The Good
Wow...So much to write about. It has been an eventful week or so.
So, first and foremost, a belated happy New Year to you all. May 06 be a year full of happiness, success, and all that good stuff for you all.
My resolution is the same old same old. Work harder in school and art and get back into shape once I get healthy.
So, Christmas was excellent if exhausting. We had my brother + his girlfriend + the twins + my grandmother over for the day. It was a long weekend for my brother, his gf, and the girls, and we got the worst of the storm
There wasn't really anything I had to have this year, but overall, I made out nicely
Madden 06
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
1984 by George Orwell
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom
Angels and Demons by Dan Brown
The Magical Worlds of Narnia: A Treasury of Myths, Legends, and Fascinating Facts by David Colbert
Sin City: The Big Fat Kill by Frank Miller
Batman: The Long Halloween by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale
Copies of Art News and Modern Painters
The Bravery-The Bravery
Silent Alarm-Bloc Party
From Under the Cork Tree-Fall Out Boy
The Best of '80s Pop Party Songs
More Pure 80's
You Can't Imagine How Much Fun We're Having-Atmosphere
Demon Days-Gorillaz
Smallville complete second and third seasons
The 40 Year Old Virgin
Harold & Kumar go to White Castle
Sin City
Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban
Clothes (Including a new SDSU hoodie, a new beanie, and an Antonio Gates jersey)
A new Basketball
A Napoleon Dynamite keychain
Lots of candies
Sparkling Lemonade
Strawberry Manilow
9x12 Canson sketch paper
11x14 Bristol Board
I think that just about does it. My parents really need to communicate better as they bought me some of the same books
So, I really didn't get much of a chance to enjoy my gifts as we went on vacation on the 26th. We went up to Vegas to visit the grandfolks. He upped the shares this year to $2,000 per family, so I ended up coming away with a check for $250 for my Christmas gift. Not bad at all
It was a pretty nice, relaxing vacation, but it still took a lot out of my. I just don't have the strength or stamina of my younger days.
Wow...I sound like an old man
Anyway, back to the vacation. We didn't really do much. We went to an afternoon magic show which was not bad. Nothing really new, so I was a bit bored. We also checked out the new casino there. Went to The Outback our first night there, and for the first time I didn't order ribs. I knew I couldn't finish them and we didn't have anywhere to put leftovers, so I opted for the Victoria's filet. M<y goodness was that a great piece of meat. Practically melted in my mouth. So delicious. The next night we went to the Kona Grill. I ordered pork tenderloin with white cheddar mashed potatoes. It was excellent. We wrapped up the trip with a trip to P.F. Changs our last night there. Mom couldn't enjoy it since 70% of the dishes have oyster sauce (She's allergic to shellfish), so she was stuck with vegetarian lettuce wraps, which she and my grandmother enjoyed. Us men shared wok seared lamb, mango chicken, and curry noodles. I was all pro with my chopsticks until the entire table started watching me and I cracked under the pressure; dropping my rice ;p
It is amazing how many attractive women you find in Vegas...At the very least I had great "scenery" to look at
We came home on the 29th, at which point I sold my soul to Madden 06.
On the 31st, we went to the Chargers game, I sported my new Gates jersey, while my dad showed off his new Merriman jersey. We lucked out with that gift, as there were only 2 in San Diego, and we were able to nab one for my dad's Christmas gift. We met up with one of my dad's co-workers and fellow Comic Con attendee (He has season tickets) and spent some time cheering on the Chargers' players and listening to a drunk guy before the game. Headed off to our seats to watch a very disappointing game. We left at halftime because Brees was injured and it was cold and raining. We left just in time. When we turned on the TV when we got home, there was a nice fall of rain at the stadium.
New Years was a quite one with the family, nothing special, but nice.
The Bad
So, we had group of college seniors (Two couples) rent a house across the street from us a while ago. Everything had been going good for a while. They had a Christmas party which wasn't too loud or anything. But on New Year's Eve, we wanted to beat the shit out of them. It was New Years, so I expected them to be loud, but they kept it up until like 2 in the morning. Plus, they were drunk as hell. So they were in the street yelling and breaking bottles and shit. We wake up the next day to find beer bottles and cans all over their yard, glass all over the street, and cans and bottles in our yards. And do you think they attempted to clean it up? No. They just sat in their house listening to music all day. So yea, I started of the new year on a bad note.
And my sister has found her way into jail yet again. I was very tempted to post this in the good news, but "Hooray! My sister is in jail!!!" doesn't sound like a very nice thing to say. Anyway, I don't have to worry about her showing up at the house with stolen shit anymore, and I don't have to worry that every sound I hear in the backyard is her trying to steal something from the backyard anymore. She stole a check from a family member, again, tried to cash it for $800, and got caught, again. When the relative was called, she told them to arrest her and that she was on drugs (Which she is). So then she tries to call us and expects us to put up $10,000 for her to get out of jail. She treats us like shit, and then expects us to put up that kind of cash? Fuck that.
The Ugly
The date of my procedure is fast approaching. I have a MRI tomorrow, and the appointment for the procedure is on the 11th. I'll be staying overnight in the hospital since I'll have to lay flat on my back for 6 straight hours after it is done. I'm scared as hell. I mean, this will be the third time they've tried to block off the blood supply to the tumor, but it has never worked in the past before. So I'm stuck here wondering if it'll work, if I'll have to go through all the pain for nothing, what will happen if it fails, will they attempt another failing try at removal, or will I have to have radiation? Yea, I'm scared shitless right about now...
The Art Scene
Well, I took the month of December off, but fortunately, I only missed a couple of classes. Billy called today and my mom updated him on my situation. I should be starting up classes with him again tomorrow or the following week, depending on how long my MRI goes. So, I really haven't worked on any new pieces
So, sorry, no updates
The Gaming Scene
As mentioned earlier, I've sold my soul to Madden. I'm currently 36-1 (Including playoffs), with two Super Bowl wins, in my third season with the Chargers. Yea, I know, I'm good
I had started playing Counter-Strike: Source again before Christmas, and I was owning it up again. Lots of 3+ kill/death ratios. Hopefully my clan can get our CAL team going again...Competitive play is fun.
Current Mood: Scared, scared, and did I mention scared?
Currently Listening to: "Attention" - The Academy Is...
Currently Watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of Smallville and Miami Ink
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix or [p]X | KalEl Krypton's Last Son), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad), Battlefield 2 (=Superman=KalEl), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror)
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
Wow...So much to write about. It has been an eventful week or so.
So, first and foremost, a belated happy New Year to you all. May 06 be a year full of happiness, success, and all that good stuff for you all.
My resolution is the same old same old. Work harder in school and art and get back into shape once I get healthy.
So, Christmas was excellent if exhausting. We had my brother + his girlfriend + the twins + my grandmother over for the day. It was a long weekend for my brother, his gf, and the girls, and we got the worst of the storm

Madden 06
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
1984 by George Orwell
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom
Angels and Demons by Dan Brown
The Magical Worlds of Narnia: A Treasury of Myths, Legends, and Fascinating Facts by David Colbert
Sin City: The Big Fat Kill by Frank Miller
Batman: The Long Halloween by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale
Copies of Art News and Modern Painters
The Bravery-The Bravery
Silent Alarm-Bloc Party
From Under the Cork Tree-Fall Out Boy
The Best of '80s Pop Party Songs
More Pure 80's
You Can't Imagine How Much Fun We're Having-Atmosphere
Demon Days-Gorillaz
Smallville complete second and third seasons
The 40 Year Old Virgin
Harold & Kumar go to White Castle
Sin City
Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban
Clothes (Including a new SDSU hoodie, a new beanie, and an Antonio Gates jersey)
A new Basketball
A Napoleon Dynamite keychain
Lots of candies
Sparkling Lemonade
Strawberry Manilow
9x12 Canson sketch paper
11x14 Bristol Board
I think that just about does it. My parents really need to communicate better as they bought me some of the same books

So, I really didn't get much of a chance to enjoy my gifts as we went on vacation on the 26th. We went up to Vegas to visit the grandfolks. He upped the shares this year to $2,000 per family, so I ended up coming away with a check for $250 for my Christmas gift. Not bad at all

Wow...I sound like an old man

Anyway, back to the vacation. We didn't really do much. We went to an afternoon magic show which was not bad. Nothing really new, so I was a bit bored. We also checked out the new casino there. Went to The Outback our first night there, and for the first time I didn't order ribs. I knew I couldn't finish them and we didn't have anywhere to put leftovers, so I opted for the Victoria's filet. M<y goodness was that a great piece of meat. Practically melted in my mouth. So delicious. The next night we went to the Kona Grill. I ordered pork tenderloin with white cheddar mashed potatoes. It was excellent. We wrapped up the trip with a trip to P.F. Changs our last night there. Mom couldn't enjoy it since 70% of the dishes have oyster sauce (She's allergic to shellfish), so she was stuck with vegetarian lettuce wraps, which she and my grandmother enjoyed. Us men shared wok seared lamb, mango chicken, and curry noodles. I was all pro with my chopsticks until the entire table started watching me and I cracked under the pressure; dropping my rice ;p
It is amazing how many attractive women you find in Vegas...At the very least I had great "scenery" to look at

We came home on the 29th, at which point I sold my soul to Madden 06.
On the 31st, we went to the Chargers game, I sported my new Gates jersey, while my dad showed off his new Merriman jersey. We lucked out with that gift, as there were only 2 in San Diego, and we were able to nab one for my dad's Christmas gift. We met up with one of my dad's co-workers and fellow Comic Con attendee (He has season tickets) and spent some time cheering on the Chargers' players and listening to a drunk guy before the game. Headed off to our seats to watch a very disappointing game. We left at halftime because Brees was injured and it was cold and raining. We left just in time. When we turned on the TV when we got home, there was a nice fall of rain at the stadium.
New Years was a quite one with the family, nothing special, but nice.
The Bad
So, we had group of college seniors (Two couples) rent a house across the street from us a while ago. Everything had been going good for a while. They had a Christmas party which wasn't too loud or anything. But on New Year's Eve, we wanted to beat the shit out of them. It was New Years, so I expected them to be loud, but they kept it up until like 2 in the morning. Plus, they were drunk as hell. So they were in the street yelling and breaking bottles and shit. We wake up the next day to find beer bottles and cans all over their yard, glass all over the street, and cans and bottles in our yards. And do you think they attempted to clean it up? No. They just sat in their house listening to music all day. So yea, I started of the new year on a bad note.
And my sister has found her way into jail yet again. I was very tempted to post this in the good news, but "Hooray! My sister is in jail!!!" doesn't sound like a very nice thing to say. Anyway, I don't have to worry about her showing up at the house with stolen shit anymore, and I don't have to worry that every sound I hear in the backyard is her trying to steal something from the backyard anymore. She stole a check from a family member, again, tried to cash it for $800, and got caught, again. When the relative was called, she told them to arrest her and that she was on drugs (Which she is). So then she tries to call us and expects us to put up $10,000 for her to get out of jail. She treats us like shit, and then expects us to put up that kind of cash? Fuck that.
The Ugly
The date of my procedure is fast approaching. I have a MRI tomorrow, and the appointment for the procedure is on the 11th. I'll be staying overnight in the hospital since I'll have to lay flat on my back for 6 straight hours after it is done. I'm scared as hell. I mean, this will be the third time they've tried to block off the blood supply to the tumor, but it has never worked in the past before. So I'm stuck here wondering if it'll work, if I'll have to go through all the pain for nothing, what will happen if it fails, will they attempt another failing try at removal, or will I have to have radiation? Yea, I'm scared shitless right about now...
The Art Scene
Well, I took the month of December off, but fortunately, I only missed a couple of classes. Billy called today and my mom updated him on my situation. I should be starting up classes with him again tomorrow or the following week, depending on how long my MRI goes. So, I really haven't worked on any new pieces

The Gaming Scene
As mentioned earlier, I've sold my soul to Madden. I'm currently 36-1 (Including playoffs), with two Super Bowl wins, in my third season with the Chargers. Yea, I know, I'm good

Current Mood: Scared, scared, and did I mention scared?
Currently Listening to: "Attention" - The Academy Is...
Currently Watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of Smallville and Miami Ink
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix or [p]X | KalEl Krypton's Last Son), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad), Battlefield 2 (=Superman=KalEl), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror)
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
i wish you the best for the 11th
untill then here is your christmas present
[Edited on Jan 05, 2006 1:55AM]