i am addicted to lost.
i seriously sit/lay around practically all day watching it. damn hulu. it is so fucking good though! they have the worst cliffhangers in the world. every episode blows my mind. and this is just the surface stuff. i haven't even started with the crazy stuff people think it all actually means. i'm surprised i'm on here right now even. mostly...
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i seriously sit/lay around practically all day watching it. damn hulu. it is so fucking good though! they have the worst cliffhangers in the world. every episode blows my mind. and this is just the surface stuff. i haven't even started with the crazy stuff people think it all actually means. i'm surprised i'm on here right now even. mostly...
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Have fun in Vegas!
your hair looks awesome pink
part one of my forearm is complete. i got the outline and a few leaves colored yesterday. it's a lot bigger than i was imagining, but it covers all i need. my arm is so sore today. normally i just grin and bear it with the pain, but that inner elbow was a bitch. so was coloring because the skin was so raw.
i'm going...
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i'm going...
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Stay busy, it makes for interesting posts.

finals = fuck i never actually learned (this) shit.
except for the first time in history, i've been studying like crazy. pulling all nighters, aided by red bull and adderall. probably the most abundant things in tally right now. i've been stressing, which is such a foreign feeling. i guess i care now, and know i can do well with this shit.
i mean, i'm...
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except for the first time in history, i've been studying like crazy. pulling all nighters, aided by red bull and adderall. probably the most abundant things in tally right now. i've been stressing, which is such a foreign feeling. i guess i care now, and know i can do well with this shit.
i mean, i'm...
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Welcome back!
Yeah...welcome back! Finals go well? Happy holidays Miss... And you don't have to ration the ganja anymore. I like your new tattoo idea... You should go for it
Maybe it's the fact that I've been feeling like shit, or that I hate some of the ads in Inked, but I'm kind of getting over this tattooed girl modeling thing. Its no longer about fucking awesome chicks who don't give a fuck and love the art. The fucking awesome chicks that never fit the mold. All I see are Barbies. Especially in ads. A...
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Totally agree Miss!
You can't blame the artists for taking advantage of an opportunity though...They got theirs so to speak. While it has done a lot for tattooing in the way of people understanding the process and end result, I think more could've been done to educate people about the culture. Which is why I got tired of it quickly. I believe it's done a lot of positive things for those with body art. People are more accepting of it these days than ever before. Anyway, how are you Miss? How's school treating you?
good thing about being terribly sick for a week: great weight loss.
bad thing about being terribly sick for a week: where the fuck are my tits??
bad thing about being terribly sick for a week: where the fuck are my tits??
i stole them? (*looks down* oh wait, obviously not!) 

Hope you're feeling better soon!
I'm dressed up like Lily Allen, all made up, watching Daria and burning.
The thing is, this is a million times better than last night.
My friend is back in town, so hopefully a shoot soon. Maybe I can put this Lily Allen outfit to good use, cause it is pretty cute.
The thing is, this is a million times better than last night.
My friend is back in town, so hopefully a shoot soon. Maybe I can put this Lily Allen outfit to good use, cause it is pretty cute.

Elvis Perkins and AA Bondy are playing today(November 9th) at the Downunder! It's gonna be awesome!
happy birthday to me.
except I have to fight this nausea from last night.
I don't think I'll be drinking too much tonight.
I'm 20. Cool.
except I have to fight this nausea from last night.
I don't think I'll be drinking too much tonight.
I'm 20. Cool.
The happiest of special days to you--many wonderful returns today and beyond!
Happy Birthday!
Ugh, if I keep eating like this, a shoot is going to be out of the question. Hopefully I can get shit done when my friend comes back from Brazil.
But I don't have great luck with getting shoots done/to look good so I'm not hoping for miracles.
But I don't have great luck with getting shoots done/to look good so I'm not hoping for miracles.
Well thank you!
So I'm watching the Free Willzyx episode. It's really fucking funny, except for one thing: My brain can't get around all the Animal Planet knowledge I know. A whale would never survive transport, especially out of water like that. He would have eaten the kids probably. And I forgot what else I saw.
This new medicine is definitely not taking away my munchies after smoking....
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This new medicine is definitely not taking away my munchies after smoking....
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I need shoot ideas bad. I must be brain dead.
I've been watching Dita videos, but I don't think I could ever convey that confidence.
Stripper pole?
I've been watching Dita videos, but I don't think I could ever convey that confidence.
Stripper pole?
Possible idea
It would be cool if you could slip into Doak and do something but thats not going to happen. Wish I could provide a useful suggestion but im not overly creative on the artsy stuff.
It's been so long since I have been on here!!! An amazing member reactivated my account for me, which gave me a kick in the butt. So I am going to contact photographers to see what I can get done soon, especially while its sunny and I still have my tan.
So that's about it for now. If anyone has ideas for shoots, or is...
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So that's about it for now. If anyone has ideas for shoots, or is...
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Welcome back!
I'm wanting to get to it! I talked to someone I know, so I'm waiting on that. And then I'll probably be getting two more tats after that, so another shoot will be needed.
I just painted my nails green.
That's about all I have to contribute.
I'm glad the Tally monsoon let up for a couple of days. Seeing the sunshine and smoking has been great.
I'm pretty much still broke. Smoking tends to be a priority. But not cigs.
I can't believe I have a month left before I head back to Tampa. It's crazy. I miss...
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That's about all I have to contribute.
I'm glad the Tally monsoon let up for a couple of days. Seeing the sunshine and smoking has been great.
I'm pretty much still broke. Smoking tends to be a priority. But not cigs.
I can't believe I have a month left before I head back to Tampa. It's crazy. I miss...
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Well, I must say that Tallahassee will miss you too. Yes, I speak for the entire city.
I graduated in January. I miss Tally some but after four years I was ready to get the fuck out.