all you see is black when you are up there anyway, so it isnt as if the room was so bright that he had to wear them. Then, the way he was talking was hilariousAll slow and drawn out. Plus he would go on these long strange speeches, one of which included Johnny Blaze like to relax with a martini glass filled with jelly beans.
After that was Spider-fucking-Man 3. The clip they showed for this movie was amazing! It hinted at some bad ass Spider-Man moments and we got to see Venom! From what I could see of the very brief glimpse we got, his design looks great, and he very much the anti-Spider-Man. As Topher put it, "He's more of a doppelganger to Peter. It's kind of a case study in if someone very similar to Peter got the same powers but didn't have a good upbringing." In case you havent guessed, they brought out just about the entire cast for the panel. Thomas Haden Church is hilarious. Someone asked what super powers each one of them would like to have, so when it comes to Thomas he replies with, Id wreak havoc on the world with the power of corn! And they would know me as The Corncob Goblin!
Afterwards, Kevin Smith come out and with him was Jason Mewes. They were funny as always. The best part was when a guy who had to have a sign-language interpreter translate for him came up to the mic for a question. So, he had a bit of fun with that, including almost tricking the interpreter to sign, This is the interpreter talking. Ive wanted to say this for so long. I want to suck your dick. He came so close to getting him to sign it too lol. You could tell Kevin could have fooled around with those guys for a few more hours lol.
As stated before, I ended up missing this day due to still having issues with my stomach. I really did want to go too, and was even more sad once my parents got back with all their loot and stories. I also wanted to pick up the Civil War series, but I remembered too late, and when I called my parents to ask them to pick it up, they told me they had just left the Con. Talk about bad timing
Oh well. I do suppose there is always next year right?
The Art Scene
Well, I have been putting out a lot of photography lately. Despite a lack of focus and motivation, I still remain artistic. Photography helps me satisfy that creative urge with a less demanding effort than actually drawing something up would take. I do plan on getting some more pencil and ink based art done soon. As stated before, I will be starting lessons with Billy again next month. But until then, here are my recent photos:
Note: Click the thumbnail to be taken to the DeviantArt upload. Once there you can click the image again to see it in full view should you wish.
Who Am I?
Addiction BW
The Gaming Scene
Man have I ever been bored lately. But it is hard to go out since the heat and humidity will kick up my asthma, and I am battling a sinus infection at the moment (A nasty one it appears. Ill be going on a consecutive dose of antibiotics here starting tomorrow). So, Ive pulled out my GBA and started playing Golden Sun: The Lost Age. Im about two-thirds done with the game, not including the side quests (Which I am about to start). Man this game is fun. I cant believe I never took the time to finish it.
Aside from that, Counter-Strike: Source has still been eating up hours of my life. Although with Comic Con and constant nagging from my mom, I have started to cut back how many hours I put into it. What can I say? Im addicted to competition. The only way to be the best is to put in the time. Apparently my mom doesnt want me to be the best. Aside from that, I am still suffering from the addiction issues to the game that have been mentioned in another post. If you dont know about it, look back and find it. I really dont want to get into again, or else this blog will be much, much, much longer than it is now.
So, we made up a match in which we received a forfeit win. Turned out to be a horrible idea. Rather than play the team we were originally scheduled against, we got stuck against some other team that is currently 4-1, and they came in and raped us by the score of 9-21. This would be a good time to mention that we hadnt played that particular map in over five weeks and that are play was down right pathetic. Strange since we had just played a match right before that and won 22-8.
Anyway, this week we were scheduled against a team called Post Mortem. These guys went 3-0 to start the season and had a CAL featured match for week 4. Surprisingly, these guys were not actually that good. They put a whooping on us, however, taking the first half 1-14. Terrorist side is already at a disadvantage on the map we played, and our play, once again, was down right horrible. They would do the same strategy every round, and we just failed to adjust. Finally towards the end we started challenging them. Had the whole half been played like that, the end result definitely would be different.
Second half we ended up switching servers because they were bitching about ours. Youd think playing on a better (I was receiving the exact same FPS and ping) server would give them the advantage, but it actually seemed to help us more. We put the hurt on them on Counter Terrorist side, taking it 11-4. I finished the half with a 26-7 score, including 1 ace. So we lost 12-18 against a team that was recently considered to be one of the best. Like I said, if we hadnt started out so slowly/badly, things definitely would have been different.
Oh yea, and before the match we had a practice scrim, and I ended up with 7 glock kills (Including a first round ace with it) and 4 no scope AWP kills. Yea, thats skills.
The Wrap-Up
Well, I think that just about covers everything thats happened in the past week or so. Sorry about the length of this update, but a lot has been going on. Busy, busy, busy.
I hope you are all doing well. Im looking forward to a little down time to rest up and recover from the Con and illness. Until next time!
Current Mood: Recovering
Currently Listening to: "War OutKast (Big Boi)
Currently watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of: Smallville, Miami Ink, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Made, True Life
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix, [p]X | Suckimus Maximus, or [p]X | Beware the Kha'ak), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad, Sandtiger on Akama), Battlefield 2 (=Superman=KalEl or =PXConqueror=), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror)
Currently Reading: A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
GaiaOnline Last.FM
Theres always next year
So, the stomach troubles didnt cease after one day. I ended up getting sick Saturday afternoon as well. I awoke Sunday morning still feeling a bit ill, so I missed the Con on Sunday as well. I really wish I could have made it as my parents came home with all sorts of goodies and had a great time at the Reno 911 panel.
Comic Con
Preview Night:
I have never seen Preview Night so crowded before! There were a bigillion people there

Here is a photo of my print:

So, I had talked one of my friends into going. We got there a little after 7:20am...My dad dropped us off to go wait in line to pick up Derek's badge while he parked. That line actually moved in pretty quickly, and we ended up standing in the third line near the front to get in. My dad ended up calling, and told us that he had met up with his coworker and was standing in the line with all the four day pass people...So we ditched our line and found him...Passing thousands of people along the way.
I was already not feeling well at this point. In fact, the symptoms had started when we arrived home from Preview Night the night before. But I toughed it out, I mean, it is Comic Con after all. So, my dad, Derek, and I all started out together, but eventually, Derek and I broke off to go at our own pace (Much faster). I spent the whole day pointing out every slut with a Naruto headband. God I hate those things. And we saw the funniest image ever. Before I get to the story, one detail you must know is that there is a booth (Jada Toys) that was handing out bags that had Chub City on them (A line of toys they make or something).
Comic Con is filled with extremely heavy people. So, here were these extremely huge ladies walking in the other direction as us. As they walk past us Derek notices their bags...Yup, you guessed it. Chub City. We had a good laugh at that, and for the rest of the day, that was our little inside joke.
So, I stopped by the Moonstone booth, hoping to find Mr. EricJ, but he wasn't there. Looks like I'll be missing him this year since I'll be stuck in Hall H all day Saturday, the day that he will be doing his signings. I also stopped by Neko Press' booth and checked in with Billy. He figured I was going through some tough times and said he has saved my spot in the class...So I'm planning on starting up my art lessons again next month.
After that, we met up with my dad, his coworker and accomplices and had lunch at Trophy's. It wasn't a very good outing. Derek ended up sending his food back to the kitchen, and I was so ill at this point that I only managed to get down two bites of hamburger and six french-fries. But, to put a bright spot on the outing, guess who we saw???
Seth fucking Green
I was the first to notice him. I saw he and his friends were seated. He had on a hat and big sunglasses, so my first thought was damn that guy is short. Then I was like, you know, he kind of looks like Seth Green...And is about the right height. Then I saw him smile and that's when I realized that it was him. We didn't saw anything because 1) he was eating and 2) they didn't look like they were in a good mood lol

So, Derek and I finished walking up and down the aisles by 3:30...I was feeling like shit, and there wasn't anything that we really wanted to go back and see, so we sat down for 20 or so minutes, then met back up with my dad. We met up with my aunt at 4:15 to head off, and ended up waiting for like an hour for my cousin to show up. She had apparently gone to the wrong Starbucks...Can't blame her though since there are like three of them inside the convention center.
As soon as we got home, the bathroom became my office for like the next hour. I tried playing a bit of CS, but I was just in too much pain, so I hopped off and went to lie down. I ended up falling asleep and taking a bit of a nap. For those of you that don't know me too well, if I take a nap, I am really not feeling well...I never take naps otherwise.
Well, I had my alarm set early, just in case I woke up feeling great. I didn't. So when my dad asked if I was going, I had to decline. I ended up sleeping until ten or so, when my mom woke me up and asked me if I wanted her to drop me off at the Con on her way to work. I figured that after the previous day, I just wanted to rest up and get some food and liquid back into my system. My dad tried to persuade me with "I'm going to the Snakes on a Plane panel" lol...Tempting, but didn't seal the deal.
My dad ended up buying two things. A Batman print, and a Batman sketch from the same artist. Here are pics of them:

On a side note, wearing my sliding shorts from baseball was the best idea ever! I have a nasty habit of walking with my legs together, so having that layer of skintight spandex saved my inner thighs from rubbing raw against each other.
Why has it been so fucking humid here lately? It is like living in Florida for goodness sake. We actually ended up getting a pretty good spot in line for Hall H. We were much further back in line than last year, but we still managed to grab pretty good seats. It was miserable in line. The sun was just beating down on our spot, and my dad gave up and found a nearby spot of shade to sit in. I tried to tough it out, but I just couldnt stop sweating, so I joined him. Shortly after, the line shifted and we ended up in the sun again with no nearby shade to save us. So there I was, sweating up a storm and desperately trying to wipe myself off my with hand towel. By the time we made it in, every inch of my undershirt was damp with sweat

So, like I said, we grabbed pretty decent seats. The line this year was actually pretty small. My dad pointed out that they had broken up the big panels this year into two days (Friday and Saturday), so thats why there wasnt as big of a crowd this year.
I wasnt in the greatest of moods throughout the day. My ass was hurting from sitting for so long, and standing in the line and being all sweaty had left my face all greasy, despite my efforts to wipe it clean and dry.

The first panel of the day definitely set the bar high. In fact, with the exception of maybe Spider-Man 3, no other panel came close to it. This panel was for the upcoming movie of Frank Millers 300. This film looks absolutely incredible. The imagery, the way they shot the battle scenes, and everything else about the clip they showed us was simply breathtaking. It was such a hit that they ended up showing the clip like three times.
The next panel was for Robert Rodriguezs and Quentin Tarantinos Grind House. Let me just say, that Mr. Tarantino must have been a drug baby or something. He is so energetic and bouncing of the walls that it is like he is on speed or something. The movie is actually going to be two full-length movies, fir the price of one. We only got to see Roberts since Quentin hasnt started filming yet, but it was so over the top. It is a zombie movie with things an amputee getting a machine gun attached to her leg. It was actually pretty funny. In addition, they also filmed a bunch of trailers to show before and in-between the films, and one of them is hilarious. The trailer is for Machete and one of the images they shot is of the lead character opening up his trench coat, and it being filled with dozens of machetes. That got a big laugh out of me.
Kevin Smith was supposed to have a panel after that, but he ended up getting stuck in traffic, so they rescheduled him for a 6:30 panel (5 hours later than this original time). Rosario Dawson ended up coming out to cover for him for a bit. She sang a little bit, told some stories about shooting Clerks 2, and ended up calling Kevin on his cell phone and putting it on speaker phone so we could hear. She asked where he was, and his response was something along the lines of, Im actually in San Diego, but I cant make it to the convention center because there are too many people walking in the streets dressed up as fucking Robin.
The next panel of note was the last scheduled one of the day: Sony. We got to see some Ghost Rider footage, and it didnt look as bad as I thought it would. Then they brought out the stars and stuff, and I swear Nicolas Cage was under the influence of something. First he comes out in these huge Elvis sunglasses. Whenever someone is inside and wearing sunglasses, you know there is a problem. Not too mention that everyone says all you see is black when you are up there anyway, so it isnt as if the room was so bright that he had to wear them. Then, the way he was talking was hilariousAll slow and drawn out. Plus he would go on these long strange speeches, one of which included Johnny Blaze like to relax with a martini glass filled with jelly beans.
After that was Spider-fucking-Man 3. The clip they showed for this movie was amazing! It hinted at some bad ass Spider-Man moments and we got to see Venom! From what I could see of the very brief glimpse we got, his design looks great, and he very much the anti-Spider-Man. As Topher put it, "He's more of a doppelganger to Peter. It's kind of a case study in if someone very similar to Peter got the same powers but didn't have a good upbringing." In case you havent guessed, they brought out just about the entire cast for the panel. Thomas Haden Church is hilarious. Someone asked what super powers each one of them would like to have, so when it comes to Thomas he replies with, Id wreak havoc on the world with the power of corn! And they would know me as The Corncob Goblin!
Afterwards, Kevin Smith come out and with him was Jason Mewes. They were funny as always. The best part was when a guy who had to have a sign-language interpreter translate for him came up to the mic for a question. So, he had a bit of fun with that, including almost tricking the interpreter to sign, This is the interpreter talking. Ive wanted to say this for so long. I want to suck your dick. He came so close to getting him to sign it too lol. You could tell Kevin could have fooled around with those guys for a few more hours lol.
As stated before, I ended up missing this day due to still having issues with my stomach. I really did want to go too, and was even more sad once my parents got back with all their loot and stories. I also wanted to pick up the Civil War series, but I remembered too late, and when I called my parents to ask them to pick it up, they told me they had just left the Con. Talk about bad timing

Oh well. I do suppose there is always next year right?
The Art Scene
Well, I have been putting out a lot of photography lately. Despite a lack of focus and motivation, I still remain artistic. Photography helps me satisfy that creative urge with a less demanding effort than actually drawing something up would take. I do plan on getting some more pencil and ink based art done soon. As stated before, I will be starting lessons with Billy again next month. But until then, here are my recent photos:
Note: Click the thumbnail to be taken to the DeviantArt upload. Once there you can click the image again to see it in full view should you wish.

Who Am I?


Addiction BW


The Gaming Scene
Man have I ever been bored lately. But it is hard to go out since the heat and humidity will kick up my asthma, and I am battling a sinus infection at the moment (A nasty one it appears. Ill be going on a consecutive dose of antibiotics here starting tomorrow). So, Ive pulled out my GBA and started playing Golden Sun: The Lost Age. Im about two-thirds done with the game, not including the side quests (Which I am about to start). Man this game is fun. I cant believe I never took the time to finish it.
Aside from that, Counter-Strike: Source has still been eating up hours of my life. Although with Comic Con and constant nagging from my mom, I have started to cut back how many hours I put into it. What can I say? Im addicted to competition. The only way to be the best is to put in the time. Apparently my mom doesnt want me to be the best. Aside from that, I am still suffering from the addiction issues to the game that have been mentioned in another post. If you dont know about it, look back and find it. I really dont want to get into again, or else this blog will be much, much, much longer than it is now.
So, we made up a match in which we received a forfeit win. Turned out to be a horrible idea. Rather than play the team we were originally scheduled against, we got stuck against some other team that is currently 4-1, and they came in and raped us by the score of 9-21. This would be a good time to mention that we hadnt played that particular map in over five weeks and that are play was down right pathetic. Strange since we had just played a match right before that and won 22-8.
Anyway, this week we were scheduled against a team called Post Mortem. These guys went 3-0 to start the season and had a CAL featured match for week 4. Surprisingly, these guys were not actually that good. They put a whooping on us, however, taking the first half 1-14. Terrorist side is already at a disadvantage on the map we played, and our play, once again, was down right horrible. They would do the same strategy every round, and we just failed to adjust. Finally towards the end we started challenging them. Had the whole half been played like that, the end result definitely would be different.
Second half we ended up switching servers because they were bitching about ours. Youd think playing on a better (I was receiving the exact same FPS and ping) server would give them the advantage, but it actually seemed to help us more. We put the hurt on them on Counter Terrorist side, taking it 11-4. I finished the half with a 26-7 score, including 1 ace. So we lost 12-18 against a team that was recently considered to be one of the best. Like I said, if we hadnt started out so slowly/badly, things definitely would have been different.
Oh yea, and before the match we had a practice scrim, and I ended up with 7 glock kills (Including a first round ace with it) and 4 no scope AWP kills. Yea, thats skills.
The Wrap-Up
Well, I think that just about covers everything thats happened in the past week or so. Sorry about the length of this update, but a lot has been going on. Busy, busy, busy.
I hope you are all doing well. Im looking forward to a little down time to rest up and recover from the Con and illness. Until next time!
Current Mood: Recovering
Currently Listening to: "War OutKast (Big Boi)
Currently watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of: Smallville, Miami Ink, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Made, True Life
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix, [p]X | Suckimus Maximus, or [p]X | Beware the Kha'ak), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad, Sandtiger on Akama), Battlefield 2 (=Superman=KalEl or =PXConqueror=), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror)
Currently Reading: A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
GaiaOnline Last.FM

It sounds like a good Comic Con was had though. The print you bought is awesome as are the prints your dad bought!
Oh, and I love your photography... I think it is fantastic! Have you ever thought about selling any of your prints? I think you could do well with them...
Sorry this response is so brief, but I am so busy right now that I barely even have time to sit down, let alone write to all my lovely friends here on SG...It's about 1:15am and I hafta be up in 5 hours (damn insomnia isn't helping one bit, lol).
I hope all is well with you! Talk to you soon!