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If you are looking for a free domain, Belgium is the place to .be! Ok, sorry, I just couldn't help it. Cheesy, I know. But it is true, you can now get free .be domains. Info. Sign-up.
Note: The site is getting bombarded by cheap bastards such as myself, so don't be surprised if it is extremely slow.
Food for Thought
Ok, so I have been thinking a lot, and I have come up with a few interesting (Or at least, I think they are) statements, thoughts, whatever you want to call them.
-There is no inherent rivalry between religion and science. Let's look at three "great" scientists: Galileo, Descartes, and Newton. Now, every one of these men was religious, i.e. they believed in God, and yet they are considered to be some of the greatest scientific minds to ever exist. It is the fanatical followers of science (Which deals with the natural world) and religion (Which deals with the supernatural world) that find "gray areas" to debate about (Mainly the questions, why and how are we here?).
-Now, let's take one of those great minds, and go even further. Descartes sought to prove the existence of God. In doing so, he proved that while God may have created the universe, the universe now runs itself. Now, if God is no longer running the universe, how is it that he puts "obstacles" and "challenges" in our lives to make us repent for our sins?
-Practically every anti-religion group is not anti-religion. Rather, they are anti-Christian.
-Witch-hunts were not a result of witches existing, mental illness, sexism, social change, solidarity, greed, or fanatical clergy. Rather, monotheism is to blame. Let's take a look the Christianizing of "Pagans." In order to spread Christianity, a lot of "truth"-bending and finesse was used. Christians created events and figures to coincided with Pagan beliefs in order to convert them. First example, patron saints. These were created to allow Christians (Monotheistic) to talk to polytheistic followers on their terms. Second example, our beloved Christmas. Jesus was not born on December 25. Take a closer look at the Bible, if you pay attention to details such as where the sheep were, i.e. in the fields, it suggests that Jesus was born most likely in the spring time. Why December 25 is so important is that at one point in time, it was the date of Winter Solace. This is the shortest day of the year, and was already a sacred day for most Pagan societies. Why? Because of the belief that if they did not pray/celebrate/etc., hours of sunlight would continue to lessen and life would eventually cease to exist. So by altering their own religion, they were able to turn already existing Pagan beliefs into Christian customs.
What does this have to do with witch-hunts you ask? Well, before I answer that, it is important to remember this, Christianity at the time followed St. Augustine's beliefs, i.e. magic was a fraud, it wasn't real. But you see, the problem with trying to convert people is that there is the possibility of "going native." And this is exactly what happened. Gone was the Augustine dismissal of magic. Magic was real. Now magic is defined into three groups: benign (Pulling a rabbit out of a hat), Sorcery (Most elaborate and dangerous form of magic; actually performing magical acts, think Harry Potter), and Satanism (Magic with relations with evil supernatural beings). It is these last two that sparked the witch-hunts, as church intellectuals interpreted what was claimed as sorcery as Satanism. Furthermore, it was not until religious "elites" were charged with performing magic, the end of some religious conflict, and the end of heresy hunting that witch-hunts finally came to an end. So the church not only started the witch-hunts, but ended them as well.
The greatest irony in this whole situation is this: In a time of reason and logic (The Enlightenment), the church acted very illogical by trying to apply reason and logic (Satanic cause) to a false premise (Magic works).
-While researching Sammael, I discovered that it is believed that Sammael is another name for Satan, that he is the prince of all demons, that he is the demon that tempted Eve, and that at one time, he was the highest throne-angel. It is also said that his fall was mainly out of jealousy and envy on part of the angels. Ok, so this is supposed to be part of a monotheistic structure, correct? But because the prominent form of monotheism is not pure, God is the supreme being, while other lesser beings (Satan, angels, etc.) exist. So, God create created angels and the universe. And Satan is supposed to be responsible for temptation, jealousy, envy, and those types of feelings right? Now, if that is correct, according to the above beliefs, Satan was at one time an angel. If God created the angels, what was it that made the angels (Specifically Satan) feel jealousy? What was it that tempted Satan to conspire against Adam and Eve? Is there some other force greater than Satan? Or did God simply create evil?
Note: The above remarks are simply my opinions based on the knowledge that I have. I do not intend to offend or anything like that.
The Art Scene
Still working on my Batman cover. I have my lessons tonight, so hopefully I can start inking the BG this week. I'm also about to bust out a day late Halloween piece. Good old vampires
Here's the WIP of the cover for those of you that missed it:
Current Mood: Fearful and tired of crap
Currently Listening to: "That Night" - Atmosphere
Currently Watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of Smallville and Miami Ink
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix pr [p]X | KalEl Krypton's Last Son), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad), Battlefield 2 (PXPhoenix), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror or t3tsu0 on USWest)
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
If you are looking for a free domain, Belgium is the place to .be! Ok, sorry, I just couldn't help it. Cheesy, I know. But it is true, you can now get free .be domains. Info. Sign-up.
Note: The site is getting bombarded by cheap bastards such as myself, so don't be surprised if it is extremely slow.
Food for Thought
Ok, so I have been thinking a lot, and I have come up with a few interesting (Or at least, I think they are) statements, thoughts, whatever you want to call them.
-There is no inherent rivalry between religion and science. Let's look at three "great" scientists: Galileo, Descartes, and Newton. Now, every one of these men was religious, i.e. they believed in God, and yet they are considered to be some of the greatest scientific minds to ever exist. It is the fanatical followers of science (Which deals with the natural world) and religion (Which deals with the supernatural world) that find "gray areas" to debate about (Mainly the questions, why and how are we here?).
-Now, let's take one of those great minds, and go even further. Descartes sought to prove the existence of God. In doing so, he proved that while God may have created the universe, the universe now runs itself. Now, if God is no longer running the universe, how is it that he puts "obstacles" and "challenges" in our lives to make us repent for our sins?
-Practically every anti-religion group is not anti-religion. Rather, they are anti-Christian.
-Witch-hunts were not a result of witches existing, mental illness, sexism, social change, solidarity, greed, or fanatical clergy. Rather, monotheism is to blame. Let's take a look the Christianizing of "Pagans." In order to spread Christianity, a lot of "truth"-bending and finesse was used. Christians created events and figures to coincided with Pagan beliefs in order to convert them. First example, patron saints. These were created to allow Christians (Monotheistic) to talk to polytheistic followers on their terms. Second example, our beloved Christmas. Jesus was not born on December 25. Take a closer look at the Bible, if you pay attention to details such as where the sheep were, i.e. in the fields, it suggests that Jesus was born most likely in the spring time. Why December 25 is so important is that at one point in time, it was the date of Winter Solace. This is the shortest day of the year, and was already a sacred day for most Pagan societies. Why? Because of the belief that if they did not pray/celebrate/etc., hours of sunlight would continue to lessen and life would eventually cease to exist. So by altering their own religion, they were able to turn already existing Pagan beliefs into Christian customs.
What does this have to do with witch-hunts you ask? Well, before I answer that, it is important to remember this, Christianity at the time followed St. Augustine's beliefs, i.e. magic was a fraud, it wasn't real. But you see, the problem with trying to convert people is that there is the possibility of "going native." And this is exactly what happened. Gone was the Augustine dismissal of magic. Magic was real. Now magic is defined into three groups: benign (Pulling a rabbit out of a hat), Sorcery (Most elaborate and dangerous form of magic; actually performing magical acts, think Harry Potter), and Satanism (Magic with relations with evil supernatural beings). It is these last two that sparked the witch-hunts, as church intellectuals interpreted what was claimed as sorcery as Satanism. Furthermore, it was not until religious "elites" were charged with performing magic, the end of some religious conflict, and the end of heresy hunting that witch-hunts finally came to an end. So the church not only started the witch-hunts, but ended them as well.
The greatest irony in this whole situation is this: In a time of reason and logic (The Enlightenment), the church acted very illogical by trying to apply reason and logic (Satanic cause) to a false premise (Magic works).
-While researching Sammael, I discovered that it is believed that Sammael is another name for Satan, that he is the prince of all demons, that he is the demon that tempted Eve, and that at one time, he was the highest throne-angel. It is also said that his fall was mainly out of jealousy and envy on part of the angels. Ok, so this is supposed to be part of a monotheistic structure, correct? But because the prominent form of monotheism is not pure, God is the supreme being, while other lesser beings (Satan, angels, etc.) exist. So, God create created angels and the universe. And Satan is supposed to be responsible for temptation, jealousy, envy, and those types of feelings right? Now, if that is correct, according to the above beliefs, Satan was at one time an angel. If God created the angels, what was it that made the angels (Specifically Satan) feel jealousy? What was it that tempted Satan to conspire against Adam and Eve? Is there some other force greater than Satan? Or did God simply create evil?
Note: The above remarks are simply my opinions based on the knowledge that I have. I do not intend to offend or anything like that.
The Art Scene
Still working on my Batman cover. I have my lessons tonight, so hopefully I can start inking the BG this week. I'm also about to bust out a day late Halloween piece. Good old vampires

Here's the WIP of the cover for those of you that missed it:

Current Mood: Fearful and tired of crap
Currently Listening to: "That Night" - Atmosphere
Currently Watching: Well, not quite "currently watching," but I can't get enough of Smallville and Miami Ink
Currently Playing: Counter-Strike: Source ([p]X | Phoenix pr [p]X | KalEl Krypton's Last Son), World of Warcraft (PXAnime on Kel'Thuzad), Battlefield 2 (PXPhoenix), Warcraft III (PX_Conqueror or t3tsu0 on USWest)
Sites: Art MySpace Xanga SuicideGirls
Why didn't you go to the meet and greet?