A "piss in your ear" email disclaimer.
Recently it was brought to my attention by a dear friend of mine that, in their opinion, my email correspondence is becoming far to cynical and/or serious. Not really sure what that means. But if one person is under this impression perhaps others are too. I thought maybe I'd address this issue in the form of an email disclaimer even though I find it to be completely ridiculous.
First and for most...lighten up people. Who gives a shit? I like to write in the style of deliciously fictional non-fiction. A bit of real-life mixed in with complete sarcastic bull shit just for entertainment purposes. Don't take it so seriously. I like to throw around hypotheticals, rude sarcasm, and half-cocked theories just to make people think. It doesn't mean these are my core beliefs or rules that should be set in stone...they're just words.
I understand that you can't hear the inflection of voice in an email message and maybe that is part of the problem. Tone can completely change the meaning of words. Most of the people I write to are people that know me and sometimes I take for granted that they know when I'm being serious and when I'm just having open conversation or debate.
I guess I may have to start writing under a pen name so uptight folks don't get bent out of shape. But to me that sounds like one of the stupidest ideas I've ever heard.
Here's the deal kids...if anyone wants to talk to me you know where to find me, I'm right here. If you write me I will reply to any message anyone sends me. I will no longer reach out with "opinion" comments on your blogs...editorialized responses to your life drama (unless asked)...post comments on your page...or "cold call" message to ask how you are doing.
I'm really not sorry if I offended anyone...I was under the impression this Myspace crap was here for entertainment purposes only. It's my opinion people need to chill the fuck out. If you have a problem with the way I write or the things I write about or the advice I give you then that is just what it is..."you're problem". If you think I'm being creepy or weird I really don't give a shit...lighten up. It's fine, I won't write you anymore.
These stupid ass blogs are just entertaining diaries for people to vent, rant, inform or have fun.
People get to worked up about shit. My opinions change daily and I sure so do the opinions of everyone else. Why are we so uptight? These are just words put together to form conversations...take what you like and leave what you don't. Go ahead and judge me for what I say...that is your reaction to your perception of my meaning. By all means it's your right. But I can't give two flying shits if it rubs people the wrong way.
To all my friends...I love you. To all those who get bent out of shape and take things at face value...I feel sorry that you are unable to think outside your box. Broaden your thinking a little bit and lighten up.
Recently it was brought to my attention by a dear friend of mine that, in their opinion, my email correspondence is becoming far to cynical and/or serious. Not really sure what that means. But if one person is under this impression perhaps others are too. I thought maybe I'd address this issue in the form of an email disclaimer even though I find it to be completely ridiculous.
First and for most...lighten up people. Who gives a shit? I like to write in the style of deliciously fictional non-fiction. A bit of real-life mixed in with complete sarcastic bull shit just for entertainment purposes. Don't take it so seriously. I like to throw around hypotheticals, rude sarcasm, and half-cocked theories just to make people think. It doesn't mean these are my core beliefs or rules that should be set in stone...they're just words.
I understand that you can't hear the inflection of voice in an email message and maybe that is part of the problem. Tone can completely change the meaning of words. Most of the people I write to are people that know me and sometimes I take for granted that they know when I'm being serious and when I'm just having open conversation or debate.
I guess I may have to start writing under a pen name so uptight folks don't get bent out of shape. But to me that sounds like one of the stupidest ideas I've ever heard.
Here's the deal kids...if anyone wants to talk to me you know where to find me, I'm right here. If you write me I will reply to any message anyone sends me. I will no longer reach out with "opinion" comments on your blogs...editorialized responses to your life drama (unless asked)...post comments on your page...or "cold call" message to ask how you are doing.
I'm really not sorry if I offended anyone...I was under the impression this Myspace crap was here for entertainment purposes only. It's my opinion people need to chill the fuck out. If you have a problem with the way I write or the things I write about or the advice I give you then that is just what it is..."you're problem". If you think I'm being creepy or weird I really don't give a shit...lighten up. It's fine, I won't write you anymore.
These stupid ass blogs are just entertaining diaries for people to vent, rant, inform or have fun.
People get to worked up about shit. My opinions change daily and I sure so do the opinions of everyone else. Why are we so uptight? These are just words put together to form conversations...take what you like and leave what you don't. Go ahead and judge me for what I say...that is your reaction to your perception of my meaning. By all means it's your right. But I can't give two flying shits if it rubs people the wrong way.
To all my friends...I love you. To all those who get bent out of shape and take things at face value...I feel sorry that you are unable to think outside your box. Broaden your thinking a little bit and lighten up.