The Good
First and foremost, big thanks to Calypso and maxiebond for the words of support. You guys kick ass.
So, things have been up and down as of late. I registered for my classes on Friday. Schedule is pretty similar to last semester's...A few teachers that I wanted weren't teaching this semester, so I went with Comp Eng 160 and Humanities 101 instead of Calc 151 and History 106.
Yesterday, I turned in my $20 fee for the late withdrawal from last semester, so that's finally all taken care of now. Later in the day, my mom took me shopping for a pair of shoes. I ended up buying two pairs for about $20 more than I normally spend for one pair. Not bad.
Afterwards, we stopped by Borders and I picked up Cake's Comfort Eagle, Lola Ray's I Don't Know You, The Smiths' Best of The Smiths - Vol. 1, and Drawing Dynamic Hands by Burne Hogarth.
I also got a long overdue haircut. Feels strange, but good, to have short hair again. My haircutter was a complete biker chick. She was a bigger woman with a large chest, a tattoo on her breast and a low neckline. Needless to say, I was having trouble looking her in the eye. Shallow -- Yes, but oh well.
Just realized that I've downloaded about 7 albums in the past two days...Oh well, I'm a cheap bastard...Sorry music industry...
The Bad
Remember how I mentioned that my sister was arrested the other day? Well, apparently some dome ass forked up $1,000 for a $10,000 bond to get her out. She has her trial on Thursday, and best case scenario (Worst case for her) she gets 7 years in jail, and worst case (Her best case) she gets 3 months in jail. I have absolutely no respect for his woman. Apparently my mom went to see her yesterday and she was trying to justify her actions and bragging about stupid shit she "did" while in jail. Have fun up north. I hope they lock your ass up for a long time bitch.
So, school is starting up next week, and I should be excited right? But I'm not...Because school just means more struggling...Means another thing to take my focus away from getting healthy...Means more drama...
The Ugly
So, the day draws near. Tomorrow, is the day of the procedure. Needless to say, I am scared shitless right about now. I mean, I know what is going to happen, I know exactly what to expect...But I don't know...I'm just really nervous...
The will be the third time I will be going through embolization...And last time they all told me they had kicked the crap out of the tumor, and yet I still bleed like crazy. I mean, if they were so confident last time and it failed, will this time be any different? Will they be able to block off enough vessels that it'll actually shrink? Or will I have to endure all this pain for another failed attempt?
So, I will have something like a 4 hour procedure, followed by a 6 hour period of laying flat on my back, finished up with a night in the hospital...Just how I wanted to spend my day, right?
I'm scared...Plain and simple...I feel like I'm running out of options. If this doesn't work, what's left? Another removal surgery -- Which my surgeon has already said would most likely fail? Going out of the city/state to an even better specialist? Radiation?
Current Mood: Pissed off, Nervous, Scared
Currently Listening to: "There's a Good Reason these Tables are Numbered Honey. You just haven't Figured it out Yet" - Panic! At the Disco
Currently Watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of: Smallville, Miami Ink, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Made, True Life
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix, [p]X | Kal-El, or [p]X | Panic! At the Disco), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad), Battlefield 2 (=Superman=KalEl), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror)
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
First and foremost, big thanks to Calypso and maxiebond for the words of support. You guys kick ass.
So, things have been up and down as of late. I registered for my classes on Friday. Schedule is pretty similar to last semester's...A few teachers that I wanted weren't teaching this semester, so I went with Comp Eng 160 and Humanities 101 instead of Calc 151 and History 106.
Yesterday, I turned in my $20 fee for the late withdrawal from last semester, so that's finally all taken care of now. Later in the day, my mom took me shopping for a pair of shoes. I ended up buying two pairs for about $20 more than I normally spend for one pair. Not bad.

Afterwards, we stopped by Borders and I picked up Cake's Comfort Eagle, Lola Ray's I Don't Know You, The Smiths' Best of The Smiths - Vol. 1, and Drawing Dynamic Hands by Burne Hogarth.
I also got a long overdue haircut. Feels strange, but good, to have short hair again. My haircutter was a complete biker chick. She was a bigger woman with a large chest, a tattoo on her breast and a low neckline. Needless to say, I was having trouble looking her in the eye. Shallow -- Yes, but oh well.
Just realized that I've downloaded about 7 albums in the past two days...Oh well, I'm a cheap bastard...Sorry music industry...
The Bad
Remember how I mentioned that my sister was arrested the other day? Well, apparently some dome ass forked up $1,000 for a $10,000 bond to get her out. She has her trial on Thursday, and best case scenario (Worst case for her) she gets 7 years in jail, and worst case (Her best case) she gets 3 months in jail. I have absolutely no respect for his woman. Apparently my mom went to see her yesterday and she was trying to justify her actions and bragging about stupid shit she "did" while in jail. Have fun up north. I hope they lock your ass up for a long time bitch.
So, school is starting up next week, and I should be excited right? But I'm not...Because school just means more struggling...Means another thing to take my focus away from getting healthy...Means more drama...
The Ugly
So, the day draws near. Tomorrow, is the day of the procedure. Needless to say, I am scared shitless right about now. I mean, I know what is going to happen, I know exactly what to expect...But I don't know...I'm just really nervous...
The will be the third time I will be going through embolization...And last time they all told me they had kicked the crap out of the tumor, and yet I still bleed like crazy. I mean, if they were so confident last time and it failed, will this time be any different? Will they be able to block off enough vessels that it'll actually shrink? Or will I have to endure all this pain for another failed attempt?
So, I will have something like a 4 hour procedure, followed by a 6 hour period of laying flat on my back, finished up with a night in the hospital...Just how I wanted to spend my day, right?
I'm scared...Plain and simple...I feel like I'm running out of options. If this doesn't work, what's left? Another removal surgery -- Which my surgeon has already said would most likely fail? Going out of the city/state to an even better specialist? Radiation?
Current Mood: Pissed off, Nervous, Scared
Currently Listening to: "There's a Good Reason these Tables are Numbered Honey. You just haven't Figured it out Yet" - Panic! At the Disco
Currently Watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of: Smallville, Miami Ink, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Made, True Life
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix, [p]X | Kal-El, or [p]X | Panic! At the Disco), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad), Battlefield 2 (=Superman=KalEl), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror)
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls