Never wish time away. Never wish it was tomorrow, or the weekend, or Christmas. Cause you'll never get that time back. What sucks is, I never use time well. Don't get me wrong, I have lots of fun, travel quite a bit, keep many friends, but it's the little moments in between. Like television. I love television. But it always feels like wasted time. Sure, good time to relax, unwind, but a book would have been better. Or a walk. Or listening to music. I'm becomming more and more sensitive to it. I have cable now, because I have roomates. Again, it's the love/hate thing. An addiciton. Horrible. Another good reason to get back to Phoenix. Back into my space.
In other news, I put the thought into a friend's head that a world cruise aboard the QE2 could be fun. Now he's pricing the trip. If he really comes thru on this, I'll surely go. It would be unavoidable. Normally it wouldn't matter, but little knownst to ya'all is, I just purchased a house (in March) and have, for lack of subtly, a huge house payment. For years I kept myself in the safety, security, and not to mention, cheap, comfort of my condo in the sky. The 21st floor of one of the few downtown buildings in Phoenix. But I succumbed to the economic pressure. Sold out. Gave in.
On the upside of all this, I've a roomate at both ends. One in Phoenix and one in San Diego. The one in SD is purely a $$ thing. If you've never priced places in CA, know this, it's expensive. But at my house in Phoenix, I'm renting a room to a friend. He's moslty reliable, a little goofy, but he keeps an eye on things. If all goes well, he'll get a job and help take the sting out of it should I take the trip. With any luck, I might even be able to score some work that I could do while sailing.
Anyhow, I know that went out of 'journal' bounds, but unlike my other 'blog', no one here knows me and it felt important to bring you up to speed.
In other news, I put the thought into a friend's head that a world cruise aboard the QE2 could be fun. Now he's pricing the trip. If he really comes thru on this, I'll surely go. It would be unavoidable. Normally it wouldn't matter, but little knownst to ya'all is, I just purchased a house (in March) and have, for lack of subtly, a huge house payment. For years I kept myself in the safety, security, and not to mention, cheap, comfort of my condo in the sky. The 21st floor of one of the few downtown buildings in Phoenix. But I succumbed to the economic pressure. Sold out. Gave in.
On the upside of all this, I've a roomate at both ends. One in Phoenix and one in San Diego. The one in SD is purely a $$ thing. If you've never priced places in CA, know this, it's expensive. But at my house in Phoenix, I'm renting a room to a friend. He's moslty reliable, a little goofy, but he keeps an eye on things. If all goes well, he'll get a job and help take the sting out of it should I take the trip. With any luck, I might even be able to score some work that I could do while sailing.
Anyhow, I know that went out of 'journal' bounds, but unlike my other 'blog', no one here knows me and it felt important to bring you up to speed.
Sorry if I took a long time in letting you in, i've been very busy in real life, but welcome to the BCB group. I'm trying to get more active... I swear. 

Wow, super-new guy. Welcome to the site, man.