A Note From the Editor
"Phoenix (<---Me): Oh yea? You like man on man action? Well, take this! 'Super double headed dildo mega attack GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!'"
Ha, my "witty," lesbian-oriented remark in a conversation concerning yaoi and the adolescent girls that seem to be obsessed with it.
The Sports Arena
To the Padres:
I'm sure most Padre fans that read the following will most likely hate me, but it is something that should be pointed out. I've discussed this a few times with my father, and we both seem to agree.
Mark Loretta was using some form of illegal substance, whether it was steroids or human growth hormone remains a mystery. I know this guy was the hero for the Padres, an All-Star who was all business, so before you call a lynch mob together, give me a chance to explain myself. Let's take a look at the numbers shall we?
2003: 185 Hits, 28 Doubles, 13 HRs, 72 RBIs, .314 BA, .813 OPS, 45.3 AB/HR
2004: 208 Hits, 47 Doubles, 16 HRs, 76 RBIs, .335 BA, .888 OPS, 38.8 AB/HR
2005: 113 Hits, 16 Doubles, 3 HRs, 38 RBIs, .280 BA, .707 OPS, 134.7 AB/HR
So, you are probably wondering what the big deal about these numbers is. I mean, everyone can have an off year, right? But isnt it strange that these massive drops in his stats occurred in the same year that the MLB started testing for steroids?
Im sorry, but going from an average of 41.7 at-bats per homerun in 2003-2004, to 134.7 at-bats per homerun in 2005, the first year of the steroid policy, is just a little more than fishy to me.
Despite being an impressive 14-3 in May so far, I remain unsold on the Padres. There are still so many problems with this organization. I am still a firm believer that Bochy needs to go if this team is serious about winning championships. He is one of the worst managers in baseball. Ive said it once before, but this quote from the ESPN boards still rings true, Bochy was a scrub as a player, and as a manager he plays scrubs just like he was.
Aside from Bochy, we have some player issues as well. Too many of our guys seem like hit or miss player rather than consistent performers, especially on our bench. But so far, it looks like this season will shape up pretty much how I predicted. We will contend in the division, and if we make it to the playoffs, we will get blown out, again.
Interesting thing about the NL West, despite often being considered the worst division in baseball, we have the highest average winning percent in baseball at .534 and are the only division in baseball in which every team is over .500 (These numbers were based off of the stats as of yesterday morning).
The Art Scene
I entered a photography contest! With my experience and quality of my tools, I think I have a better chance of getting struck by lightning twice than I do of winning this contest. But what do I have to lose, right? Anyway, one of the three acceptable categories was Nature & Landscape so I submitted two of the pictures taken from my vacation to Zion. Despite my lack of skill, I remain very proud of these pictures as I personally think they are extremely beautiful shots. And who knows, maybe the judges will agree with me
Microsoft Future Pro Photographer Contest
It seems like a rare event these days, but I did a little bit of artwork last week. For Mothers Day, my mom requested that I make her a card, rather than buy one. So, I created a penciled rose for her. The blending of shades could definitely use some work, but I havent attempted something like this in who knows how long, so cut me a little slack.
I Really was Trying to Avoid This
I promise I really was trying, but things just didnt work out. I had meant for this to be a happy entry, you know, throw out my conspiracy theory on Mark Loretta, talk about the good things in life, all smiles and laughs, you know? And things were working out that way until about four oclock yesterday evening.
You see, I had an appointment with my doctor to get a referral to the ENT clinic. So, we go in and explain why we are there and he seems annoyed right away. He thinks that my other doctor (The surgeon) should be handling these types of problems, and my surgeon wont touch anything except the tumor, and they wouldnt let us do a referral over the phone, which my doctor also thinks should have been done. So he gets annoyed and apologizes for the organization making us run around in every direction and handles the referral issues for us.
What pisses me off is that no one is willing and able to help me.
My surgeon works on the tumor and thats all. My doctor works on my allergies, but he has run out of options because I cant use nasal sprays. The allergist we were referred to earlier tells us they only do allergy shots. So the ENT seems to be our last option.
My options for treatment are limited because of my tumor, and no one seems to want to really try anything because they are afraid of how my tumor will react. So Im stuck here just constantly being sick, and try as I might, I just cant stay positive and upbeat when I am in a constant state of suffering.
Then to top it off I got yelled at in the doctors office by my mom. The doctor had gone to print some stuff out and sign some paperwork and I took the opportunity to rant. Ive told my parents before that I go through phases of depression, but I dont think they know how bad it has been at times. Anyway, I was going on about how Im tired of suffering, tired of doctors not being able to treat me, tired of everything, and without thinking, I did the whole finger-gun to the head thing. This action instantly set off my mom who promptly told me to never do that again.
But what can I do? Ive been sick for a month and a half straight, Im constantly in and out of sickness, and Ive sacrificed two and a half years of my life to pain and suffering. Sure, Ive tried to make the best of my situation by focusing on my art and things like that, but that doesnt change the fact that Ive been forced to give up so much. Im tired of just having to sit back and accept things.
I know my situation could be much worse. I know that in some sick and twisted way, all this will make me a stronger, better person. But I am unwilling to accept those things. I constantly ask Why me? Why must I suffer so? What great sin did I commit in some other life or universe? Is this Gods plan? Is this my destiny? Is this just bad luck?
Im tired of everything and hate everything. Sometimes I think Id much rather be a happy and weak person rather than suffer and be strong
On a Lighter Note
I got my hair cut yesterday. Strange how something so small as a haircut can make you feel better about yourself. I am sporting my haircut from the sixth gradeSlicked back like the Mexican I am lol
Yes, I know. You wish you were as hot as me
The Gaming Scene
No entry would be complete unless I proved how much of a geek I am. So, here you have it, my accomplishments in the world of gaming!
I finally got around to playing Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones. I had received this for Christmas, but never got around to playing it thanks to Madden. Anyway, I felt like mixing things up a bit and popped it in. All I can say is that I love this game. Sadly, it didnt last very long, as I completed it over the course of four days. So, Ill just have to go through all the difficulties and try to get all those life upgrades I ignored my first time through.
I got bored the other day and decided to look through my Counter Strike: Source screenshots the other day. Here are a few of me owning it up (The first one was achieved on Wednesday, if memory serves correctly). They are a little hard to seeSorry about that
The Wrap-Up
Emo section? Check. Geek section? Check. Well, it looks like this entry is complete then. I hope you all have a great weekend. Be safe, dont get into too much trouble, and remember, always bring protection
Take care.
Current Mood: Pissed off
Currently Listening to: "Androgyny" - Garbage
Currently Watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of: Smallville, Miami Ink, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Made, True Life
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix, [p]X | Suckimus Maximus, or [p]X | Beware the Khaak), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad, Sandtiger on Akama), Battlefield 2 (=Superman=KalEl or =PXConqueror=), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror)
Currently Reading: 1984 by George Orwell
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
GaiaOnline Last.FM

"Phoenix (<---Me): Oh yea? You like man on man action? Well, take this! 'Super double headed dildo mega attack GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!'"
Ha, my "witty," lesbian-oriented remark in a conversation concerning yaoi and the adolescent girls that seem to be obsessed with it.
The Sports Arena
To the Padres:
I'm sure most Padre fans that read the following will most likely hate me, but it is something that should be pointed out. I've discussed this a few times with my father, and we both seem to agree.
Mark Loretta was using some form of illegal substance, whether it was steroids or human growth hormone remains a mystery. I know this guy was the hero for the Padres, an All-Star who was all business, so before you call a lynch mob together, give me a chance to explain myself. Let's take a look at the numbers shall we?
2003: 185 Hits, 28 Doubles, 13 HRs, 72 RBIs, .314 BA, .813 OPS, 45.3 AB/HR
2004: 208 Hits, 47 Doubles, 16 HRs, 76 RBIs, .335 BA, .888 OPS, 38.8 AB/HR
2005: 113 Hits, 16 Doubles, 3 HRs, 38 RBIs, .280 BA, .707 OPS, 134.7 AB/HR
So, you are probably wondering what the big deal about these numbers is. I mean, everyone can have an off year, right? But isnt it strange that these massive drops in his stats occurred in the same year that the MLB started testing for steroids?
Im sorry, but going from an average of 41.7 at-bats per homerun in 2003-2004, to 134.7 at-bats per homerun in 2005, the first year of the steroid policy, is just a little more than fishy to me.
Despite being an impressive 14-3 in May so far, I remain unsold on the Padres. There are still so many problems with this organization. I am still a firm believer that Bochy needs to go if this team is serious about winning championships. He is one of the worst managers in baseball. Ive said it once before, but this quote from the ESPN boards still rings true, Bochy was a scrub as a player, and as a manager he plays scrubs just like he was.
Aside from Bochy, we have some player issues as well. Too many of our guys seem like hit or miss player rather than consistent performers, especially on our bench. But so far, it looks like this season will shape up pretty much how I predicted. We will contend in the division, and if we make it to the playoffs, we will get blown out, again.
Interesting thing about the NL West, despite often being considered the worst division in baseball, we have the highest average winning percent in baseball at .534 and are the only division in baseball in which every team is over .500 (These numbers were based off of the stats as of yesterday morning).
The Art Scene
I entered a photography contest! With my experience and quality of my tools, I think I have a better chance of getting struck by lightning twice than I do of winning this contest. But what do I have to lose, right? Anyway, one of the three acceptable categories was Nature & Landscape so I submitted two of the pictures taken from my vacation to Zion. Despite my lack of skill, I remain very proud of these pictures as I personally think they are extremely beautiful shots. And who knows, maybe the judges will agree with me

Microsoft Future Pro Photographer Contest
It seems like a rare event these days, but I did a little bit of artwork last week. For Mothers Day, my mom requested that I make her a card, rather than buy one. So, I created a penciled rose for her. The blending of shades could definitely use some work, but I havent attempted something like this in who knows how long, so cut me a little slack.

I Really was Trying to Avoid This
I promise I really was trying, but things just didnt work out. I had meant for this to be a happy entry, you know, throw out my conspiracy theory on Mark Loretta, talk about the good things in life, all smiles and laughs, you know? And things were working out that way until about four oclock yesterday evening.
You see, I had an appointment with my doctor to get a referral to the ENT clinic. So, we go in and explain why we are there and he seems annoyed right away. He thinks that my other doctor (The surgeon) should be handling these types of problems, and my surgeon wont touch anything except the tumor, and they wouldnt let us do a referral over the phone, which my doctor also thinks should have been done. So he gets annoyed and apologizes for the organization making us run around in every direction and handles the referral issues for us.
What pisses me off is that no one is willing and able to help me.
My surgeon works on the tumor and thats all. My doctor works on my allergies, but he has run out of options because I cant use nasal sprays. The allergist we were referred to earlier tells us they only do allergy shots. So the ENT seems to be our last option.
My options for treatment are limited because of my tumor, and no one seems to want to really try anything because they are afraid of how my tumor will react. So Im stuck here just constantly being sick, and try as I might, I just cant stay positive and upbeat when I am in a constant state of suffering.
Then to top it off I got yelled at in the doctors office by my mom. The doctor had gone to print some stuff out and sign some paperwork and I took the opportunity to rant. Ive told my parents before that I go through phases of depression, but I dont think they know how bad it has been at times. Anyway, I was going on about how Im tired of suffering, tired of doctors not being able to treat me, tired of everything, and without thinking, I did the whole finger-gun to the head thing. This action instantly set off my mom who promptly told me to never do that again.
But what can I do? Ive been sick for a month and a half straight, Im constantly in and out of sickness, and Ive sacrificed two and a half years of my life to pain and suffering. Sure, Ive tried to make the best of my situation by focusing on my art and things like that, but that doesnt change the fact that Ive been forced to give up so much. Im tired of just having to sit back and accept things.
I know my situation could be much worse. I know that in some sick and twisted way, all this will make me a stronger, better person. But I am unwilling to accept those things. I constantly ask Why me? Why must I suffer so? What great sin did I commit in some other life or universe? Is this Gods plan? Is this my destiny? Is this just bad luck?
Im tired of everything and hate everything. Sometimes I think Id much rather be a happy and weak person rather than suffer and be strong

On a Lighter Note
I got my hair cut yesterday. Strange how something so small as a haircut can make you feel better about yourself. I am sporting my haircut from the sixth gradeSlicked back like the Mexican I am lol



Yes, I know. You wish you were as hot as me

The Gaming Scene
No entry would be complete unless I proved how much of a geek I am. So, here you have it, my accomplishments in the world of gaming!
I finally got around to playing Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones. I had received this for Christmas, but never got around to playing it thanks to Madden. Anyway, I felt like mixing things up a bit and popped it in. All I can say is that I love this game. Sadly, it didnt last very long, as I completed it over the course of four days. So, Ill just have to go through all the difficulties and try to get all those life upgrades I ignored my first time through.
I got bored the other day and decided to look through my Counter Strike: Source screenshots the other day. Here are a few of me owning it up (The first one was achieved on Wednesday, if memory serves correctly). They are a little hard to seeSorry about that

The Wrap-Up
Emo section? Check. Geek section? Check. Well, it looks like this entry is complete then. I hope you all have a great weekend. Be safe, dont get into too much trouble, and remember, always bring protection

Take care.
Current Mood: Pissed off
Currently Listening to: "Androgyny" - Garbage
Currently Watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of: Smallville, Miami Ink, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Made, True Life
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix, [p]X | Suckimus Maximus, or [p]X | Beware the Khaak), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad, Sandtiger on Akama), Battlefield 2 (=Superman=KalEl or =PXConqueror=), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror)
Currently Reading: 1984 by George Orwell
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
GaiaOnline Last.FM

thanks for the comment on my debut set 

How are you doing? Sorry I have been so MIA lately, but I have been busy as all hell. I hope all is well with you!