So, I guess there's this Super Bowl that's going to be on TV tomorrow, and I'll probably just catch up on "Lost" with the Season 3 DVD instead. Well, except for the Tom Petty halftime show.
Does anyone even really give a rat's ass about the actual game anymore? Every year it's either the Pats or the Packers, even baseball's become more exciting. Then again,...
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Does anyone even really give a rat's ass about the actual game anymore? Every year it's either the Pats or the Packers, even baseball's become more exciting. Then again,...
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thanks jerkface. i love you
Yeah, you got me there on the "physical" part. Although, I didn't say they weren't real, which is really strange. Of course they're real (unless we're in the Matrix. :shudder, but it's pretty safe to say that a record is not music, right?
post a new blog! or else your gonna get it mister!