DEAR MARCH 31, i refuse to let you fuck me in the ass.
Im serious.. EVERY single moment of today had a GIANT fail sign above my head.
i woke up to kisses this morning.. i figured "fuck yes! today is gonna rock.. .. WRONG!!!!"
I had a shoot i was plannin on doing.. very specific type of lighting.. the calendar said someone else had it from 12 to 1 so i booked myself 1-5 cause you know made sense.. roll around like 130.. someone walks into the studio turns out that they planned on shooting ALL FUCKING DAY... but only wrote down one hour.. in the end i said fuck it.. not worth fighting over.wouldnt consider it my mistake since i i booked myself in after what i thought would be after her shoot. Im a fuckin grown up and dont have time to have a hissy fit.. althought i did think.. nevermind not gonna get into that.
I ended up shooting down the hall at the recording studio. Dawn is a lifesaver.. and i just wasnt having the lick with lightin so i though i would bring out my flash.. it ..doesnt want to work.. i switch out batteries.. still no work.. you now what no biggie ill figure out a way to pwn the sunlight. i pick up the old batteries and notice that their wet... stupid me.. tries to smell it . no real smell .. i accidently get some on my upper lip.. and then glenn calls me back and i tell him about the studio thing.. and then you know the battery thing.. which by now ive figured out is batterie acid...yeah.. so i might have fucked up my external flash!! WOOO.. i call up nick an ask him if he can meet us at park place cause im going to try to shoot there instead.
head over to park place and ive already decided that im not gonna shoot. i want MY lightin.. that i ALREADY had planned anything else will not be acceptable. so he shows up we look around,, and head over to valley fair to go get some delicious Jammin Japanese Green tea Slushie.. with tapioca balls.
We get there..and the booth is GONE.. like POOF! no longer there!! i mean im already at my end of ropes.and al i fuckin want is some fuckin green tea... thats it thats all i fuckin want... is that to much?? im about in tears by that point.. Nick reminds me that theres that tea place in santana row.. so we head over there and i find a "meh" replacement.. lorrie is hungry by this point so we go to wahoos and get some grub..
Nick wanted to try the green tea.. but didnt realize there were little tapioca balls.. yeah caught him by surpise and it was funny. kinda made my day better.
By the time we get back to the studio.. its seven and there still there so we waited outside till they were done.
by the time i started shooin the ring light was hot and um.. well kinda fell apart.. but i refuse to let that be the end of me.. i got some tape and fixed that bitch.
by that time i think we were worn out. and i know the pictures could have been way way way better.. but mehhhhh
sorry march 31. you will not ruin me.
Im serious.. EVERY single moment of today had a GIANT fail sign above my head.
i woke up to kisses this morning.. i figured "fuck yes! today is gonna rock.. .. WRONG!!!!"
I had a shoot i was plannin on doing.. very specific type of lighting.. the calendar said someone else had it from 12 to 1 so i booked myself 1-5 cause you know made sense.. roll around like 130.. someone walks into the studio turns out that they planned on shooting ALL FUCKING DAY... but only wrote down one hour.. in the end i said fuck it.. not worth fighting over.wouldnt consider it my mistake since i i booked myself in after what i thought would be after her shoot. Im a fuckin grown up and dont have time to have a hissy fit.. althought i did think.. nevermind not gonna get into that.
I ended up shooting down the hall at the recording studio. Dawn is a lifesaver.. and i just wasnt having the lick with lightin so i though i would bring out my flash.. it ..doesnt want to work.. i switch out batteries.. still no work.. you now what no biggie ill figure out a way to pwn the sunlight. i pick up the old batteries and notice that their wet... stupid me.. tries to smell it . no real smell .. i accidently get some on my upper lip.. and then glenn calls me back and i tell him about the studio thing.. and then you know the battery thing.. which by now ive figured out is batterie acid...yeah.. so i might have fucked up my external flash!! WOOO.. i call up nick an ask him if he can meet us at park place cause im going to try to shoot there instead.
head over to park place and ive already decided that im not gonna shoot. i want MY lightin.. that i ALREADY had planned anything else will not be acceptable. so he shows up we look around,, and head over to valley fair to go get some delicious Jammin Japanese Green tea Slushie.. with tapioca balls.
We get there..and the booth is GONE.. like POOF! no longer there!! i mean im already at my end of ropes.and al i fuckin want is some fuckin green tea... thats it thats all i fuckin want... is that to much?? im about in tears by that point.. Nick reminds me that theres that tea place in santana row.. so we head over there and i find a "meh" replacement.. lorrie is hungry by this point so we go to wahoos and get some grub..
Nick wanted to try the green tea.. but didnt realize there were little tapioca balls.. yeah caught him by surpise and it was funny. kinda made my day better.
By the time we get back to the studio.. its seven and there still there so we waited outside till they were done.
by the time i started shooin the ring light was hot and um.. well kinda fell apart.. but i refuse to let that be the end of me.. i got some tape and fixed that bitch.
by that time i think we were worn out. and i know the pictures could have been way way way better.. but mehhhhh
sorry march 31. you will not ruin me.
POOR Wenzdai! But good thing its April 7th now March 31st is long gone! ..... **MmMm Tapioca Balls**
Hope all else is well lovey !

happy happy happy birthday darling a lots of kisses for you !!!have nice day.....