A Note From the Editor
If luck is a lady, then she is a fucking bitch.
*Insert Groans Here*
Getting a stomach bug is never good. Getting a stomach bug at Comic Con is even worse.
I was hoping that the Con would give my mind and body a little break from all of the aches and pains and illnesses I have endured, but those hopes were not fulfilled. Here's a quick recap of the first day and a half of the Con.
Preview Night:
I have never seen Preview Night so crowded before! There were a bigillion people there
So, my dad and I made our way through the aisles, just scoping out where everything was. One random booth had a print that caught my eye, so I bought it. The artist is...One sec while I look...Sam Hiti. Last year it took me two and a half days to buy something...This year I didn't even make it through Preview Night.
So, I had talked one of my friends into going. We got there a little after 7:20am...My dad dropped us off to go wait in line to pick up Derek's badge while he parked. That line actually moved in pretty quickly, and we ended up standing in the third line near the front to get in. My dad ended up calling, and told us that he had met up with his coworker and was standing in the line with all the four day pass people...So we ditched our line and found him...Passing thousands of people along the way.
I was already not feeling well at this point. In fact, the symptoms had started when we arrived home from Preview Night the night before. But I toughed it out, I mean, it is Comic Con after all. So, my dad, Derek, and I all started out together, but eventually, Derek and I broke off to go at our own pace (Much faster). I spent the whole day pointing out every slut with a Naruto headband. God I hate those things. And we saw the funniest image ever. Before I get to the story, one detail you must know is that there is a booth (Jada Toys) that was handing out bags that had Chub City on them (A line of toys they make or something).
Comic Con is filled with extremely heavy people. So, here were these extremely huge ladies walking in the other direction as us. As they walk past us Derek notices their bags...Yup, you guessed it. Chub City. We had a good laugh at that, and for the rest of the day, that was our little inside joke.
So, I stopped by the Moonstone booth, hoping to find Mr. EricJ, but he wasn't there. Looks like I'll be missing him this year since I'll be stuck in Hall H all day Saturday, the day that he will be doing his signings. I also stopped by Neko Press' booth and checked in with Billy. He figured I was going through some tough times and said he has saved my spot in the class...So I'm planning on starting up my art lessons again next month.
After that, we met up with my dad, his coworker and accomplices and had lunch at Trophy's. It wasn't a very good outing. Derek ended up sending his food back to the kitchen, and I was so ill at this point that I only managed to get down two bites of hamburger and six french-fries. But, to put a bright spot on the outing, guess who we saw???
Seth fucking Green
I was the first to notice him. I saw he and his friends were seated. He had on a hat and big sunglasses, so my first thought was damn that guy is short. Then I was like, you know, he kind of looks like Seth Green...And is about the right height. Then I saw him smile and that's when I realized that it was him. We didn't saw anything because 1) he was eating and 2) they didn't look like they were in a good mood lol
We ended up running into them again in the con, but just let him do his thing.
So, Derek and I finished walking up and down the aisles by 3:30...I was feeling like shit, and there wasn't anything that we really wanted to go back and see, so we sat down for 20 or so minutes, then met back up with my dad. We met up with my aunt at 4:15 to head off, and ended up waiting for like an hour for my cousin to show up. She had apparently gone to the wrong Starbucks...Can't blame her though since there are like three of them inside the convention center.
As soon as we got home, the bathroom became my office for like the next hour. I tried playing a bit of CS, but I was just in too much pain, so I hopped off and went to lie down. I ended up falling asleep and taking a bit of a nap. For those of you that don't know me too well, if I take a nap, I am really not feeling well...I never take naps otherwise.
Well, I had my alarm set early, just in case I woke up feeling great. I didn't. So when my dad asked if I was going, I had to decline. I ended up sleeping until ten or so, when my mom woke me up and asked me if I wanted her to drop me off at the Con on her way to work. I figured that after yesterday, I just wanted to rest up and get some food and liquid back into my system. My dad tried to persuade me with "I'm going to the Snakes on a Plane panel" lol...Tempting, but didn't seal the deal.
But, I'll be back there tomorrow! Going to be sitting in Hall H all day catching all the big panels, like Warner Bros, and Sony, and Kevin Smith! Might have to go on Sunday as well to make up for the day I am currently missing.
On a side note, wearing my sliding shorts from baseball was the best idea ever! I have a nasty habit of walking with my legs together, so having that layer of skintight spandex saved my inner thighs from rubbing raw against each other.
The Wrap-Up
Well, that is all. I'll have a proper update when the Con is over. I really need to start taking more picture...Think I only took one this year. I'll be sure to steal some from Derek if he hasn't deleted them already.
Current Mood: Recovering
Currently Listening to: "Sick and Tired" - Nappy Roots
Currently watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of: Smallville, Miami Ink, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Made, True Life
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix, [p]X | Suckimus Maximus, or [p]X | Beware the Kha'ak), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad, Sandtiger on Akama), Battlefield 2 (=Superman=KalEl or =PXConqueror=), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror)
Currently Reading: A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
GaiaOnline Last.FM

If luck is a lady, then she is a fucking bitch.
*Insert Groans Here*
Getting a stomach bug is never good. Getting a stomach bug at Comic Con is even worse.
I was hoping that the Con would give my mind and body a little break from all of the aches and pains and illnesses I have endured, but those hopes were not fulfilled. Here's a quick recap of the first day and a half of the Con.
Preview Night:
I have never seen Preview Night so crowded before! There were a bigillion people there

So, I had talked one of my friends into going. We got there a little after 7:20am...My dad dropped us off to go wait in line to pick up Derek's badge while he parked. That line actually moved in pretty quickly, and we ended up standing in the third line near the front to get in. My dad ended up calling, and told us that he had met up with his coworker and was standing in the line with all the four day pass people...So we ditched our line and found him...Passing thousands of people along the way.
I was already not feeling well at this point. In fact, the symptoms had started when we arrived home from Preview Night the night before. But I toughed it out, I mean, it is Comic Con after all. So, my dad, Derek, and I all started out together, but eventually, Derek and I broke off to go at our own pace (Much faster). I spent the whole day pointing out every slut with a Naruto headband. God I hate those things. And we saw the funniest image ever. Before I get to the story, one detail you must know is that there is a booth (Jada Toys) that was handing out bags that had Chub City on them (A line of toys they make or something).
Comic Con is filled with extremely heavy people. So, here were these extremely huge ladies walking in the other direction as us. As they walk past us Derek notices their bags...Yup, you guessed it. Chub City. We had a good laugh at that, and for the rest of the day, that was our little inside joke.
So, I stopped by the Moonstone booth, hoping to find Mr. EricJ, but he wasn't there. Looks like I'll be missing him this year since I'll be stuck in Hall H all day Saturday, the day that he will be doing his signings. I also stopped by Neko Press' booth and checked in with Billy. He figured I was going through some tough times and said he has saved my spot in the class...So I'm planning on starting up my art lessons again next month.
After that, we met up with my dad, his coworker and accomplices and had lunch at Trophy's. It wasn't a very good outing. Derek ended up sending his food back to the kitchen, and I was so ill at this point that I only managed to get down two bites of hamburger and six french-fries. But, to put a bright spot on the outing, guess who we saw???
Seth fucking Green
I was the first to notice him. I saw he and his friends were seated. He had on a hat and big sunglasses, so my first thought was damn that guy is short. Then I was like, you know, he kind of looks like Seth Green...And is about the right height. Then I saw him smile and that's when I realized that it was him. We didn't saw anything because 1) he was eating and 2) they didn't look like they were in a good mood lol

So, Derek and I finished walking up and down the aisles by 3:30...I was feeling like shit, and there wasn't anything that we really wanted to go back and see, so we sat down for 20 or so minutes, then met back up with my dad. We met up with my aunt at 4:15 to head off, and ended up waiting for like an hour for my cousin to show up. She had apparently gone to the wrong Starbucks...Can't blame her though since there are like three of them inside the convention center.
As soon as we got home, the bathroom became my office for like the next hour. I tried playing a bit of CS, but I was just in too much pain, so I hopped off and went to lie down. I ended up falling asleep and taking a bit of a nap. For those of you that don't know me too well, if I take a nap, I am really not feeling well...I never take naps otherwise.
Well, I had my alarm set early, just in case I woke up feeling great. I didn't. So when my dad asked if I was going, I had to decline. I ended up sleeping until ten or so, when my mom woke me up and asked me if I wanted her to drop me off at the Con on her way to work. I figured that after yesterday, I just wanted to rest up and get some food and liquid back into my system. My dad tried to persuade me with "I'm going to the Snakes on a Plane panel" lol...Tempting, but didn't seal the deal.
But, I'll be back there tomorrow! Going to be sitting in Hall H all day catching all the big panels, like Warner Bros, and Sony, and Kevin Smith! Might have to go on Sunday as well to make up for the day I am currently missing.
On a side note, wearing my sliding shorts from baseball was the best idea ever! I have a nasty habit of walking with my legs together, so having that layer of skintight spandex saved my inner thighs from rubbing raw against each other.
The Wrap-Up
Well, that is all. I'll have a proper update when the Con is over. I really need to start taking more picture...Think I only took one this year. I'll be sure to steal some from Derek if he hasn't deleted them already.
Current Mood: Recovering
Currently Listening to: "Sick and Tired" - Nappy Roots
Currently watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of: Smallville, Miami Ink, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Made, True Life
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix, [p]X | Suckimus Maximus, or [p]X | Beware the Kha'ak), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad, Sandtiger on Akama), Battlefield 2 (=Superman=KalEl or =PXConqueror=), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror)
Currently Reading: A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
GaiaOnline Last.FM

I can't wait to hear about the rest of Con...I am so jealous of everyone that is going/gets to go...Even if I had been planning on attending I wouldn't have been able to go cause I am still sick as a dog!
Hope today is fun for you!
Btw, I love Seth Green...
You meet the best authors and artists from the comics we love in my country.
I didn't go this year, but i like it very much!
I'm sure that overthere it must be at least ten times bigger for what i learnt of California when I ws living there.
BYe Bye,
have fun for me too!