A Quick Overview of Last Journal
Ok, I'm going to try to keep this part quick. I've had a reoccurrence with my tumor. Which simply just fucking sucks. Round 3 of the battle commences. Read my last journal if you want more details.
If a Man had as Many Ideas During the Day as he Does When he has Insomnia, he'd Make a Fortune
Oh how that quote rings true. I am been suffering some major sleep deprivation as of late. Maybe the confirmation of my health situation is finally sinking in on me. Summary of the last 3 days:
Saturday Night: Less than one hour of sleep
Sunday Night: Intervals of sleep that lasted less than one hour. It was amazing how scheduled this period was. I woke up at 12:40, went back to bed, woke up and 1:40, went back to bed, woke up at 2:40, went back to bed, etc. Then had a nice six hour sleep until noon that made me miss a day of classes.
Monday Night: Just under 4 hours of sleep
Yea, so the lack of sleep is starting to take a toll on me. Got up this morning after the rough four hours of sleep to find that I was physically weak...I could barely keep myself upright. Got to school and nearly fell asleep in my car in the parking lot. But it is amazing how clearly you thing and what great ideas you come up with when you can't sleep. *Sigh*
As if I Needed More Problems
I have something weird going on with my left elbow...Going to ask about it when I go get my flu shot next Thursday.
It's like she can read my Mind
So, I was playing "Save Me" by Remy Zero this morning (AKA the theme song to Smallville) and was thinking, I wish I had someone that could save me. And then out of nowhere my mom is like "That should be your theme song." Yea, it is a sad day when your mom wishes someone could save you
School...Need I say More?
I am honestly thinking about dropping at least one of my classes...I know that it'll mean I'll have summer school, but I just don't think I can go through this and have such a workload on top of it. So sorry Calculus II, I fear you must go. I'm also considering maybe just taking a leave of absence...I've fallen so far behind with all the school I've missed...Now I just need to find a way to tell my parents what is going on and how I feel...
Ok, I'm going to try to keep this part quick. I've had a reoccurrence with my tumor. Which simply just fucking sucks. Round 3 of the battle commences. Read my last journal if you want more details.
If a Man had as Many Ideas During the Day as he Does When he has Insomnia, he'd Make a Fortune
Oh how that quote rings true. I am been suffering some major sleep deprivation as of late. Maybe the confirmation of my health situation is finally sinking in on me. Summary of the last 3 days:
Saturday Night: Less than one hour of sleep
Sunday Night: Intervals of sleep that lasted less than one hour. It was amazing how scheduled this period was. I woke up at 12:40, went back to bed, woke up and 1:40, went back to bed, woke up at 2:40, went back to bed, etc. Then had a nice six hour sleep until noon that made me miss a day of classes.
Monday Night: Just under 4 hours of sleep
Yea, so the lack of sleep is starting to take a toll on me. Got up this morning after the rough four hours of sleep to find that I was physically weak...I could barely keep myself upright. Got to school and nearly fell asleep in my car in the parking lot. But it is amazing how clearly you thing and what great ideas you come up with when you can't sleep. *Sigh*
As if I Needed More Problems
I have something weird going on with my left elbow...Going to ask about it when I go get my flu shot next Thursday.
It's like she can read my Mind
So, I was playing "Save Me" by Remy Zero this morning (AKA the theme song to Smallville) and was thinking, I wish I had someone that could save me. And then out of nowhere my mom is like "That should be your theme song." Yea, it is a sad day when your mom wishes someone could save you

School...Need I say More?
I am honestly thinking about dropping at least one of my classes...I know that it'll mean I'll have summer school, but I just don't think I can go through this and have such a workload on top of it. So sorry Calculus II, I fear you must go. I'm also considering maybe just taking a leave of absence...I've fallen so far behind with all the school I've missed...Now I just need to find a way to tell my parents what is going on and how I feel...
dryhgc vun dra lussahdc!