Damn! So Covid-19 fucked up my plans for getting into a new place in March. Then I finally get into a new place in late May and start growing plants and some small food items on my balcony. My dog and cat finally get used to the balcony and start enjoying their time out there in the sun. Then California catches fire (along with most of the US West coast) and we now can't even enjoy the balcony as our only Covid-19 safe place outside because it's covered in ash and the air quality is "unhealthy". I can't wait to see what else 2020 has in store for us. Still, we are alive and healthy. Maybe that's all that we can hope for in 2020. #staypositive #persevere.
💞💞💞 *hugs back*
2020 was fucking hard on all of us, I think. 😢 I hated it, but it definitely had its silver linings. I hope 2022 is treating you better.