Watched a Democratic campaign today. As my girly says "politics are boring". Ate Nutella, ate apples, didn't do much. Some film capturing tonight. Check out my udda blog here:
Went to a movie premiere tonight. Lackluster. Paul Westerberg documentary and a short that my dad's pal did. Yeah, not very exciting. Liking the naked girls again. Echo and Siren's set was awesome! Thoughts of old today!
Watched a Democratic campaign today. As my girly says "politics are boring". Ate Nutella, ate apples, didn't do much. Some film capturing tonight. Check out my udda blog here:
Another naked girl, another flock of guys rush to post how great they think the set is. :U That's some sort of smilie, I promise.
My x! My x! My x! She works there aaaaaahhhh!
Been doing a triple set of journals online, plus my paper one. Not that I'll drop any of them.
My movie is funded. It's a feature, and we're shooting it in HD. And I'm working from when I get up to when I go to sleep on it in some way. It is my life. I live and breath it. Maybe the only time that... Read More
congrats on the funding. that's awesome. i think it's good to live and breath your art or your passion or whatever it is you do. but relax too! and enjoy the process!
take care,
Memorial Day is lame.
Everything has been really quiet today. Met up with the new lead of my film, kind of weird air. Going out to eat with my grandma, whose obsessed with chicken almond ding. My grandpa talks like a duck. He's cool.
Some guy on the bus is going to get evicted. I hope that he pulls through okay.
oh the stories i've heard riding the bus. always amusing.
my grandparents are great. they just bicker at each other and kick my butt at dominoes. good times.
My brother is a retard. He joined the navy, to try and become a SEAL. The armed forces is pigfuck. I hate it. I won't visit him. And soon as he's off to boot camp he isn't my brother. He has self image problems. He broke the stupid weight lifting record at his high school and he has dated some pretty nice gals. He just... Read More
red is definately the coolest colour. along side of black.
a friend of mine was in the army and we used to get into these huge arguements about it. and it's really scary when they're doing it for the wrong reasons, or when they don't even know why they're doing it. but its a lot of macho crap to me. hope all ends up well for him.
Uh, been listening to the Cranberries Album "Everybody else is doing It, so why can't we?"
And the Faint too. I got my new driver's license today. I look like a criminal on it. I keep on thinking that I hear my dead cat Storm.
Like she's asking for food and stuff from beyond.
that's a good album, haven't listened to them in a long time though. maybe i should.
i think everyone looks like a criminal on their license. it's part of the fun.
all i hear are my real cats whining all day long for food. they need to diet.
Oranges and Kimchee ramen for lunch today, peels still on my spellbook-esque schedule book. Some interesting topics on the boards. Going to see the new X-Men movie tonight, X2 at this local theater. Installing Adobe Aftereffects 5.5... that one is going to be fun to learn. Despite all the money that I have people spend on my next film stuff, I'm broke as hell myself.... Read More
giant japanese cartoon frog porn? that certainly sounds modern. unfortunately it seems these days that selling out is the only way to make a decent living. good luck at the new job.
Well, the walker is also well known for colostomy bag art. At to MIA, the WPA shit is the bomb for me.
Selling things isn't the same as selling out. Stopping effort to merely exist is selling out. Linklater had a job before he got Slacker distributed. Everybody pays the rent.
This is always my favorite time of year. April. That wonderful air...especially at night. The clearest feeling. Needs more bloody rain. Like, thunderstorms and screaming at the sky...YAY!
Wish I was around to see the Ziegfeld Follies back in the 1920's. Gettomg evem more into Brooksie.
Rushing a screenplay update lately. Drinking lots of water. Meeting with actors on Saturday for the crow. See... Read More
I lived on the corner of Franklin and 3rd for a year. I worked at like 4th and 4th or something and I walked every day. It was easier in June.
People here in san diego actually complain when it dips under 62. I think everyone here should be forced to spend a week in Duluth every Jan / Feb so they appreciate what they have.