A Note From the Editor
What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Its too bad that nothing ever happens.
Viva Las Vegas
Well, I'm back home from the trip. I wish I had some fantastic tales to share with you guys, but sadly, Vegas is a pretty damn boring place when you are underage and with your parents the whole time. Most of our time was spent visiting my grandparents, although we did manage to make it to two shows.
The first show was Xtreme Magic starring Dirk Arthur. One of those magicians who works with tigers, so it was mostly tricks that made a girl disappear, and made a tiger appear in her place. Although he did manage to make a train and a helicopter "appear out of thin air."
The second show was something along the lines of A Night with Dean and Friends starring impressionist Tom Stevens. He was good, but this was definitely for an older crowd, since the majority of impressions were of old timers like Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, etc. I chuckled a bit, but being the third youngest person in the theater, I found myself not enjoying he show as much as the rest of the crowd lol
We also checked out the newly opened Red Rock hotel and casino, and I must say that I was impressed. It was a very classy place. We would have stayed there, but for some unknown reason, Vegas was packed this particular weekend/week. Anyway, it will be interesting to see if this place is still classy and clean after a year or so.
And that is about our whole trip. The only other things we did were go bowling and catch a movie at our hotel/casino (Suncoast). Oh yea! We also went Geocaching, which is my dad's latest craze.
We've been to Vegas so many times that all the pretty lights and sounds have little effect on me anymore, but there is one thing that still impresses me about this town. I am always amazed at how many beautiful women are at this place...It is unbelievable! And apparently I was catching the eyes of a lot of them (Go figure). This really sucked because I'm shy enough as it is, and having my parents hovering around me at all times didn't help matters in the least. One of these days I'll have to head up there with some friends instead of the folks
Bloody Pirates
So, the movie we caught at the hotel was POTC: DMC. I must say, I was rather disappointed with this film. I won't say too much, since it just came out, but the film just dragged on for me
The last twenty minutes or so are fantastic, the rest of the movie, not so much. I also didn't like Johnny Depp's performance...It was just too much for me. My dad didn't enjoy it either. As he put it, "I don"t remember him acting so gay." Lol...
The World Cup
Well, we were lucky enough to be at my grandparents' house at the time and were able to catch the game. Oh my goodness. I've never seen anyone just throw a headbutt like that lol!
I was hoping France would win because I really hate the Italian team...They are just a bunch of whiney little bitches. I thought it was hilarious how Zidane still got the Golden Ball award even with the headbutt lol
If there was more action like that, soccer would be huge in the States!
The Wrap-Up
Sorry for such a boring entry, but the trip really wasn't that exciting
Oh yea! Forgot to mention that I finally finished 1984. It wasn't as good as I had hoped it would have been, but it was still a good read nonetheless. Next up is A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway.
Going paintballing this weekend. I'll be sure to take some pics of me in full gear...I look like a terrorist or something with my fatigues and my balaclava lol
Hope you all are doing well.
Current Mood: Sick, sad, and angry
Currently Listening to: "Sick and Tired" - Nappy Roots
Currently watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of: Smallville, Miami Ink, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Made, True Life
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix, [p]X | Suckimus Maximus, or [p]X | Beware the Kha'ak), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad, Sandtiger on Akama), Battlefield 2 (=Superman=KalEl or =PXConqueror=), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror)
Currently Reading: A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
GaiaOnline Last.FM

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Its too bad that nothing ever happens.
Viva Las Vegas
Well, I'm back home from the trip. I wish I had some fantastic tales to share with you guys, but sadly, Vegas is a pretty damn boring place when you are underage and with your parents the whole time. Most of our time was spent visiting my grandparents, although we did manage to make it to two shows.
The first show was Xtreme Magic starring Dirk Arthur. One of those magicians who works with tigers, so it was mostly tricks that made a girl disappear, and made a tiger appear in her place. Although he did manage to make a train and a helicopter "appear out of thin air."
The second show was something along the lines of A Night with Dean and Friends starring impressionist Tom Stevens. He was good, but this was definitely for an older crowd, since the majority of impressions were of old timers like Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, etc. I chuckled a bit, but being the third youngest person in the theater, I found myself not enjoying he show as much as the rest of the crowd lol

We also checked out the newly opened Red Rock hotel and casino, and I must say that I was impressed. It was a very classy place. We would have stayed there, but for some unknown reason, Vegas was packed this particular weekend/week. Anyway, it will be interesting to see if this place is still classy and clean after a year or so.
And that is about our whole trip. The only other things we did were go bowling and catch a movie at our hotel/casino (Suncoast). Oh yea! We also went Geocaching, which is my dad's latest craze.
We've been to Vegas so many times that all the pretty lights and sounds have little effect on me anymore, but there is one thing that still impresses me about this town. I am always amazed at how many beautiful women are at this place...It is unbelievable! And apparently I was catching the eyes of a lot of them (Go figure). This really sucked because I'm shy enough as it is, and having my parents hovering around me at all times didn't help matters in the least. One of these days I'll have to head up there with some friends instead of the folks

Bloody Pirates
So, the movie we caught at the hotel was POTC: DMC. I must say, I was rather disappointed with this film. I won't say too much, since it just came out, but the film just dragged on for me

The World Cup
Well, we were lucky enough to be at my grandparents' house at the time and were able to catch the game. Oh my goodness. I've never seen anyone just throw a headbutt like that lol!
I was hoping France would win because I really hate the Italian team...They are just a bunch of whiney little bitches. I thought it was hilarious how Zidane still got the Golden Ball award even with the headbutt lol

If there was more action like that, soccer would be huge in the States!
The Wrap-Up
Sorry for such a boring entry, but the trip really wasn't that exciting

Going paintballing this weekend. I'll be sure to take some pics of me in full gear...I look like a terrorist or something with my fatigues and my balaclava lol

Hope you all are doing well.
Current Mood: Sick, sad, and angry
Currently Listening to: "Sick and Tired" - Nappy Roots
Currently watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of: Smallville, Miami Ink, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Made, True Life
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix, [p]X | Suckimus Maximus, or [p]X | Beware the Kha'ak), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad, Sandtiger on Akama), Battlefield 2 (=Superman=KalEl or =PXConqueror=), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror)
Currently Reading: A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
GaiaOnline Last.FM

I loved the second Pirates. I can't really pinpoint the reasons as to why I enjoyed it so much, but I was deff. entertained throughout it. I guess I went into it not expecting too much (I mean the first one wasn't supposed to do well at all and look what happened!
I didn't want Italy to win either...Tee hee. I actually wanted Spain or Mexico to make it to the final...All well...There will be another one in four years
Have a blast paintballing this weekend! Can you believe I have never been paintballing? I must remedy that soon!