A Friend in Need
One of my online friends recently found out that his dad has lung cancer. The dad's name is Michael. Pray for him and wish him the best mmkay?
Arg! Thar be Pirates Abound!
So, yesterday I got my hands on Motion City Soundtrack's Commit this to Memory and I am the Movie, Ok Go's Oh No, Christmas with the Stars, and Ren and Stimpy's Crock O' Christmas. Not bad for a day's work if I do say so myself
The Good
So, I finally talked to my parents about how I felt about school right now, and the talks went surprisingly well. I got all the paper work, and should be submitting my request for withdrawal from the semester on Tuesday. It feel great to not have to worry about so many things...Hopefully I can just focus on getting healthy for now.
Saw Chronicles of Narnia last night. It was very, very good. The CG was amazing, but it didn't overpower the film, which was great. It is too bad that the director currently only has plans to do one more film in the series
I really hope he changes his mind and does them all...Even if it will take something like 21 years to finish the series lol
The Bad
So, I wasn't able to go to the SGSD bonfire last night...Which sucked cause I was really looking forward to it. My friend found out he had to work with his uncle, so he had to cancel, and then my parents decided that I wasn't well enough to go out
So they took my to see Narnia, which kinda made up for it
The Ugly
I am still sick...Isn't that a bitch? But at least I am starting to get better...It has been like 3 weeks straight now. This is a really scary situation for me because it is all too similar to when I was first diagnosed with the tumor. Not as severe, but the same sort of symptoms...Horrendous allergies, asthma problems, lack of sleep, having to sleep up against the wall/headboard, etc. I've also been getting this wicked headaches which suck, especially since before all this crap I almost never got headaches
*Sigh* Will I ever get better?
The Art Scene
Well, I just haven't had much energy at all to do art as of late. So the thing with Billy fell through because I just couldn't pump out that piece...I got the pencils done, but couldn't find the focus to get it inked. Sucks cause I was looking forward to getting my art displayed
But I've been doing a bit of sketching here and there. Working on a sketch of a hero I made using http://www.ugo.com/channels/comics/heroMachine2/heromachine2.asp
The Gaming Scene
I don't know what the hell happened, but I have been horrible on CS:S lately. I did have one decent round where I went 49-16, but other than that, I have been struggling to have a KDR of 1. Dunno what's wrong with me
So I took a break from CS:S for a bit because I couldn't stand my suckiness and jumped on WC3. The match maker system finally gave me some fair team match-ups and I came away 2-0. Not bad
Video Time
Quite Possibly the Most Painful Clip I've Ever Seen
I'm a Sucker for Idiots Dancing
Part War Film, Part Matrix, Part Star Wars...Need I say More?
Oh Distraction, how I Love You
Sadly, I think this Really Happens
Those Poor Poor Whose Line Guys
Party Hard!
Current Mood: Scared. Tired of everything. Sick.
Currently Listening to: "Everything is Alright" - Motion City Soundtrack
Currently Watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of Smallville and Miami Ink
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix or [p]X | KalEl Krypton's Last Son), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad), Battlefield 2 (=Superman=KalEl), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror)
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
One of my online friends recently found out that his dad has lung cancer. The dad's name is Michael. Pray for him and wish him the best mmkay?
Arg! Thar be Pirates Abound!
So, yesterday I got my hands on Motion City Soundtrack's Commit this to Memory and I am the Movie, Ok Go's Oh No, Christmas with the Stars, and Ren and Stimpy's Crock O' Christmas. Not bad for a day's work if I do say so myself

The Good
So, I finally talked to my parents about how I felt about school right now, and the talks went surprisingly well. I got all the paper work, and should be submitting my request for withdrawal from the semester on Tuesday. It feel great to not have to worry about so many things...Hopefully I can just focus on getting healthy for now.
Saw Chronicles of Narnia last night. It was very, very good. The CG was amazing, but it didn't overpower the film, which was great. It is too bad that the director currently only has plans to do one more film in the series

The Bad
So, I wasn't able to go to the SGSD bonfire last night...Which sucked cause I was really looking forward to it. My friend found out he had to work with his uncle, so he had to cancel, and then my parents decided that I wasn't well enough to go out

The Ugly
I am still sick...Isn't that a bitch? But at least I am starting to get better...It has been like 3 weeks straight now. This is a really scary situation for me because it is all too similar to when I was first diagnosed with the tumor. Not as severe, but the same sort of symptoms...Horrendous allergies, asthma problems, lack of sleep, having to sleep up against the wall/headboard, etc. I've also been getting this wicked headaches which suck, especially since before all this crap I almost never got headaches

*Sigh* Will I ever get better?
The Art Scene
Well, I just haven't had much energy at all to do art as of late. So the thing with Billy fell through because I just couldn't pump out that piece...I got the pencils done, but couldn't find the focus to get it inked. Sucks cause I was looking forward to getting my art displayed

But I've been doing a bit of sketching here and there. Working on a sketch of a hero I made using http://www.ugo.com/channels/comics/heroMachine2/heromachine2.asp
The Gaming Scene
I don't know what the hell happened, but I have been horrible on CS:S lately. I did have one decent round where I went 49-16, but other than that, I have been struggling to have a KDR of 1. Dunno what's wrong with me

So I took a break from CS:S for a bit because I couldn't stand my suckiness and jumped on WC3. The match maker system finally gave me some fair team match-ups and I came away 2-0. Not bad

Video Time
Quite Possibly the Most Painful Clip I've Ever Seen
I'm a Sucker for Idiots Dancing
Part War Film, Part Matrix, Part Star Wars...Need I say More?
Oh Distraction, how I Love You
Sadly, I think this Really Happens
Those Poor Poor Whose Line Guys
Party Hard!
Current Mood: Scared. Tired of everything. Sick.
Currently Listening to: "Everything is Alright" - Motion City Soundtrack
Currently Watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of Smallville and Miami Ink
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix or [p]X | KalEl Krypton's Last Son), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad), Battlefield 2 (=Superman=KalEl), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror)
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
i clicked on the "whose line" link and i'm in pain from convulsions of laughter.
holy fuck i love those guys.