A Note from the Editor
The most dangerous weapon in the world is not a gun, or a tank, or a plane, or a bomb, or some biological weapon made in a lab. The most dangerous weapon in the world is a people who have been oppressed and are willing to die for what they believe in.
Hotter than the Sun
Shakira! Mi amor! Her hips don't lie, and I would glady watch the signs of her body all day.
Looks like Blood isn't so Thick After All
My sister continues here downward spiral. After returning home from vacation and getting unpacked, I went into the backyard to play some basketball. Shortly after, my dad came out and knew immediately that something was wrong. So, we start looking around to find several things: Our fence was broken, can all over the ground and the lid of one of the trashcans smashed in, tipped over containers, and misplaced boxes and chairs. It wasn't hard to figure out that my sister did it, and our suspicions were confirmed when I found three cut yellow roses nearby. My sister seems to think that bringing flowers will get her inside the house
She originally denied it of course. A few minutes afterward admitting that she did jump the fence, but that she didn't steal anything. The problem we have is that we have so much stuff back there that we won't know if anything is missing until we need it
She also left several messages while we were away, none of which expressed any concern about our whereabouts (We didn't tell her that we were on vacation). In fact, the only concern she had was about money...As usual. My mom is finally started to grow tired of her behavior, but she isn't toughening up as fast or as much as I'd like her to.
Paper Skin
It seems like I can't go a day without getting cut now. With the way things are going, I should start buying stock in Neosporin and Band-Aids
Crimson: the Color that Instills Fear
I managed to have not one, not two, but three nosebleeds in a twenty-four hour period to kick the week off.
I awoke Sunday morning, at around eleven-ish, swallowing a lot of what I had though was just post nasal drip. After a few minutes, I knew something wasn't right. So, I walked to the bathroom and spit in the sing, only to find a good amount of blood in my saliva. So, I gently blew my nose, trying to figure out just where I was bleeding from. I pulled the tissue away to see the tissue, and my hand, covered in blood, and to have blood now draining from my nostrils. Of course, I panicked and let the nosebleed run for ten or so minutes as I tried to call my parents. once I calmed down, I was able to stop the bleeding...Although it took a lot longer than I thought it should have
I went to bed that night and couldn't fall asleep. At around two o'clock Monday morning, I felt a lot of post nasal drip again. So, I go to the bathroom, spit, and sure enough, there is blood again. Blow my nose, the blood starts draining out, I manage to wake up my parents with all the noise I'm making, and they help me to the couch and get it stopped. At four o'clock in the morning, I attempted to get back into bed and go to sleep. I had just gotten under the covers when I felt that all too familiar post nasal drip feeling. So, I did the routine again, and went back to the couch.
I ended up falling asleep at around six in the morning. Three hours later, I woke up confused because I couldn't remember falling asleep or why I was on the couch. So, without thinking, I blurt out "I'm I alive? Did I survive the night?" Yea, I know, I am dramatic
But you have to understand, I have never had a nosebleed in my life before. And already this year, I've had four. Given my on going health concerns, nosebleeds aren't a very good sign. So, I had good reason to get all freaked out and dramatic
Met with my doctor yesterday, and he scoped my nose. The good news is that it doesn't appear that my tumor is bleeding, at least, not in an area that is visible. If anything, it actually looks more pale than last time, which is very good. The bad news is that the doctor couldn't find out where I was bleeding from
So, I'm still a bit scared.
Talking Brings About Change...Just don't Talk to me About It
Underwent yet another failed attempt to talk to my mom about my depression and anger. The attempt ended up with us fighting and not talking to each other for a while.
She tried to use that "God has a plan" line on me, and I just couldn't take it. I'm sorry, but I can't stand people telling me that God has a plan for me and that this will make me a better person. I prompty told here "Screw God's plan, and F God if this is what he wants me to go through."
She couldn't understand why I couldn't be happy about the news we received at the doctor's office. I tried to explain, but she pretty much shut me out. I mean, it is great news and all, but I've developed a defense mechanism now. I will never be happy about my situation until it is over. Every time I've been told good news and have been happy, I have been devastated. Twice I have been told that it was over, and twice I have relapsed. I'm tired of it. I don't want to keep hitting rock bottom
V for Vendetta
This movie is amazing. You should all go see it. Right now. Already seen it? Go watch it again.
It isn't the best movie ever, but it hits on so many subjects and can be related to so many civilizations in today's world that it really gets you thinking.
I can't believe people are angry at the film though...V is not a terrorist, but rather a revolutionary...Lashing out at an oppressive government that has not only violated it's people's rights, but has performed horrendous acts against them. All those people giving this film heat and calling it pro-terrorism or whatever really need to either watch the film, or re-watch it and actually pay attention to it.
The Wrap-Up
Well, that about does it for this entry. Have a good day. Until next time, farewell.
Current Mood: Tired, Mad, Scared
Currently Listening to: "Girls and Boys" - Blur
Currently Watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of: Smallville, Miami Ink, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Made, True Life
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix, [p]X | Kal-El, or [p]X | Panic! At the Disco), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad, Sandtiger on Akama), Battlefield 2 (=Superman=KalEl or =PXConqueror=), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror)
Currently Reading: Angels & Demons by Dan Brown
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
GaiaOnline Last.FM

The most dangerous weapon in the world is not a gun, or a tank, or a plane, or a bomb, or some biological weapon made in a lab. The most dangerous weapon in the world is a people who have been oppressed and are willing to die for what they believe in.
Hotter than the Sun
Shakira! Mi amor! Her hips don't lie, and I would glady watch the signs of her body all day.
Looks like Blood isn't so Thick After All
My sister continues here downward spiral. After returning home from vacation and getting unpacked, I went into the backyard to play some basketball. Shortly after, my dad came out and knew immediately that something was wrong. So, we start looking around to find several things: Our fence was broken, can all over the ground and the lid of one of the trashcans smashed in, tipped over containers, and misplaced boxes and chairs. It wasn't hard to figure out that my sister did it, and our suspicions were confirmed when I found three cut yellow roses nearby. My sister seems to think that bringing flowers will get her inside the house

She originally denied it of course. A few minutes afterward admitting that she did jump the fence, but that she didn't steal anything. The problem we have is that we have so much stuff back there that we won't know if anything is missing until we need it

She also left several messages while we were away, none of which expressed any concern about our whereabouts (We didn't tell her that we were on vacation). In fact, the only concern she had was about money...As usual. My mom is finally started to grow tired of her behavior, but she isn't toughening up as fast or as much as I'd like her to.
Paper Skin
It seems like I can't go a day without getting cut now. With the way things are going, I should start buying stock in Neosporin and Band-Aids

Crimson: the Color that Instills Fear
I managed to have not one, not two, but three nosebleeds in a twenty-four hour period to kick the week off.
I awoke Sunday morning, at around eleven-ish, swallowing a lot of what I had though was just post nasal drip. After a few minutes, I knew something wasn't right. So, I walked to the bathroom and spit in the sing, only to find a good amount of blood in my saliva. So, I gently blew my nose, trying to figure out just where I was bleeding from. I pulled the tissue away to see the tissue, and my hand, covered in blood, and to have blood now draining from my nostrils. Of course, I panicked and let the nosebleed run for ten or so minutes as I tried to call my parents. once I calmed down, I was able to stop the bleeding...Although it took a lot longer than I thought it should have

I went to bed that night and couldn't fall asleep. At around two o'clock Monday morning, I felt a lot of post nasal drip again. So, I go to the bathroom, spit, and sure enough, there is blood again. Blow my nose, the blood starts draining out, I manage to wake up my parents with all the noise I'm making, and they help me to the couch and get it stopped. At four o'clock in the morning, I attempted to get back into bed and go to sleep. I had just gotten under the covers when I felt that all too familiar post nasal drip feeling. So, I did the routine again, and went back to the couch.
I ended up falling asleep at around six in the morning. Three hours later, I woke up confused because I couldn't remember falling asleep or why I was on the couch. So, without thinking, I blurt out "I'm I alive? Did I survive the night?" Yea, I know, I am dramatic

But you have to understand, I have never had a nosebleed in my life before. And already this year, I've had four. Given my on going health concerns, nosebleeds aren't a very good sign. So, I had good reason to get all freaked out and dramatic

Met with my doctor yesterday, and he scoped my nose. The good news is that it doesn't appear that my tumor is bleeding, at least, not in an area that is visible. If anything, it actually looks more pale than last time, which is very good. The bad news is that the doctor couldn't find out where I was bleeding from

Talking Brings About Change...Just don't Talk to me About It
Underwent yet another failed attempt to talk to my mom about my depression and anger. The attempt ended up with us fighting and not talking to each other for a while.
She tried to use that "God has a plan" line on me, and I just couldn't take it. I'm sorry, but I can't stand people telling me that God has a plan for me and that this will make me a better person. I prompty told here "Screw God's plan, and F God if this is what he wants me to go through."
She couldn't understand why I couldn't be happy about the news we received at the doctor's office. I tried to explain, but she pretty much shut me out. I mean, it is great news and all, but I've developed a defense mechanism now. I will never be happy about my situation until it is over. Every time I've been told good news and have been happy, I have been devastated. Twice I have been told that it was over, and twice I have relapsed. I'm tired of it. I don't want to keep hitting rock bottom

V for Vendetta
This movie is amazing. You should all go see it. Right now. Already seen it? Go watch it again.
It isn't the best movie ever, but it hits on so many subjects and can be related to so many civilizations in today's world that it really gets you thinking.
I can't believe people are angry at the film though...V is not a terrorist, but rather a revolutionary...Lashing out at an oppressive government that has not only violated it's people's rights, but has performed horrendous acts against them. All those people giving this film heat and calling it pro-terrorism or whatever really need to either watch the film, or re-watch it and actually pay attention to it.
The Wrap-Up
Well, that about does it for this entry. Have a good day. Until next time, farewell.
Current Mood: Tired, Mad, Scared
Currently Listening to: "Girls and Boys" - Blur
Currently Watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of: Smallville, Miami Ink, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Made, True Life
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix, [p]X | Kal-El, or [p]X | Panic! At the Disco), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad, Sandtiger on Akama), Battlefield 2 (=Superman=KalEl or =PXConqueror=), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror)
Currently Reading: Angels & Demons by Dan Brown
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
GaiaOnline Last.FM

Driving in San Diego is somehow worse than driving in L.A. At least in L.A. you can predict when people will be assholes.