A Note from the Editor
I present to you, a glimpse of the genius that is Aldous Huxley (i.e., some of my favorite quotes).
Maybe this world is another planet's Hell. (My personal favorite)
Man approaches the unattainable truth through a succession of errors. (A close second)
Experience is not what happens to you. It is what you do with what happens to you.
All gods are homemade, and it is we who pull their strings, and so, give them the power to pull ours.
To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries.
The vast majority of human beings dislike and even actually dread all notions with which they are not familiar... Hence it comes about that at their first appearance innovators have generally been persecuted, and always derided as fools and madmen.
Woe is Me
Now, now, no need to worry. Im not going to make you think with this journal entry. At least, I dont think I am going toMaybe just a littleI dont really know, so I wont make any promises.
Anyway, I have been having horrible luck with my health lately. Let us start with this past Friday shall we?
On Friday, I decided it would be great day to get some exercise in. So, I threw on a sleeveless shirt and some basketball shorts and headed to the backyard. I started out the day with some basketball. I always play hard, so I had worked up a good sweat before I decided that I wanted to get some baseball in as well. So, I grabbed my batting gloves, headed into our soft-toss cage and went through a bucket of balls. I hadnt quenched my thirst for baseball, so I went inside, grabbed my glove, and proceeded to work on my fielding.
So, there I am, throwing a ball against a cement wall and fielding grounders in my backyard. But like I said, I like to play hard. So I wasnt just fielding routine groundballs. Oh no. I was diving and rolling around in the grass. The problem? Im allergic to grass. Yes, not the brightest of ideas on my part. But, Ive done I before and havent had anything too serious happen. But this dayThis day was different. I proceeded to have the worst allergic reaction to grass that I have ever had since being six years old. My arms, shoulders, and knees were extremely red, itchy, and covered in hives. And thanks to my sleeveless shirt, my shoulders got very sunburned (I am experience pain as I type this as the sleeves of my shirt rub on the sunburned area). It ended up taking until Sunday for the worst of the reaction to finally pass, but even now, you can see where I had the breakouts, and I have the occasional itchy-phase.
What a great way to start off the weekend huh? But that wasnt the end, as soon as the reaction cleared up, I was hit with something else.
On Monday, I ended up having a horrible, horrible headache that lasted for about five or six hours before finally clearing up. I ended up taking doses of aspirin, Motrin, and Sudafed and was on the verge of stepping up to Vicodin if it hadnt stopped. Yup, sinus headaches are killers. I spent the majority of the evening lying down.
Unfortunately, it seems that the sinus issues have not passed as I have felt craptacular all day. I would honestly give up a testicle just to return to the state of health that I was pre-diagnosis.
Shot Through the Heart
Oh cupid, how cruel is your aim.
So, remember that girl that I wrote about not too long ago? You know, the one that I expressed my feelings towards? Yea, well, this is about her.
I dont think I explained why I had such feelings for her, so let me give you a brief explanation. She took it upon herself to show me that there was someone outside of my family that cared for me when I was going through all those rough times with my health. From that grew the initial infatuation. But as I got to know her better, I fell for her. Now, based on the origins of these feelings, I had thought that this was a phase, which I would be able to overcome once admitted to her how I felt. I was wrong.
I recently came across a picture of her from a few months ago. Upon looking at it, the emotions felt stronger than ever before. She is simply drop dead gorgeous and has been unbelievable kind to me. She is what angels should be.
The problem? Well, there are a few. The first is that while we have somewhat of a friendship, we hardly know each other. The second is that she is in a relationship. And I wish her the best in that relationshipShe deserves to be happy and loved. And I know there is a chance that she may read this. And if she does, I apologize, I hate to put you in an awkward position again.
With that being said, does anyone have any advice on the matter? Should I just try to forget how I feel and try to move on to someone else? Should I just wait? For as much as I give advice to my friends, I really have no idea how to handle my own situations. Someone help mePlease?
The Sports Arena
I was fortunate enough to attend the Padres fourteen inning battle and eventual win over the Mets last Friday. It was quite a game, and the Padres are now 2-1 when we attend gamesMaybe we should go more often?
With that being said, I have to address some things
To the Aztecs:
Poor, poor Marcus Slaughter. You are a fool to think that coming back for another year wouldnt help you get to the next level. The Aztecs remain a very talented team, and taking a chance to prove yourself in March Madness certainly would have helped. Best of luck in the future.
A big congratulations to the Aztecs however. Weve picked up the number two junior college prospect, Jerome Habel. He is six foot ten inches, 220 pounds and averaged 16.8 points, 9.2 rebounds, and 2.5 blocks per game.
To the Chargers:
What. The. Fuck. Aside from getting rid of an elite quarterback and getting nothing in return, you guys have done nothing this off-season. I wont get too much into the whole Brees issue since Ive ranted long and hard about it before. I know there may some questions marks about his shoulder, but you just dont let a player like him go for nothing. And lets face it, when you draft someone in the first round, you are just waiting for an opportunity to hand a starting job to themThis was the Chargers opportunity to give Rivers his undeserved starting job.
Way not to sign anyone this off-season. Planning to get lucky in the draft again? Maybe you havent noticed but we have a horrendous offensive line, one of the worst secondaries in the league, and need another receiver. I like McCardell, but we need more options, especially since he is an aging player at thirty-six. Besides McCardell, we have four receivers who didnt play at all, two more receivers who hardly played, and Eric Parker, who if memory serves correctly, is coming off of a year in which he his worst yards per catch average in his career.
The Free Agent signing I am excited about is Akbar Gbaja-Biamila, and only because he is a former Aztec.
And unproven quarterback, with a weak offensive lineLooks like there is going to be a hell of a lot of pressure on LT to make plays. But since he wont be getting blocking again, we get to look forward to watching another season of him having to make cuts 3,4,5 yards in the backfield. Imagine what this guy could do if he had a solid lineAlexanders record would get completely destroyed.
By the way, my dad writes an article for ESPNs fantasy league on the Chargers. Be sure to check it out at Charger's Football Fantasy Article!
Please oh please get lucky in the draft
To the Padres:
Thanks to the weakest division in baseball, we may still be in contention for some time yet. Shaping up to be how I predictedAble to contend in the division, but not with much else. Hopefully they can get on a little streak here and at least get back up to .500.
The one thing I have been happy about this year is Josh Barfield. He is shaping up to be quite a player. He is a good hitter, quick on the bases, and plays solid defense.
Bochys managing has been absolutely horrible, as if that is surprising. If the Padres ever get serious about being a real threat to make the playoffs year after year, they really, really need to get a new manager. I read the best post ever the other day, too bad I cant relocate it. Anyway, the post consisted of this: Bochy was a scrub when he was a player, so as a manager, he gives other scrub players like him a chance to play.
That about sums it up. Our bench is pathetic. Absolutely horrendous. But he insists on bringing in bench players every chance he gets. Peavy is having a great game (2-1 lead with only 96 pitches thrown)? Better take him outHeaven forbid he throw a complete game. Going into extra innings? I better take out Barfield because he is a rookie (Despite being one of two people to have 3 hits for the game, and being the most productive offensive player at 3 for 5, 1 walk, 1 run, and 2 stolen bases). His decisions are horrible
We have a lot of great young talent in our farm teams, Leone and Carrillo to name two. But sadly, even if they were ever brought up, Bochy would rarely play them because they would be rookies. The only reason Barfield is starting is because they got rid of Loretta, therefore not giving Bochy much of a choice in the matter
In other sports news:
I started posting on the ESPN boards (Padres and Chargers boards) again, but I think I am going to quit, again. The people there are idiots, and I cant seem to dumb myself down enough to get my points across. Oh well, looks like Ill be stuck arguing over sports with my dad again
The Wrap-up
Well, that is about all the ranting I can do at this moment. So, if any of you have any advice for my girl situation, please feel free to share.
Take care all.
Current Mood: Craving paintball
Currently Listening to: "My Generation" - The Who
Currently Watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of: Smallville, Miami Ink, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Made, True Life
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix, [p]X | You Is Nasty, or [p]X | Beware the Khaak), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad, Sandtiger on Akama), Battlefield 2 (=Superman=KalEl or =PXConqueror=), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror)
Currently Reading: Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
GaiaOnline Last.FM

I present to you, a glimpse of the genius that is Aldous Huxley (i.e., some of my favorite quotes).
Maybe this world is another planet's Hell. (My personal favorite)
Man approaches the unattainable truth through a succession of errors. (A close second)
Experience is not what happens to you. It is what you do with what happens to you.
All gods are homemade, and it is we who pull their strings, and so, give them the power to pull ours.
To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries.
The vast majority of human beings dislike and even actually dread all notions with which they are not familiar... Hence it comes about that at their first appearance innovators have generally been persecuted, and always derided as fools and madmen.
Woe is Me
Now, now, no need to worry. Im not going to make you think with this journal entry. At least, I dont think I am going toMaybe just a littleI dont really know, so I wont make any promises.
Anyway, I have been having horrible luck with my health lately. Let us start with this past Friday shall we?
On Friday, I decided it would be great day to get some exercise in. So, I threw on a sleeveless shirt and some basketball shorts and headed to the backyard. I started out the day with some basketball. I always play hard, so I had worked up a good sweat before I decided that I wanted to get some baseball in as well. So, I grabbed my batting gloves, headed into our soft-toss cage and went through a bucket of balls. I hadnt quenched my thirst for baseball, so I went inside, grabbed my glove, and proceeded to work on my fielding.
So, there I am, throwing a ball against a cement wall and fielding grounders in my backyard. But like I said, I like to play hard. So I wasnt just fielding routine groundballs. Oh no. I was diving and rolling around in the grass. The problem? Im allergic to grass. Yes, not the brightest of ideas on my part. But, Ive done I before and havent had anything too serious happen. But this dayThis day was different. I proceeded to have the worst allergic reaction to grass that I have ever had since being six years old. My arms, shoulders, and knees were extremely red, itchy, and covered in hives. And thanks to my sleeveless shirt, my shoulders got very sunburned (I am experience pain as I type this as the sleeves of my shirt rub on the sunburned area). It ended up taking until Sunday for the worst of the reaction to finally pass, but even now, you can see where I had the breakouts, and I have the occasional itchy-phase.
What a great way to start off the weekend huh? But that wasnt the end, as soon as the reaction cleared up, I was hit with something else.
On Monday, I ended up having a horrible, horrible headache that lasted for about five or six hours before finally clearing up. I ended up taking doses of aspirin, Motrin, and Sudafed and was on the verge of stepping up to Vicodin if it hadnt stopped. Yup, sinus headaches are killers. I spent the majority of the evening lying down.
Unfortunately, it seems that the sinus issues have not passed as I have felt craptacular all day. I would honestly give up a testicle just to return to the state of health that I was pre-diagnosis.
Shot Through the Heart
Oh cupid, how cruel is your aim.
So, remember that girl that I wrote about not too long ago? You know, the one that I expressed my feelings towards? Yea, well, this is about her.
I dont think I explained why I had such feelings for her, so let me give you a brief explanation. She took it upon herself to show me that there was someone outside of my family that cared for me when I was going through all those rough times with my health. From that grew the initial infatuation. But as I got to know her better, I fell for her. Now, based on the origins of these feelings, I had thought that this was a phase, which I would be able to overcome once admitted to her how I felt. I was wrong.
I recently came across a picture of her from a few months ago. Upon looking at it, the emotions felt stronger than ever before. She is simply drop dead gorgeous and has been unbelievable kind to me. She is what angels should be.
The problem? Well, there are a few. The first is that while we have somewhat of a friendship, we hardly know each other. The second is that she is in a relationship. And I wish her the best in that relationshipShe deserves to be happy and loved. And I know there is a chance that she may read this. And if she does, I apologize, I hate to put you in an awkward position again.
With that being said, does anyone have any advice on the matter? Should I just try to forget how I feel and try to move on to someone else? Should I just wait? For as much as I give advice to my friends, I really have no idea how to handle my own situations. Someone help mePlease?
The Sports Arena
I was fortunate enough to attend the Padres fourteen inning battle and eventual win over the Mets last Friday. It was quite a game, and the Padres are now 2-1 when we attend gamesMaybe we should go more often?
With that being said, I have to address some things
To the Aztecs:
Poor, poor Marcus Slaughter. You are a fool to think that coming back for another year wouldnt help you get to the next level. The Aztecs remain a very talented team, and taking a chance to prove yourself in March Madness certainly would have helped. Best of luck in the future.
A big congratulations to the Aztecs however. Weve picked up the number two junior college prospect, Jerome Habel. He is six foot ten inches, 220 pounds and averaged 16.8 points, 9.2 rebounds, and 2.5 blocks per game.
To the Chargers:
What. The. Fuck. Aside from getting rid of an elite quarterback and getting nothing in return, you guys have done nothing this off-season. I wont get too much into the whole Brees issue since Ive ranted long and hard about it before. I know there may some questions marks about his shoulder, but you just dont let a player like him go for nothing. And lets face it, when you draft someone in the first round, you are just waiting for an opportunity to hand a starting job to themThis was the Chargers opportunity to give Rivers his undeserved starting job.
Way not to sign anyone this off-season. Planning to get lucky in the draft again? Maybe you havent noticed but we have a horrendous offensive line, one of the worst secondaries in the league, and need another receiver. I like McCardell, but we need more options, especially since he is an aging player at thirty-six. Besides McCardell, we have four receivers who didnt play at all, two more receivers who hardly played, and Eric Parker, who if memory serves correctly, is coming off of a year in which he his worst yards per catch average in his career.
The Free Agent signing I am excited about is Akbar Gbaja-Biamila, and only because he is a former Aztec.
And unproven quarterback, with a weak offensive lineLooks like there is going to be a hell of a lot of pressure on LT to make plays. But since he wont be getting blocking again, we get to look forward to watching another season of him having to make cuts 3,4,5 yards in the backfield. Imagine what this guy could do if he had a solid lineAlexanders record would get completely destroyed.
By the way, my dad writes an article for ESPNs fantasy league on the Chargers. Be sure to check it out at Charger's Football Fantasy Article!
Please oh please get lucky in the draft
To the Padres:
Thanks to the weakest division in baseball, we may still be in contention for some time yet. Shaping up to be how I predictedAble to contend in the division, but not with much else. Hopefully they can get on a little streak here and at least get back up to .500.
The one thing I have been happy about this year is Josh Barfield. He is shaping up to be quite a player. He is a good hitter, quick on the bases, and plays solid defense.
Bochys managing has been absolutely horrible, as if that is surprising. If the Padres ever get serious about being a real threat to make the playoffs year after year, they really, really need to get a new manager. I read the best post ever the other day, too bad I cant relocate it. Anyway, the post consisted of this: Bochy was a scrub when he was a player, so as a manager, he gives other scrub players like him a chance to play.
That about sums it up. Our bench is pathetic. Absolutely horrendous. But he insists on bringing in bench players every chance he gets. Peavy is having a great game (2-1 lead with only 96 pitches thrown)? Better take him outHeaven forbid he throw a complete game. Going into extra innings? I better take out Barfield because he is a rookie (Despite being one of two people to have 3 hits for the game, and being the most productive offensive player at 3 for 5, 1 walk, 1 run, and 2 stolen bases). His decisions are horrible
We have a lot of great young talent in our farm teams, Leone and Carrillo to name two. But sadly, even if they were ever brought up, Bochy would rarely play them because they would be rookies. The only reason Barfield is starting is because they got rid of Loretta, therefore not giving Bochy much of a choice in the matter
In other sports news:
I started posting on the ESPN boards (Padres and Chargers boards) again, but I think I am going to quit, again. The people there are idiots, and I cant seem to dumb myself down enough to get my points across. Oh well, looks like Ill be stuck arguing over sports with my dad again
The Wrap-up
Well, that is about all the ranting I can do at this moment. So, if any of you have any advice for my girl situation, please feel free to share.
Take care all.
Current Mood: Craving paintball
Currently Listening to: "My Generation" - The Who
Currently Watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of: Smallville, Miami Ink, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Made, True Life
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix, [p]X | You Is Nasty, or [p]X | Beware the Khaak), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad, Sandtiger on Akama), Battlefield 2 (=Superman=KalEl or =PXConqueror=), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror)
Currently Reading: Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
GaiaOnline Last.FM

Sorry to hear about the rash. And the headache. And the sunburn. This does fall under my 'summer is evil' theory though