Still off work, much better to say you've got a migraine (which I do actually get) than say it's because you're too depressed to be left alone at your desk with your own thoughts for 7 and a half hours a day.
Got my exam results today, failed them all....
I would say the only way is up from here, but I think that may just tempt fate to trip me up again. Although I don't believe in fate or luck, just coincidence and circumstance.
Either way, everything is going wrong at the moment and I'm not sure how much more I can deal with.
Dear god that was the most pathetic little emo whining session I've plastered on here yet!
Got my exam results today, failed them all....
I would say the only way is up from here, but I think that may just tempt fate to trip me up again. Although I don't believe in fate or luck, just coincidence and circumstance.
Either way, everything is going wrong at the moment and I'm not sure how much more I can deal with.
Dear god that was the most pathetic little emo whining session I've plastered on here yet!

Cheers though guys!!