just moved in with my brother, and his cats are definitely keeping me occupied with there shenanigans. These cats all have awesome personalities which is amazing since they are all rescued pets.
Fernando was brought into my brothers work with his brother, who had one leg cut off (both cats). Which might have been some sick and twisted way of getting a lucky cats foot (instead of a rabbits foot)
So my brother took one and another employee took his brother.
Faith is the one next to Fernando, whose mother cat was taken leaving the litter alone. Faith was the only one who survived after being found almost at the brink of death. My sister in law along with my brother bottle fed her for months, every few hours till she was able to eat on her own.
Then there is Merida, she was placed in the kennel at 6 months old and was given two weeks to find a home or she would be put down. My brother would come visit her every day which she would purr and scratch for his affection. Two days before she was to be put down my brother broke down and took the cat home with him that night.
Well I hope you enjoy the kids story and all there pictures!