The Good
I have a new monitor! My dad took my old behemoth of a machine as a an excuse to go out and buy a new 19 inch monitor for himself. So, I got the old (Still relatively new) 17 inch monitor from the family computer
No complaints here lol
Still need to upgrade though
Thinking of going with a ASUS A8V (939 pin) mobo with an AMD Athlon 64 3200+ processor, and upgrading to a gig of RAM. Hopefully that will be all that I have to buy...The mobo + processor will set me back about $267 + tax and S/H
I finally got a chance to watch Run Lola Run. A lot better than I expected it to be. Very cool German film, that you should all go out and rent on Netflix or something...Or come over to my house and watch it, because I think we still have it recorded on our DVR. For those of you who have never heard of this film and are wondering what the hell it is about (I'm assuming that is the mass majority of you), you know that "Ocean Avenue" video by Yellowcard? Well, that music video is a really close translation of the film. So, change up the story some and stretch it out to an hour and a half, and you got yourself Run Lola Run.
Acquired a couple of new albums. Korn, Johnny Cash, Ray Charles, music from Smallville, The Fugees, Bon Jovi, and some others.
The Bad
The twins came up this weekend. I'm usually in a pretty good mood when they visit, but to be honest, I am a little tired of them. Don't get me wrong, I love them to death, it is just that their dad (My brother) pretty much forces them on us whenever they come up. So, we have to go through the whole ordeal of watching them, and playing with them, and then the very long process of cleaning up after they leave. Sometimes you just want to be alone ya know?
The Ugly
You know how I've been complaining about not feeling well? Well, take that and multiply it by about 50, and that is how I feel right now. I woke up this morning to a mouth full of dried blood. Looked at the roof of my mouth to find it bright pink and raw. My nose is extremely stuffy...Talking about almost complete blockage
And asthma problems on top of that, so my lungs are in much better shape than my nose.
And to top it all off, I bit the hell out of my lip this morning >_< Created a couple of blood blisters, which were, thankfully, very easy to pop with the help of a toothbrush
Ah, to be so young huh? Maybe I transplant my brain into some healthy body
I've been getting really depressed again as of late
Sometimes I think it would be so easy just to take a gun and end it...None of the slitting the wrists crap...I can't stand blood. Nope, just one bullet...Nice and fast...Just end it all.
I've just been sick for so long, and have suffered through so much...It is just hard to keep going ya know? And all I hear from my parents is "School," "School," "School," "Insurance," "Insurance," "Insurance." I mean, I know where they are coming from...We just don't have $90,000+ laying around to pay for hospital bills...But it just feels like they care more about that part of the situation than me at times...It seems like all we ever talk about it school, and that it is far more important than how I feel
Any friendly advice for a depressed, broken soul?
The Gaming Scene
I continue to pick the very worst WoW groups out there. This last one was a good group, that was just filled with idiots. We were getting through the Deadmines are a very good pace, but these guys started making everything so much more difficult. So, we get to the room with the big down ramp (I forget which boss it is), and these rogues end up pulling a pretty big mob...So I'm spamming taunt, trying to keep everyone alive, and one of the goblins starts running away...Ya think anyone killed it? Nope. So here comes the adds
So, we survive that, and I warn everyone again about the patrols coming up from behind. Of course my group didn't want to wait...So they heal up and start leaving while I'm yelling, "Patrol coming!" So, I'm left trying to tank 3 elites while my group proceeds to pull two more elites on the other side of the room
Somehow, we all manage to live again, and make our way to the ship.
Ok, so our healer and I are cleaning up a couple of adds, and our group decides that they better rush ahead without us. So they go ahead and pull Mr. Smith while the main tank and healer aren't even in the area. So we rush our ass off to catch up, I start taunting away, someone starts running around and pulls adds, which targeted our healer. So, the priest starts running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, so I can't get close enough to taunt. Healer dies, I die, everyone dies. I go wtf and leave party.
In Counter Strike news, we had a scrim yesterday. Was a 4v5 since our 5th dropped. We were kicking ass, winning 6-1, but one of my teammates had to go to church. So, it was 3v5 for a bit, then 3v4. We ended up losing after that
The clan we played was a bunch of a-holes noobs though. They thought they were all good when they started beating us after we dropped to 3. I went 11-3 in the second round, at which point, they started fooling around, and I finished at 24-4. Had we not been at such a disadvantage number-wise, it would have been a fairly easy win for us. Oh well
Current Mood: Sick, sad, clinging on to a fading happiness
Currently Listening to: "El Manana - Gorillaz
Currently Watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of: Smallville, Miami Ink, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Made, True Life
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix, [p]X | Kal-El, or [p]X | Panic! At the Disco), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad, Sandtiger on Akama), Battlefield 2 (=Superman=KalEl), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror)
Currently Reading: Angels & Demons by Dan Brown
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
GaiaOnline Last.FM
I have a new monitor! My dad took my old behemoth of a machine as a an excuse to go out and buy a new 19 inch monitor for himself. So, I got the old (Still relatively new) 17 inch monitor from the family computer

Still need to upgrade though

I finally got a chance to watch Run Lola Run. A lot better than I expected it to be. Very cool German film, that you should all go out and rent on Netflix or something...Or come over to my house and watch it, because I think we still have it recorded on our DVR. For those of you who have never heard of this film and are wondering what the hell it is about (I'm assuming that is the mass majority of you), you know that "Ocean Avenue" video by Yellowcard? Well, that music video is a really close translation of the film. So, change up the story some and stretch it out to an hour and a half, and you got yourself Run Lola Run.
Acquired a couple of new albums. Korn, Johnny Cash, Ray Charles, music from Smallville, The Fugees, Bon Jovi, and some others.
The Bad
The twins came up this weekend. I'm usually in a pretty good mood when they visit, but to be honest, I am a little tired of them. Don't get me wrong, I love them to death, it is just that their dad (My brother) pretty much forces them on us whenever they come up. So, we have to go through the whole ordeal of watching them, and playing with them, and then the very long process of cleaning up after they leave. Sometimes you just want to be alone ya know?
The Ugly
You know how I've been complaining about not feeling well? Well, take that and multiply it by about 50, and that is how I feel right now. I woke up this morning to a mouth full of dried blood. Looked at the roof of my mouth to find it bright pink and raw. My nose is extremely stuffy...Talking about almost complete blockage

And to top it all off, I bit the hell out of my lip this morning >_< Created a couple of blood blisters, which were, thankfully, very easy to pop with the help of a toothbrush

Ah, to be so young huh? Maybe I transplant my brain into some healthy body

I've been getting really depressed again as of late

I've just been sick for so long, and have suffered through so much...It is just hard to keep going ya know? And all I hear from my parents is "School," "School," "School," "Insurance," "Insurance," "Insurance." I mean, I know where they are coming from...We just don't have $90,000+ laying around to pay for hospital bills...But it just feels like they care more about that part of the situation than me at times...It seems like all we ever talk about it school, and that it is far more important than how I feel

Any friendly advice for a depressed, broken soul?
The Gaming Scene
I continue to pick the very worst WoW groups out there. This last one was a good group, that was just filled with idiots. We were getting through the Deadmines are a very good pace, but these guys started making everything so much more difficult. So, we get to the room with the big down ramp (I forget which boss it is), and these rogues end up pulling a pretty big mob...So I'm spamming taunt, trying to keep everyone alive, and one of the goblins starts running away...Ya think anyone killed it? Nope. So here comes the adds

So, we survive that, and I warn everyone again about the patrols coming up from behind. Of course my group didn't want to wait...So they heal up and start leaving while I'm yelling, "Patrol coming!" So, I'm left trying to tank 3 elites while my group proceeds to pull two more elites on the other side of the room

Ok, so our healer and I are cleaning up a couple of adds, and our group decides that they better rush ahead without us. So they go ahead and pull Mr. Smith while the main tank and healer aren't even in the area. So we rush our ass off to catch up, I start taunting away, someone starts running around and pulls adds, which targeted our healer. So, the priest starts running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, so I can't get close enough to taunt. Healer dies, I die, everyone dies. I go wtf and leave party.
In Counter Strike news, we had a scrim yesterday. Was a 4v5 since our 5th dropped. We were kicking ass, winning 6-1, but one of my teammates had to go to church. So, it was 3v5 for a bit, then 3v4. We ended up losing after that

Current Mood: Sick, sad, clinging on to a fading happiness
Currently Listening to: "El Manana - Gorillaz
Currently Watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of: Smallville, Miami Ink, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Made, True Life
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix, [p]X | Kal-El, or [p]X | Panic! At the Disco), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad, Sandtiger on Akama), Battlefield 2 (=Superman=KalEl), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror)
Currently Reading: Angels & Demons by Dan Brown
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
GaiaOnline Last.FM

So, thank you very very much for your nice comment on my set! It is appreciated.