Guess I just wasted the whole weekend. It's awfully easy to skip the packing and lifting in preference for spending hours on end of fiddling with the PC (is this a quasi-definition of geekness?). I'm still trying to follow what's being reported on the campaigns - especially when I can find an unusual or nonstandard source - trying to get past the [I fear] manipulated, or at least highly focused, general media. RSS got me into SG and I've spent a lot of time searching and found several, mostly mainstream, sites. I was fortunate to be in the UK during the 2000 election (voted absentee) and the coverage over there (I could still get CNN too) was interesting [one obvious impression was that they simply could not figure out how we could mangle an election so much]. Nothing as interesting yet for this election (though I still don't understand why so many people so ardently support Mr. Bush).
However you feel -- please VOTE on Nov. 2
However you feel -- please VOTE on Nov. 2