part one of my forearm is complete. i got the outline and a few leaves colored yesterday. it's a lot bigger than i was imagining, but it covers all i need. my arm is so sore today. normally i just grin and bear it with the pain, but that inner elbow was a bitch. so was coloring because the skin was so raw.
i'm going to take pics soon. i really love it and cannot wait until it is finished.
i've been so busy with school and friends lately. and if i get a job, i will be even more busy. i'm trying to keep up with sg.
i'm going to take pics soon. i really love it and cannot wait until it is finished.
i've been so busy with school and friends lately. and if i get a job, i will be even more busy. i'm trying to keep up with sg.
Stay busy, it makes for interesting posts.