A Note From the Editor
Vacation 1. A period of time devoted to pleasure, rest, or relaxation
If these feelings are missing, does vacation simply just become relocation?
The first stop on our trip was Cambria, former honeymoon location of my parents. I loved it here. Why you ask? Because I did not have a single problem with my allergies while there. Ok, I lied. I did have extremely red and itchy eyes in our hotel room, but that was due to a down comforter, not the surrounding area. Our motel was conveniently located two skips and a jump away from the beach. One had just to cross a road a walk down a few steps, and you would find yourself only feet away from the ocean.
The coastline in this area resembled beaches in Oregon, rather than those frequently found here in southern California. The ground consisting in an uncountable mass of tiny stones; all round, tiny, and polished by crashing waves and moving tides. Looking back from where you had descended the beach, one could see large pieces of drift wood and rocky walls filled with holes and cracks, as they were helpless against the constant wind blowing against them.
And the wind was constant. A strong, cold wind that would cut through any garment you adorned, and yet remained surprisingly refreshing at the same time. Similar to jumping into a cold pool, one became accustomed to the chill.
Despite the coldness of the wind, the water felt extremely pleasant. It wasnt as near cold as one would expect, but one couldnt call it warm either. It seemed just right. As with the wind, walking in it seemed to calm you and lift your spirits.
Scattered along the waters edge were great stones where the coastline has most likely once stood. I, much to my mothers dismay, took every chance I could to climb on top of them. Just getting up eight, ten, twelve feet in the air can drastically change a view on things. Seeing the sun glinting off of the rocks, discovering tide pools of a sort (Moss was aplenty, but no animals were to be found), and things of that nature was certainly worth the time and risk involved in venturing somewhere few others went.
The beach was by far my favorite part of this stop. However, we did venture away from my beloved waterfront and paid a visit to Hearst Castle.
The castle was certainly impressive, that is, if you are impressed by a display of simply having too much money. Well, I suppose one could never have too much moneyPerhaps I should have should, are impressed by large displays of wasted money. There, I said it. Hearst Castle is nothing more than a project undertaken by a man with far too much money for his own good.
I mean, the thing had no real planning to it. There is a hugely Roman feel to the outdoor pool, the main house section of the house is modeled after a church, other parts of the castle are designed for different eras, and a whole section is still unfinished. It is as though there was no planning to the houseLike he just built and designed as he wished. An unskillfully made collage that in the end just serves as a display of power and wealth.
So, Ive mentioned how I feel about the castle as a whole, but lets get to the particulars. The tour we went on covered the main portion of the castle. Designed to resemble a Catholic church, the building looks amazing from the outside. Once inside, you are met with religious woodcarvings, tapestries, choir chair walls, etc., all of which is fantastic. Although, I do have some questions about just where he got those choir chairs. The carvings are far from angelic looking, but rather contorted demon-like figures.
All in all, I was rather disappointed by the castle and found it a waste.
Carmel by the Sea
Sticking with the coastal theme of our trip, our next stop was Carmel by the Sea. This is a rich, arty, tourist-filled area. Small shops selling jewelry, works of art, and so on lined every street. Like most towns of similar description, Carmel closes down early. We are talking home by six here, which is a horrible thing when you are looking for some after dinner coffee (Which was a problem we ran into).
The strange thing I found about this town was that despite having a reputation for being quite a wealthy area, much of it seemed to be in disrepair. Near the beach, unused fire pits were covered in overgrown brush and weeds, sidewalks were uneven and cracking, etc.
A highlight of this area is the Hogs Breath Inn. Why you ask? Because Clint Eastwood was the former owner of it, thats why! And that is certainly reason enough to pay a visit to it. I had the filet mignon, which was nothing special and resulted in the first restaurant rule being formed: Unless I am at Outback, I am not allowed to order filet mignon. Outback has by far the best filet mignon I have ordered and is usually much cheaper than most places. By I figured Id try it here seeing as every piece of meat was going to be $26.95.
Another highlight of this stop was one, George J. Bleich, a master painter of natural light they call him. His paintings were pretty interesting, although a bit redundant as they always seemed to be of waterfronts and/or flowers. The reason they were interesting is that the paintings seemed to take on a different look as the light on them was dimmed or brightened.
Anyway, enough about his art, what made this a highlight was the man himself. To put it simply, Mr. Bleich is old, and old people have a lot they can talk about. Aside from painting, Mr. Bleich also makes music, and that is what kick started a very long tale.
You see, every day, this man likes to sit a couple down and sing to them a love song of sorts that he has written. And guess what? My parents were that lucky couple. The song was pleasant to listen to, aside from a few twanged notes on the guitar. Anyway, after the song has ended, the tales begun. He talked about his mother getting sick, divorcing his wife, painting around the world with his sons, sailing, and everything else under the sun. Despite constantly rambling on, I found the whole ordeal quite pleasant. It was nice to be able just to sit and listen, and learn about his life. The one down note on the event came at the very end, at which point he showed us pictures of his open wound. Yes, it is even grosser to look at than it sounds.
While many would have found this whole thing to have been utterly boring, it was nice to find a regular guy who actually talked. So many of these places are filled with snobs that offer nothing more than Hi, can I help you? and even less offer a Thank you for coming in. In fact, in one place we walked into, the lady there didnt even take notice of us until we were just about to leave (And it is not like she had other customersWe were the only people in there).
San Francisco
The final stop of our trip, San Francisco. We stayed at the Best Western Tuscan Inn hotel, which was quite nice, except for the $32 dollars per day they charge you for their valet service (Which is a must as they dont have any other parking options, and spots are at a premium on the street). An added bonus was that upon arrival, a quite attractive concierge checked us in. The first thing I notice about the city is a woman, so typically male ha!
We stayed within walking distance of the hotel for dinner, and ended up choosing a nearby Italian restaurant. I ended up ordering spaghetti with dungeness crab. This lead to restaurant rule number two being formed: I am not allowed to order crab. I have never been fond of crab, but I always here people talking about how good it is, so I figured Id give it one more try. Unsurprisingly, I still am not fond of it. Overall, the food at this place was lacking. The complementary bread was served cold, the food wasnt great, etc.
The best part of the dinner had absolutely nothing to do with the restaurant. In fact, this entertainment came from across the street. A, what I assume was, homeless person set up a crate by one of the newspaper box things, sat down on it, and placed two full-leafed branches from some bush in front of him. He then proceeded to scare people as they walked by, by jumping out at them from his crate, and then immediately asking them for money. It was by far the funniest thing I have ever seen, and to my surprise very few people were upset by the action and in fact gave him money. This was hilarious and even got a few young girls to scream quite loudly in fright lol
After dinner we ended up walking up to Little Italy and scouting out restaurants for the next nights meal. After looking around, we decided to stop for coffee, and having walked all over the place with the wind dying down, I was dripping with sweat. This matter wasnt improved any by walking unto the coffee shop, which happened to be exactly 160767637578698 degrees hot. So, I ended up waiting outside with my jacket off, trying not to look too scrubby as I watched the lovely ladies walk by while cooling off.
Day two of SF was filled with adventures of public transportation. I cant remember the order in which we did this, but we ended up going to Chinatown, Little Mexico (For lack of a better termNot sure what this part of town is really called), and Haight-Ashbury.
Chinatown We really didnt do much here. Walked into a few shops to look at some carvings/statues and window-shopped for jewelry. Took a couple pictures at the gates, and headed off.
Little Mexico Anyone know what this part of town is called? Anyway, we didnt do much here either. But we did go to one hell of a taco shop called La Taqueria. Very, very, very good food here. It also feels like a real taco place down in Mexico. All they need is some adobada and a kid selling Chiclets and theyd be all set! We ended up eating here twice (The first time for lunch, and the next day for dinner). We had three different types of tacos, and of those we recommend: 1) Carnitas 2) Carne Asada 3) Pollo.
If you ever go here, be sure to save room for desert. Next door is a bakery, which my parents tell me is fantastic (I didnt end up getting anything here, so I wouldnt know).
We had to walk a little ways to get to the bus stop, and on the way we ran into a skid row type of area. The whole place was full of Cholos, homeless people, and drug addicts. They had one of those pay to use restrooms, and inside of it were about six people putting who knows what into their bodies.
Haight-Ashbury I guess I am just not free enough to appreciate this area. Lots of things and people I just dont really care for. Anyway, the reason we were down there was to stop by Amoeba Music. Once again, we had to travel through a skid row area. It seems like every trip we walk through at least one of these places.
Anyway, the store was great. It is the kind of place that you can get lost for hours in, especially if you dont have anything in particular that you want (Like me). I only ended up making through the rock and rap sections before heading off. I had about 300 CDs I would have liked to picked up, but three was my limit. I ended up buying AFIs Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Eyes, The Matches E. Von Dahl Killed the Locals, and Pigeon Johns Pigeon John is Dating Your Sister.
Our second day in SF made me realize something. I hate buses. You can call me a snob, but I cannot stand to use a bus. Why? Because they make me feel dirty. I felt absolutely filthy after a day of using buses to get around the city.
Our third day in SF was our last full day there. We started off the day by going to Alcatraz. The visit was going fine until I got pood on. Yes, you read that right, I had a bird target me. Fortunately, it wasnt a direct hit, but rather hit some leaves next to us. Unfortunately, the wind was blowing very hard, so we caught the splatter. I was wearing a white shirt, so the two spots that hit my clothes werent noticeable. My arm also took some, and my jacket (Which my mom was carrying) took the worst of it. Sadly, this will probably be the most memorable thing about Alcatraz.
After that, we drove around the city for a bit. Wasnt really paying much attention to where we were going, but we crossed the Golden Gate Bridge, drove through Little Tokyo, went to Coit Tower, and went back to La Taqueria for dinner (Not in Order).
The following day, we packed up and headed off for a eight to nine hour drive home.
The vacation was nice, but it wasnt as relaxing as I would have hoped. Normally these trips allow me to focus on things other than my health, but this one was brought back to reality real quick.
I ended up going three straight night with nosebleeds, including my worst one to date. My nosebleeds dont really pour out of my nostrils, but rather pour down my throat. So when the worst one hit, I was spitting pure blood. It looked like I had bit my tongue off or something. My teeth were stained with blood, I was spitting out nothing but blood, and I was nauseated from all the blood I had swallowed.
Definitely put a down note on the whole trip.
Worth a Thousand Words
Picture time! You can see my arty photos from the trip at my DeviantArt Page. But here are some direct links:
Vacation 1
Pebble Beach Area 1
Pebble Beach Area 2
Golden Gate Bridge
The View From Alcatraz
The View From Alcatraz 2
The View From Alcatraz 3
Attack of the Birds
The Long Walk Home
From Under the Pier
From Under the Pier 2
Troubled Waters
Mother Natures Abuse
The Beachfront
The Test of Time
The Pool
The Pool 2
The Pool 3
And now for some other photos from the trip:
Oh how I hope none of you are using 56K.
In Case You Missed It!
I no longer have a mustache!
I also got bored yesterday and starting fiddling around with my computer. Here are the results:
And because you care, my frequently used programs are:
XFire (Instant Messaging for gamers)
Miranda IM (Multi client toolUse it for Aim, MSN, ICQ, and Yahoo)
Hix Script IRC (Idle in [pound]clanpx [Written this way since MySpace doesnt allow number signs])
WinAmp (With a skin of Blue from SuicideGirls)
TeamSpeak (Voice chat with CS teammates)
BitTorrent/Peer Guardian
StealthBot (To Idle in my clans Warcraft 3 channel)
The Gaming Scene
The CAL season is officially under way. This is the first time playing competitively for my group. Individually most of us have had previous experience though.
We ended up winning our first match against a team called Net Force Extreme 17-13, but we lost against a very experienced team, Quick Shot, earlier this week 8-22.
Hopefully some of these really good teams get moved up from Open to Main and give us a chance to make a run for the top 10. Or at least allow us to get a little momentum and improvement and go into the next couple of season strong.
The Wrap-Up
Well, that is all I can think of to write about at the moment. My sister is in town for the week and staying with us, so Im trying to keep an eye on her whenever I can. Im trying to make the best of it, but I cant wait for her to leave again.
Oh, and I forgot to mention this! I think I wrote about this, but we had a scare with my tumor not too long ago. It had appeared to have grown on the right side. Anyway, on Friday I had another MRI. The good news is that the tumor has not grown any (It hasnt shrunk either though which sucks). My allergies were just so bad that the membrane around the tumor had swollen up. Still no clue as to why I am having these nosebleeds though.
We are setting up appointments with an ENT and an allergist, so hopefully we can get my health under control for a bit.
Friday was one bad day. I ended up having some 24-hour bug. I was nauseated and my stomach was wrecked all day. I ended up sleeping from 4:30 in the afternoon to 10:00 at night before waking up for a couple hours and going back to sleep. What really sucked is that I had been planning to go paintballing that weekend, but my parents decided against it after I got sick.
Ok, so I am bored and a bit down in spirits. Someone talk to me or give me a boost or somethingAnything.
Hope you are all having a better week than I am. Sorry for taking so long to get this blog out.
Current Mood: Bored and sad
Currently Listening to: "Perfect The Smashing Pumpkins
Currently Watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of: Smallville, Miami Ink, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Made, True Life
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix, [p]X | Suckimus Maximus, or [p]X | Beware the Khaak), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad, Sandtiger on Akama), Battlefield 2 (=Superman=KalEl or =PXConqueror=), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror)
Currently Reading: 1984 by George Orwell
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
GaiaOnline Last.FM

Vacation 1. A period of time devoted to pleasure, rest, or relaxation
If these feelings are missing, does vacation simply just become relocation?
The first stop on our trip was Cambria, former honeymoon location of my parents. I loved it here. Why you ask? Because I did not have a single problem with my allergies while there. Ok, I lied. I did have extremely red and itchy eyes in our hotel room, but that was due to a down comforter, not the surrounding area. Our motel was conveniently located two skips and a jump away from the beach. One had just to cross a road a walk down a few steps, and you would find yourself only feet away from the ocean.
The coastline in this area resembled beaches in Oregon, rather than those frequently found here in southern California. The ground consisting in an uncountable mass of tiny stones; all round, tiny, and polished by crashing waves and moving tides. Looking back from where you had descended the beach, one could see large pieces of drift wood and rocky walls filled with holes and cracks, as they were helpless against the constant wind blowing against them.
And the wind was constant. A strong, cold wind that would cut through any garment you adorned, and yet remained surprisingly refreshing at the same time. Similar to jumping into a cold pool, one became accustomed to the chill.
Despite the coldness of the wind, the water felt extremely pleasant. It wasnt as near cold as one would expect, but one couldnt call it warm either. It seemed just right. As with the wind, walking in it seemed to calm you and lift your spirits.
Scattered along the waters edge were great stones where the coastline has most likely once stood. I, much to my mothers dismay, took every chance I could to climb on top of them. Just getting up eight, ten, twelve feet in the air can drastically change a view on things. Seeing the sun glinting off of the rocks, discovering tide pools of a sort (Moss was aplenty, but no animals were to be found), and things of that nature was certainly worth the time and risk involved in venturing somewhere few others went.
The beach was by far my favorite part of this stop. However, we did venture away from my beloved waterfront and paid a visit to Hearst Castle.
The castle was certainly impressive, that is, if you are impressed by a display of simply having too much money. Well, I suppose one could never have too much moneyPerhaps I should have should, are impressed by large displays of wasted money. There, I said it. Hearst Castle is nothing more than a project undertaken by a man with far too much money for his own good.
I mean, the thing had no real planning to it. There is a hugely Roman feel to the outdoor pool, the main house section of the house is modeled after a church, other parts of the castle are designed for different eras, and a whole section is still unfinished. It is as though there was no planning to the houseLike he just built and designed as he wished. An unskillfully made collage that in the end just serves as a display of power and wealth.
So, Ive mentioned how I feel about the castle as a whole, but lets get to the particulars. The tour we went on covered the main portion of the castle. Designed to resemble a Catholic church, the building looks amazing from the outside. Once inside, you are met with religious woodcarvings, tapestries, choir chair walls, etc., all of which is fantastic. Although, I do have some questions about just where he got those choir chairs. The carvings are far from angelic looking, but rather contorted demon-like figures.
All in all, I was rather disappointed by the castle and found it a waste.
Carmel by the Sea
Sticking with the coastal theme of our trip, our next stop was Carmel by the Sea. This is a rich, arty, tourist-filled area. Small shops selling jewelry, works of art, and so on lined every street. Like most towns of similar description, Carmel closes down early. We are talking home by six here, which is a horrible thing when you are looking for some after dinner coffee (Which was a problem we ran into).
The strange thing I found about this town was that despite having a reputation for being quite a wealthy area, much of it seemed to be in disrepair. Near the beach, unused fire pits were covered in overgrown brush and weeds, sidewalks were uneven and cracking, etc.
A highlight of this area is the Hogs Breath Inn. Why you ask? Because Clint Eastwood was the former owner of it, thats why! And that is certainly reason enough to pay a visit to it. I had the filet mignon, which was nothing special and resulted in the first restaurant rule being formed: Unless I am at Outback, I am not allowed to order filet mignon. Outback has by far the best filet mignon I have ordered and is usually much cheaper than most places. By I figured Id try it here seeing as every piece of meat was going to be $26.95.
Another highlight of this stop was one, George J. Bleich, a master painter of natural light they call him. His paintings were pretty interesting, although a bit redundant as they always seemed to be of waterfronts and/or flowers. The reason they were interesting is that the paintings seemed to take on a different look as the light on them was dimmed or brightened.
Anyway, enough about his art, what made this a highlight was the man himself. To put it simply, Mr. Bleich is old, and old people have a lot they can talk about. Aside from painting, Mr. Bleich also makes music, and that is what kick started a very long tale.
You see, every day, this man likes to sit a couple down and sing to them a love song of sorts that he has written. And guess what? My parents were that lucky couple. The song was pleasant to listen to, aside from a few twanged notes on the guitar. Anyway, after the song has ended, the tales begun. He talked about his mother getting sick, divorcing his wife, painting around the world with his sons, sailing, and everything else under the sun. Despite constantly rambling on, I found the whole ordeal quite pleasant. It was nice to be able just to sit and listen, and learn about his life. The one down note on the event came at the very end, at which point he showed us pictures of his open wound. Yes, it is even grosser to look at than it sounds.
While many would have found this whole thing to have been utterly boring, it was nice to find a regular guy who actually talked. So many of these places are filled with snobs that offer nothing more than Hi, can I help you? and even less offer a Thank you for coming in. In fact, in one place we walked into, the lady there didnt even take notice of us until we were just about to leave (And it is not like she had other customersWe were the only people in there).
San Francisco
The final stop of our trip, San Francisco. We stayed at the Best Western Tuscan Inn hotel, which was quite nice, except for the $32 dollars per day they charge you for their valet service (Which is a must as they dont have any other parking options, and spots are at a premium on the street). An added bonus was that upon arrival, a quite attractive concierge checked us in. The first thing I notice about the city is a woman, so typically male ha!
We stayed within walking distance of the hotel for dinner, and ended up choosing a nearby Italian restaurant. I ended up ordering spaghetti with dungeness crab. This lead to restaurant rule number two being formed: I am not allowed to order crab. I have never been fond of crab, but I always here people talking about how good it is, so I figured Id give it one more try. Unsurprisingly, I still am not fond of it. Overall, the food at this place was lacking. The complementary bread was served cold, the food wasnt great, etc.
The best part of the dinner had absolutely nothing to do with the restaurant. In fact, this entertainment came from across the street. A, what I assume was, homeless person set up a crate by one of the newspaper box things, sat down on it, and placed two full-leafed branches from some bush in front of him. He then proceeded to scare people as they walked by, by jumping out at them from his crate, and then immediately asking them for money. It was by far the funniest thing I have ever seen, and to my surprise very few people were upset by the action and in fact gave him money. This was hilarious and even got a few young girls to scream quite loudly in fright lol
After dinner we ended up walking up to Little Italy and scouting out restaurants for the next nights meal. After looking around, we decided to stop for coffee, and having walked all over the place with the wind dying down, I was dripping with sweat. This matter wasnt improved any by walking unto the coffee shop, which happened to be exactly 160767637578698 degrees hot. So, I ended up waiting outside with my jacket off, trying not to look too scrubby as I watched the lovely ladies walk by while cooling off.
Day two of SF was filled with adventures of public transportation. I cant remember the order in which we did this, but we ended up going to Chinatown, Little Mexico (For lack of a better termNot sure what this part of town is really called), and Haight-Ashbury.
Chinatown We really didnt do much here. Walked into a few shops to look at some carvings/statues and window-shopped for jewelry. Took a couple pictures at the gates, and headed off.
Little Mexico Anyone know what this part of town is called? Anyway, we didnt do much here either. But we did go to one hell of a taco shop called La Taqueria. Very, very, very good food here. It also feels like a real taco place down in Mexico. All they need is some adobada and a kid selling Chiclets and theyd be all set! We ended up eating here twice (The first time for lunch, and the next day for dinner). We had three different types of tacos, and of those we recommend: 1) Carnitas 2) Carne Asada 3) Pollo.
If you ever go here, be sure to save room for desert. Next door is a bakery, which my parents tell me is fantastic (I didnt end up getting anything here, so I wouldnt know).
We had to walk a little ways to get to the bus stop, and on the way we ran into a skid row type of area. The whole place was full of Cholos, homeless people, and drug addicts. They had one of those pay to use restrooms, and inside of it were about six people putting who knows what into their bodies.
Haight-Ashbury I guess I am just not free enough to appreciate this area. Lots of things and people I just dont really care for. Anyway, the reason we were down there was to stop by Amoeba Music. Once again, we had to travel through a skid row area. It seems like every trip we walk through at least one of these places.
Anyway, the store was great. It is the kind of place that you can get lost for hours in, especially if you dont have anything in particular that you want (Like me). I only ended up making through the rock and rap sections before heading off. I had about 300 CDs I would have liked to picked up, but three was my limit. I ended up buying AFIs Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Eyes, The Matches E. Von Dahl Killed the Locals, and Pigeon Johns Pigeon John is Dating Your Sister.
Our second day in SF made me realize something. I hate buses. You can call me a snob, but I cannot stand to use a bus. Why? Because they make me feel dirty. I felt absolutely filthy after a day of using buses to get around the city.
Our third day in SF was our last full day there. We started off the day by going to Alcatraz. The visit was going fine until I got pood on. Yes, you read that right, I had a bird target me. Fortunately, it wasnt a direct hit, but rather hit some leaves next to us. Unfortunately, the wind was blowing very hard, so we caught the splatter. I was wearing a white shirt, so the two spots that hit my clothes werent noticeable. My arm also took some, and my jacket (Which my mom was carrying) took the worst of it. Sadly, this will probably be the most memorable thing about Alcatraz.
After that, we drove around the city for a bit. Wasnt really paying much attention to where we were going, but we crossed the Golden Gate Bridge, drove through Little Tokyo, went to Coit Tower, and went back to La Taqueria for dinner (Not in Order).
The following day, we packed up and headed off for a eight to nine hour drive home.
The vacation was nice, but it wasnt as relaxing as I would have hoped. Normally these trips allow me to focus on things other than my health, but this one was brought back to reality real quick.
I ended up going three straight night with nosebleeds, including my worst one to date. My nosebleeds dont really pour out of my nostrils, but rather pour down my throat. So when the worst one hit, I was spitting pure blood. It looked like I had bit my tongue off or something. My teeth were stained with blood, I was spitting out nothing but blood, and I was nauseated from all the blood I had swallowed.
Definitely put a down note on the whole trip.
Worth a Thousand Words
Picture time! You can see my arty photos from the trip at my DeviantArt Page. But here are some direct links:
Vacation 1
Pebble Beach Area 1
Pebble Beach Area 2
Golden Gate Bridge
The View From Alcatraz
The View From Alcatraz 2
The View From Alcatraz 3
Attack of the Birds
The Long Walk Home
From Under the Pier
From Under the Pier 2
Troubled Waters
Mother Natures Abuse
The Beachfront
The Test of Time
The Pool
The Pool 2
The Pool 3
And now for some other photos from the trip:

Oh how I hope none of you are using 56K.
In Case You Missed It!
I no longer have a mustache!


I also got bored yesterday and starting fiddling around with my computer. Here are the results:

And because you care, my frequently used programs are:
XFire (Instant Messaging for gamers)
Miranda IM (Multi client toolUse it for Aim, MSN, ICQ, and Yahoo)
Hix Script IRC (Idle in [pound]clanpx [Written this way since MySpace doesnt allow number signs])
WinAmp (With a skin of Blue from SuicideGirls)
TeamSpeak (Voice chat with CS teammates)
BitTorrent/Peer Guardian
StealthBot (To Idle in my clans Warcraft 3 channel)
The Gaming Scene
The CAL season is officially under way. This is the first time playing competitively for my group. Individually most of us have had previous experience though.
We ended up winning our first match against a team called Net Force Extreme 17-13, but we lost against a very experienced team, Quick Shot, earlier this week 8-22.
Hopefully some of these really good teams get moved up from Open to Main and give us a chance to make a run for the top 10. Or at least allow us to get a little momentum and improvement and go into the next couple of season strong.
The Wrap-Up
Well, that is all I can think of to write about at the moment. My sister is in town for the week and staying with us, so Im trying to keep an eye on her whenever I can. Im trying to make the best of it, but I cant wait for her to leave again.
Oh, and I forgot to mention this! I think I wrote about this, but we had a scare with my tumor not too long ago. It had appeared to have grown on the right side. Anyway, on Friday I had another MRI. The good news is that the tumor has not grown any (It hasnt shrunk either though which sucks). My allergies were just so bad that the membrane around the tumor had swollen up. Still no clue as to why I am having these nosebleeds though.
We are setting up appointments with an ENT and an allergist, so hopefully we can get my health under control for a bit.
Friday was one bad day. I ended up having some 24-hour bug. I was nauseated and my stomach was wrecked all day. I ended up sleeping from 4:30 in the afternoon to 10:00 at night before waking up for a couple hours and going back to sleep. What really sucked is that I had been planning to go paintballing that weekend, but my parents decided against it after I got sick.
Ok, so I am bored and a bit down in spirits. Someone talk to me or give me a boost or somethingAnything.
Hope you are all having a better week than I am. Sorry for taking so long to get this blog out.
Current Mood: Bored and sad
Currently Listening to: "Perfect The Smashing Pumpkins
Currently Watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of: Smallville, Miami Ink, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Made, True Life
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix, [p]X | Suckimus Maximus, or [p]X | Beware the Khaak), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad, Sandtiger on Akama), Battlefield 2 (=Superman=KalEl or =PXConqueror=), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror)
Currently Reading: 1984 by George Orwell
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
GaiaOnline Last.FM

thanks for your comment on my set!