Writing is therapy for me. The whole situation with J had me feeling pretty emo for a little while, and after that I found myself incredibly pissed off. There was a lot of bullshit in our 2 hour conversation Thanksgiving night. Some of it I called her out on then, but some other things I didn't realize until later when I had calmed down and...
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Happy Thanksgiving!
Hope everyone has an amazing day
Hope everyone has an amazing day

Going to the Chargers game woot!!!
I was watching "Naked Science" the other day...The show was about the Earth's magnetic field. It was incredibly interesting and got me thinking quite a bit.
Basically, the magnetic field is the Earth's primary defense against solar radiation. Forces are flung outward from the Earth from the south, and return back in the north (if I remember correctly). This acts as a shield. The sun...
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Basically, the magnetic field is the Earth's primary defense against solar radiation. Forces are flung outward from the Earth from the south, and return back in the north (if I remember correctly). This acts as a shield. The sun...
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Ha! I loved it! Great piece of writing if I do say so myself
How are you doing mister? Long time no talk! I hope all is well

How are you doing mister? Long time no talk! I hope all is well

I'm glad to hear all is well with you (other than that pesky sinus infection--I hope it goes away soon!)
Things are going great for me, I've just been super busy as of late (hence my lack of updates on here). I had two really awesome shoots recently and I'm waiting to see the proofs from them. I also just signed on with a new theatrical agency (one of "the big 10" in LA), so I'm going on some really neat auditions
Hope school continues to go well for you!

Things are going great for me, I've just been super busy as of late (hence my lack of updates on here). I had two really awesome shoots recently and I'm waiting to see the proofs from them. I also just signed on with a new theatrical agency (one of "the big 10" in LA), so I'm going on some really neat auditions

Hope school continues to go well for you!

WOW! I logged on today and saw you had hair! hahahaha... you look good either way
and im completely diggin' the glasses!

hey man, it sucks not having a job, however I did get a full acceptance to art college
so psyched about that
im having to cancel a lan that i was ment to be going to tomorrow because of lack of job so i cant justify the costs :S sucks but thats the joys of real life i guess
hope all is well

so psyched about that

im having to cancel a lan that i was ment to be going to tomorrow because of lack of job so i cant justify the costs :S sucks but thats the joys of real life i guess

hope all is well

I hate Firefox sometimes...*Sigh*...
Real update coming soon...Just as soon as I rewrite it...
I hate Firefox sometimes...*Sigh*...
Real update coming soon...Just as soon as I rewrite it...

the show was pretty sweet, I had lots of fun, and I am actually feeling a lot better...I was just sort of run down..
I still think that even with their advantages on the battlefield, the Spartan victories were a little exaggerated. But it's a movie, so it's allowed.
Hope things start getting better for you soon.
Hope things start getting better for you soon.
Happy Birthday

a lil late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY
I'm posting from my Wii lol...
I will have a real update from my computer later this week.
Much love to all.
I will have a real update from my computer later this week.
Much love to all.
I didn't know you could post from your Wii
I am jealous
I didn't know you could post from your Wii
I am jealous
technology is rad! HAHAHHAA... i hope you are having a good week.
I know that sucks that she lead you on, but she was probably confused on what she wants and you definitely don't want someone like that.
I tend to give more then I receive and it hard to know when to stop , and I sound just like you. So good luck with everything! <3