A Note from The Editor
The battle between happiness and the "future" rages on. Why must life be nothing but a series of compromises?
Living in my Dreams
Apparently I haven't ranted enough lately, so last night, I had a series of dreams in which all of my feelings leaked through. It was a very strange experience to tell the truth. I was fully aware of what I was dreaming, and everything I have been wanting to say came out.
The two that stuck out the most dealt with my sister and school. Not surprising since these are the two topics that I seem to love to rant about.
In the dream about my sister, she shows up unannounced at our house and, as always, wants something from us. My parents aren't home, so I refuse to let her inside the house. The lies start spewing from her mouth, which thankfully my dream kept silent. But what I did here was something along the lines of "you all treat me shit, I hate all of you, fuck you," and she storms off. So, I rush out, spin her around and let loose a fury of words that would have the devil himself cowering in my presence.
Deep down, I wish this dream would come true. I can think of nothing I want to do more than let loose and explode on my sister. To through back everything in her face. To call her out on all her lies. To tell her the truth about herself.
In the dream about school, I am being lectured and yelled out by my parents, which seems to be a frequent situation in reality nowadays. I finally hit my breaking point and lash back...Screaming at them about how I really feel about school, how I feel about my health, how I feel about life. I tell them everything, in a futile attempt to make them understand me.
All of these "ranting" dreams came shortly before I awoke, so while I felt a little relieved when I opened my eyes, the anger was, and still is, there.
The dream that disturbed me the most was my first dream of the night. I'm bringing in the trashcans (In the evening), and across the street, there is a family standing in the driveway, talking. I go to grab another trashcan when I hear the loud roar of an engine. I look up to see a car flying around the corner (We live on a corner). Time slows as I look a little lower and see the child of the family standing in the middle of the street. I drop the trashcan and race for the child. I grab him and have just enough time to secure him in my chest before the car slams into me. I tried to make an attempt to jump and not be ran over, which result in me taking the force of the hit just below my left knee. I get flung above the hood and hit the car again (At the side of the windshield) and finally drop down to the asphalt with the child still in my grasp, banged up but saved.
The dream continues, but everything is black. My eyes open, and I find myself in a hospital...My right arm in a cast, and my left leg amputated just below the knee.
What a great dream huh? I really do hate my dreams sometimes...I've had dreams of self-sacrifice (Usually in a very painful way that results in long-term suffering) for as long as I can remember. It has been a while since I've had one, so this one has me a bit unnerved.
My Lobster Imitation
It is settled. I am an idiot when it comes to putting on sunscreen.
We went to the Padres' game on Sunday. It was a horrible game up until the ninth inning.
Anyway, it was a day game, and our seats offer no shade at all. So, my dad hands me the sunscreen, and I apply it to my arms, remember what happened at the last day game we attended. Do you think it occurred to me to put any on my legs or face? The crowd started thinning at the end of the game (We have horrible fans that never stay the entire game), so with the seat in front of my empty, I decided to put my foot up.
The results- Minor sunburn on my face, my hat blocked out most of the sun. My ears were toast though...They turned a lovely shade of deep red. And the worst was a result of me attempting to relax.
I am host to a lovely red rectangle on my inner shin, extended from just below my knee (Where my shorts hit) to just above my ankle (Where my sock hit). This is, by far, the worst sunburn I have ever had. Yesterday, it was extremely painful to even walk on the leg. It still hurts, but it is getting better.
Yes, I am a moron at times. We all have our moment, right? Right? Anyone?
The Sticky Sister Situation
I am really going out of chronological order here, but I've turned on my rant mode, so there is no use trying to maintain order of any kind to my thoughts right now.
So, I told you all about the dream I had dealing with my sister, so now it is time to let you all in on the a bit of the reality.
My sister is definitely using again (Heroin is the assumed drug of choice, based on her symptoms and other family situations). It got so bad that even the guy who she was with said something was wrong and asked her what she was on.
And speaking of that guy (Who's name I have no idea of). Apparently my sister has managed to piss him off, and now has four days to find a new place. So, she calls up my mom and tells her the situation. My mom's reply was, "Well, what have you done about it? Have you called anywhere about housing?" To which she received, "No, my back hurts." And here is the best response my mom has ever given her, "That shouldn't stop you, if you can call me fifteen times, I'm sure you can look in a paper and starting calling about housing."
I was really glad to see that I've finally started to wear off on my mom. We've tried everything and have always been there for her, despite all of the lives she has tainted and ruined, all of the lies, and all of the things she's stolen, everything she has done wrong. And because of that, she thinks that she can take advantage of us...Only making contact when she needs something, and expecting to get whatever she wants with no remorse for her action and without being thankful for any of it.
We all know that if it werent for the whole going to jail thing, both my brother and I would like to solve everyone's problems and remove her from this Earth. But, since that can't be done, I am glad to see my mom finally start cracking down and not giving in to her wishes.
What my sister really wants is to come live with us now. Not look for a job, not try to save up to go see her child, not try to better her life. Nope, she just wants a place to stay...A place where she can take a shower whenever she wants, eat whatever she wants, sleep whenever she wants, and get everything she wants to have. And she expects us to give that to her. Maybe she hasn't noticed, but everyone around here seems to have life. We go to work, go to school (Well, tried at least), deal with health problems, and work at making our lives the best they can be. We have no room to have to care for her like a baby. We have no room to take time to constantly watch over her to ensure that she isn't stealing from us (More than just material items...She's tried to sell identities before).
I'm glad to see that my mom is finally tired of her action.
As cruel as some of my comments may sound, I mean them. I honestly don't care about my sister anymore. The only emotions I have for her are those of hate. If she died today, I honestly doubt that I'd shed a tear.
The Sports Arena
To the Chargers:
This organization's draft has me puking in disgust and scratching my head.
We waste yet another first round pick on a cornerback. Maybe you guys haven't noticed, but we suck at drafting cornerbacks. It would have been different if, say, Huff had fallen down to the nineteen spot. But no. We use our draft pick on Antonio fucking Cromartie.
What the hell were you guys smoking before the draft? Maybe you didn't notice, but this guy missed the entire 2005 season with a knee injury, and his entire highlight package was him making plays that lacked technique on badly thrown balls, from bad quarterbacks, on bad teams. So, we waste a number one draft pick on a cornerback, coming off of a knee injury, who lacks technique, and may not even end up being a cornerback in the big show (He's played receiver before, and there is talk that is he can't become a pro-worthy CB, they can change him to WR).
Ok, now it may just be me, but if you draft someone in the first round, they better be able to play, and better yet, they better be able to play now, with the exception of quarterbacks. You don't use your first round pick on a project player, that is, a player that needs a hell of a lot of work and who you are not even sure can play the position you drafted him for.
What makes me mad is that Winston Justice was still on the board. Now, I know he may have had some character issues in the past, but that doesn't change the fact that he was one of, what, two potential first round offensive linemen? For the love of good, go watch some highlights of LT running. He has to make cuts three, four, five yards behind the line of scrimmage. He is our best player, and one, if not the, best player in the NFL. For the love of god, give that man some support.
I know our secondary has some issues (Which we really should have addressed in Free Agency), but at least draft a player than has proven that he can play CB, if you address that issue in the first round!
Another draft issue that has me questioning the management of the Charger's is our number six pick, one Kurt Smith, a place kicker. Why in the hell would we draft a kicker??? What are we going to do? Have Smith do kickoff or field goals, and have Kaeding do the other? Honestly, if your kicker can't do both things, get rid of him. There is no need to use up two roster spots to accomplish one job.
And based on what I saw from Kaeding, this may be exactly what they are planning to do. I like the guy, but his skills get pretty shaking once he hits that forty yard distance. You have to be able to make those if you are in the NFL.
So, if we looking at getting another kicker, why not go for a proven veteran? Like I don't know, someone like Adam Vinatieri or Mike Vanderjagt? Oh that's right, we don't like to use our money on free agents! Because we are geniuses at picking up players through the draft! Just look at Castillo and Merriman! Our draft skills are unmatched. Ryan Leaf? Who is this Ryan Leaf guy you mention?
To the Padres:
I am your good luck charm! Give me free season tickets! You need me to win!
The last two Padres games both my dad and I have attended have resulted in extra inning wins. Bringing the season record up to 4-1 when we both attend.
You see, they need us!
But really, the Padres are pathetic. Our pitching isn't half bad, but the hitting! Let me give you an idea of how we badly we rank in the National League:
Runs - 16/16
Hits - 15/16
Homeruns - 16/16
BA - 16/16
OPS - 16/16
The Art Arena
I am still lacking the motivation and focus to draw. I want to, really, I do. But when it comes down to it, I find myself just sitting with pencil in hand, staring at the paper in front of me. Oh how I hate not feeling well. It inhibits everything I do.
But when the time comes, and I am finally able to draw, I have a pretty cool idea. It isn't going to be anything fancy, but it deals with something I strongly believe. I'll let you in on the secret. Words are weapons. And not just any weapons, no, words are the most powerful weapons in the existence of this world. The right words can shock a people into paralysis, throw a people into a frenzy, or topple any authoritative power.
Brave New World
Did I mention that I finished the book last entry? Well, there you have it in case I didn't.
It was a pretty good read. Pretty scary how the world ends up in the book...With all the twins, and no choice in career, lifestyle, or even intelligence. Nothing but being happy...No thinking at all. Kind of scary when you consider the reality of the world and realize something like that is possible.
Once again, I find myself questioning the world around me. Maybe it is just me, but I love being able to develop my own opinions...Being able to argue my viewpoints...Being able to think for myself. If utopia means we all become mindless idiots, then give me all the tragedy you can muster, but give me the ability to think and be me.
Growing Up?
Lately, I have been finding myself really, really, really wishing that I could move out. All of the lecturing and yelling about school (And everything for that matter) is getting really old, really fast.
I'm still being treated like a little kid here, despite being 19 years old. I just want to leave and be on my own.
Unfortunately, moving out takes money. And to get money, you need a job. And with the amount of time I'm sick, I could never hold down a job.
And that, my friends, is the problem. I'm ready to move on. I want to move out. Hell, I need to move out. But I am unable to.
You Can't Always do what You Like, You have to Compromise
Why must life amount to nothing more than a long series of compromises? I mean, I have nothing against compromising...It makes life, as a whole, easier. But when something determines so much of your life, must we compromise our future?
What this is all about is school (What else could it be about?). Deep down, I've always wanted to be a liberal art major. I simply love writing. I love art. I have talent and show potential in both areas. I don't want those skills to go to waste. I want to embrace them, to nurture them, to create with them. But, being the only child in this family that had a knack for the scholarly arts, I have been groomed into turning that gift (A curse at times) into the "best" possible life for myself. Which translates into, making money.
And so, I compromised my education. I liked science, so I picked engineering as my area of study. There are always engineering jobs, which means I should have no problem finding work (Which was something my parents stressed).
But why do something I somewhat like, when I can do something I truly love? I once told my parents what I wanted to do, and I was shot down from dream amidst the stars. There wouldn't be work. The only job you could do with a liberal arts major is teaching. Being young, I bought every word my parents said.
And here I am, a sad student, wishing that I hadn't listened to my parents.
I've been told that I have a gift. I've lost count of how many people have called me talented when it comes to writing and art; by peers, teachers, and random onlookers. I know I sound like an awful person here, calling myself talented and gifted. But this is what has been said, and I know I'm not the best or the greatest, but I have the potential to be good at something I love doing. And I don't want to see that potential go to waste. And what I fear most is that I'll be stuck doing something that I find no joy in...And with all the suffering I've endured throughout my entire life, I need some joy.
So what is a person to do? Follow his parents (These parents that pay for the education) wishes and do something that will bring me jobs and money? Or follow his art and do something he loves (Which may not have such a high job market, or may have jobs that are more difficult to obtain)?
A Brand New Section Just for You! "The Forum"
You read correctly! Much like "The Sports Arena" and "The Art Arena," I hope to make this new addition, dubbed "The Forum," a semi-regular section of my blogs.
I seem to be getting a lot of new eyes coming to my pages. My Myspace blog passed the 700 view mark this past week, and my DeviantArt page just broke 9,000 views today. The problem is that I have been really lacking in the feedback department. Despite the 700 views, my Myspace blogs has all of 10 comments.
So, to try and change that, I give to you, my readers, your very own section! That's right, this baby is all for you. Have something you want me to talk about? Ask, and ye shall receive!
Have a question? I'll post it and answer it. Want my opinions on some topic (Whether it be is coke is better than pepsi, or life, or politics)? I'll post it and comment on it. Have a suggestion (More art, more social commentary, etc)? I'll post it and oblige to the suggestion. Have any other comments or concerns? I'll post them and address them.
So, there you have it. Viewer mail! A forum for the voice of my audience.
Let's hope this works!
Send all of your questions, comments, concerns, suggestions, requests, and whatever else you may have to weston.lent@yahoo.com!
(Be sure to include a desired name, and url to your page if you want a little extra exposure)
The Wrap-Up
Well, I really hope someone out there takes advantage of "The Forum." What can I say, I'm an attention whore (Kind of funny...I hate interacting in a public scenario, but I love attention).
I hope you all have great weeks, and I wish you all the best!
PS, I just realized how much I wrote, and now find myself mentally exhausted. Because of that, I will not be re-reading this entry like I normally do. So, if you find an abundance of errors in my writing, I apologize in advanced.
Current Mood: Sick and Wanting Change
Currently Listening to: "Push It" - Garbage
Currently Watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of: Smallville, Miami Ink, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Made, True Life
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix, [p]X | You Is Nasty, [p]X | Suckimus Maximus, or [p]X | Beware the Khaak), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad, Sandtiger on Akama), Battlefield 2 (=Superman=KalEl or =PXConqueror=), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror)
Currently Reading: 1984 by George Orwell
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
GaiaOnline Last.FM
The battle between happiness and the "future" rages on. Why must life be nothing but a series of compromises?
Living in my Dreams
Apparently I haven't ranted enough lately, so last night, I had a series of dreams in which all of my feelings leaked through. It was a very strange experience to tell the truth. I was fully aware of what I was dreaming, and everything I have been wanting to say came out.
The two that stuck out the most dealt with my sister and school. Not surprising since these are the two topics that I seem to love to rant about.
In the dream about my sister, she shows up unannounced at our house and, as always, wants something from us. My parents aren't home, so I refuse to let her inside the house. The lies start spewing from her mouth, which thankfully my dream kept silent. But what I did here was something along the lines of "you all treat me shit, I hate all of you, fuck you," and she storms off. So, I rush out, spin her around and let loose a fury of words that would have the devil himself cowering in my presence.
Deep down, I wish this dream would come true. I can think of nothing I want to do more than let loose and explode on my sister. To through back everything in her face. To call her out on all her lies. To tell her the truth about herself.
In the dream about school, I am being lectured and yelled out by my parents, which seems to be a frequent situation in reality nowadays. I finally hit my breaking point and lash back...Screaming at them about how I really feel about school, how I feel about my health, how I feel about life. I tell them everything, in a futile attempt to make them understand me.
All of these "ranting" dreams came shortly before I awoke, so while I felt a little relieved when I opened my eyes, the anger was, and still is, there.
The dream that disturbed me the most was my first dream of the night. I'm bringing in the trashcans (In the evening), and across the street, there is a family standing in the driveway, talking. I go to grab another trashcan when I hear the loud roar of an engine. I look up to see a car flying around the corner (We live on a corner). Time slows as I look a little lower and see the child of the family standing in the middle of the street. I drop the trashcan and race for the child. I grab him and have just enough time to secure him in my chest before the car slams into me. I tried to make an attempt to jump and not be ran over, which result in me taking the force of the hit just below my left knee. I get flung above the hood and hit the car again (At the side of the windshield) and finally drop down to the asphalt with the child still in my grasp, banged up but saved.
The dream continues, but everything is black. My eyes open, and I find myself in a hospital...My right arm in a cast, and my left leg amputated just below the knee.
What a great dream huh? I really do hate my dreams sometimes...I've had dreams of self-sacrifice (Usually in a very painful way that results in long-term suffering) for as long as I can remember. It has been a while since I've had one, so this one has me a bit unnerved.
My Lobster Imitation
It is settled. I am an idiot when it comes to putting on sunscreen.
We went to the Padres' game on Sunday. It was a horrible game up until the ninth inning.
Anyway, it was a day game, and our seats offer no shade at all. So, my dad hands me the sunscreen, and I apply it to my arms, remember what happened at the last day game we attended. Do you think it occurred to me to put any on my legs or face? The crowd started thinning at the end of the game (We have horrible fans that never stay the entire game), so with the seat in front of my empty, I decided to put my foot up.
The results- Minor sunburn on my face, my hat blocked out most of the sun. My ears were toast though...They turned a lovely shade of deep red. And the worst was a result of me attempting to relax.
I am host to a lovely red rectangle on my inner shin, extended from just below my knee (Where my shorts hit) to just above my ankle (Where my sock hit). This is, by far, the worst sunburn I have ever had. Yesterday, it was extremely painful to even walk on the leg. It still hurts, but it is getting better.
Yes, I am a moron at times. We all have our moment, right? Right? Anyone?
The Sticky Sister Situation
I am really going out of chronological order here, but I've turned on my rant mode, so there is no use trying to maintain order of any kind to my thoughts right now.
So, I told you all about the dream I had dealing with my sister, so now it is time to let you all in on the a bit of the reality.
My sister is definitely using again (Heroin is the assumed drug of choice, based on her symptoms and other family situations). It got so bad that even the guy who she was with said something was wrong and asked her what she was on.
And speaking of that guy (Who's name I have no idea of). Apparently my sister has managed to piss him off, and now has four days to find a new place. So, she calls up my mom and tells her the situation. My mom's reply was, "Well, what have you done about it? Have you called anywhere about housing?" To which she received, "No, my back hurts." And here is the best response my mom has ever given her, "That shouldn't stop you, if you can call me fifteen times, I'm sure you can look in a paper and starting calling about housing."
I was really glad to see that I've finally started to wear off on my mom. We've tried everything and have always been there for her, despite all of the lives she has tainted and ruined, all of the lies, and all of the things she's stolen, everything she has done wrong. And because of that, she thinks that she can take advantage of us...Only making contact when she needs something, and expecting to get whatever she wants with no remorse for her action and without being thankful for any of it.
We all know that if it werent for the whole going to jail thing, both my brother and I would like to solve everyone's problems and remove her from this Earth. But, since that can't be done, I am glad to see my mom finally start cracking down and not giving in to her wishes.
What my sister really wants is to come live with us now. Not look for a job, not try to save up to go see her child, not try to better her life. Nope, she just wants a place to stay...A place where she can take a shower whenever she wants, eat whatever she wants, sleep whenever she wants, and get everything she wants to have. And she expects us to give that to her. Maybe she hasn't noticed, but everyone around here seems to have life. We go to work, go to school (Well, tried at least), deal with health problems, and work at making our lives the best they can be. We have no room to have to care for her like a baby. We have no room to take time to constantly watch over her to ensure that she isn't stealing from us (More than just material items...She's tried to sell identities before).
I'm glad to see that my mom is finally tired of her action.
As cruel as some of my comments may sound, I mean them. I honestly don't care about my sister anymore. The only emotions I have for her are those of hate. If she died today, I honestly doubt that I'd shed a tear.
The Sports Arena
To the Chargers:
This organization's draft has me puking in disgust and scratching my head.
We waste yet another first round pick on a cornerback. Maybe you guys haven't noticed, but we suck at drafting cornerbacks. It would have been different if, say, Huff had fallen down to the nineteen spot. But no. We use our draft pick on Antonio fucking Cromartie.
What the hell were you guys smoking before the draft? Maybe you didn't notice, but this guy missed the entire 2005 season with a knee injury, and his entire highlight package was him making plays that lacked technique on badly thrown balls, from bad quarterbacks, on bad teams. So, we waste a number one draft pick on a cornerback, coming off of a knee injury, who lacks technique, and may not even end up being a cornerback in the big show (He's played receiver before, and there is talk that is he can't become a pro-worthy CB, they can change him to WR).
Ok, now it may just be me, but if you draft someone in the first round, they better be able to play, and better yet, they better be able to play now, with the exception of quarterbacks. You don't use your first round pick on a project player, that is, a player that needs a hell of a lot of work and who you are not even sure can play the position you drafted him for.
What makes me mad is that Winston Justice was still on the board. Now, I know he may have had some character issues in the past, but that doesn't change the fact that he was one of, what, two potential first round offensive linemen? For the love of good, go watch some highlights of LT running. He has to make cuts three, four, five yards behind the line of scrimmage. He is our best player, and one, if not the, best player in the NFL. For the love of god, give that man some support.
I know our secondary has some issues (Which we really should have addressed in Free Agency), but at least draft a player than has proven that he can play CB, if you address that issue in the first round!
Another draft issue that has me questioning the management of the Charger's is our number six pick, one Kurt Smith, a place kicker. Why in the hell would we draft a kicker??? What are we going to do? Have Smith do kickoff or field goals, and have Kaeding do the other? Honestly, if your kicker can't do both things, get rid of him. There is no need to use up two roster spots to accomplish one job.
And based on what I saw from Kaeding, this may be exactly what they are planning to do. I like the guy, but his skills get pretty shaking once he hits that forty yard distance. You have to be able to make those if you are in the NFL.
So, if we looking at getting another kicker, why not go for a proven veteran? Like I don't know, someone like Adam Vinatieri or Mike Vanderjagt? Oh that's right, we don't like to use our money on free agents! Because we are geniuses at picking up players through the draft! Just look at Castillo and Merriman! Our draft skills are unmatched. Ryan Leaf? Who is this Ryan Leaf guy you mention?
To the Padres:
I am your good luck charm! Give me free season tickets! You need me to win!
The last two Padres games both my dad and I have attended have resulted in extra inning wins. Bringing the season record up to 4-1 when we both attend.
You see, they need us!
But really, the Padres are pathetic. Our pitching isn't half bad, but the hitting! Let me give you an idea of how we badly we rank in the National League:
Runs - 16/16
Hits - 15/16
Homeruns - 16/16
BA - 16/16
OPS - 16/16
The Art Arena
I am still lacking the motivation and focus to draw. I want to, really, I do. But when it comes down to it, I find myself just sitting with pencil in hand, staring at the paper in front of me. Oh how I hate not feeling well. It inhibits everything I do.
But when the time comes, and I am finally able to draw, I have a pretty cool idea. It isn't going to be anything fancy, but it deals with something I strongly believe. I'll let you in on the secret. Words are weapons. And not just any weapons, no, words are the most powerful weapons in the existence of this world. The right words can shock a people into paralysis, throw a people into a frenzy, or topple any authoritative power.
Brave New World
Did I mention that I finished the book last entry? Well, there you have it in case I didn't.
It was a pretty good read. Pretty scary how the world ends up in the book...With all the twins, and no choice in career, lifestyle, or even intelligence. Nothing but being happy...No thinking at all. Kind of scary when you consider the reality of the world and realize something like that is possible.
Once again, I find myself questioning the world around me. Maybe it is just me, but I love being able to develop my own opinions...Being able to argue my viewpoints...Being able to think for myself. If utopia means we all become mindless idiots, then give me all the tragedy you can muster, but give me the ability to think and be me.
Growing Up?
Lately, I have been finding myself really, really, really wishing that I could move out. All of the lecturing and yelling about school (And everything for that matter) is getting really old, really fast.
I'm still being treated like a little kid here, despite being 19 years old. I just want to leave and be on my own.
Unfortunately, moving out takes money. And to get money, you need a job. And with the amount of time I'm sick, I could never hold down a job.
And that, my friends, is the problem. I'm ready to move on. I want to move out. Hell, I need to move out. But I am unable to.
You Can't Always do what You Like, You have to Compromise
Why must life amount to nothing more than a long series of compromises? I mean, I have nothing against compromising...It makes life, as a whole, easier. But when something determines so much of your life, must we compromise our future?
What this is all about is school (What else could it be about?). Deep down, I've always wanted to be a liberal art major. I simply love writing. I love art. I have talent and show potential in both areas. I don't want those skills to go to waste. I want to embrace them, to nurture them, to create with them. But, being the only child in this family that had a knack for the scholarly arts, I have been groomed into turning that gift (A curse at times) into the "best" possible life for myself. Which translates into, making money.
And so, I compromised my education. I liked science, so I picked engineering as my area of study. There are always engineering jobs, which means I should have no problem finding work (Which was something my parents stressed).
But why do something I somewhat like, when I can do something I truly love? I once told my parents what I wanted to do, and I was shot down from dream amidst the stars. There wouldn't be work. The only job you could do with a liberal arts major is teaching. Being young, I bought every word my parents said.
And here I am, a sad student, wishing that I hadn't listened to my parents.
I've been told that I have a gift. I've lost count of how many people have called me talented when it comes to writing and art; by peers, teachers, and random onlookers. I know I sound like an awful person here, calling myself talented and gifted. But this is what has been said, and I know I'm not the best or the greatest, but I have the potential to be good at something I love doing. And I don't want to see that potential go to waste. And what I fear most is that I'll be stuck doing something that I find no joy in...And with all the suffering I've endured throughout my entire life, I need some joy.
So what is a person to do? Follow his parents (These parents that pay for the education) wishes and do something that will bring me jobs and money? Or follow his art and do something he loves (Which may not have such a high job market, or may have jobs that are more difficult to obtain)?
A Brand New Section Just for You! "The Forum"
You read correctly! Much like "The Sports Arena" and "The Art Arena," I hope to make this new addition, dubbed "The Forum," a semi-regular section of my blogs.
I seem to be getting a lot of new eyes coming to my pages. My Myspace blog passed the 700 view mark this past week, and my DeviantArt page just broke 9,000 views today. The problem is that I have been really lacking in the feedback department. Despite the 700 views, my Myspace blogs has all of 10 comments.
So, to try and change that, I give to you, my readers, your very own section! That's right, this baby is all for you. Have something you want me to talk about? Ask, and ye shall receive!
Have a question? I'll post it and answer it. Want my opinions on some topic (Whether it be is coke is better than pepsi, or life, or politics)? I'll post it and comment on it. Have a suggestion (More art, more social commentary, etc)? I'll post it and oblige to the suggestion. Have any other comments or concerns? I'll post them and address them.
So, there you have it. Viewer mail! A forum for the voice of my audience.
Let's hope this works!
Send all of your questions, comments, concerns, suggestions, requests, and whatever else you may have to weston.lent@yahoo.com!
(Be sure to include a desired name, and url to your page if you want a little extra exposure)
The Wrap-Up
Well, I really hope someone out there takes advantage of "The Forum." What can I say, I'm an attention whore (Kind of funny...I hate interacting in a public scenario, but I love attention).
I hope you all have great weeks, and I wish you all the best!
PS, I just realized how much I wrote, and now find myself mentally exhausted. Because of that, I will not be re-reading this entry like I normally do. So, if you find an abundance of errors in my writing, I apologize in advanced.
Current Mood: Sick and Wanting Change
Currently Listening to: "Push It" - Garbage
Currently Watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of: Smallville, Miami Ink, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Made, True Life
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix, [p]X | You Is Nasty, [p]X | Suckimus Maximus, or [p]X | Beware the Khaak), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad, Sandtiger on Akama), Battlefield 2 (=Superman=KalEl or =PXConqueror=), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror)
Currently Reading: 1984 by George Orwell
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
GaiaOnline Last.FM

I always believe that dreams tell us a little something more than what first meets the eye. It seems as if your two most recent dreams have deeper meaning to them which I think you see as well...
I've been super busy lately, but I will try to find time to participate in "the forum" what a neat idea!
Hope you are having a good week so far hun!
as for moving out, good luck. its always hard to support yourself when youre on your own but it's sooooo sweet!!!