Crazy. My car is making this thumping noise. Turns out I have a huge blister looking thing as big as a fist on my tire. Gotta get a tire today. There goes my pedicure money. How petty does that sound? A close friend was in a car wreck and is in serious but stable condition in UVA. She is unconscious from meds and they are going to keep her that way until they can get her stable and do surgery on a compound fracture in her right leg. Maybe 3 days as many as 7. Guy on a cell phone came over into her lane and hit her head on. Lets see.... There was a gas leak at my daughters school today and they had to evacuate and stand in the rain then be moved to a neighboring school for an hour. My son disappointed me my doing something he knows he isnt allowed to do. He is my angel. It broke my heart. I know it doesnt sound big but this is just not like him to sneak. It hurt. I so happy it was only a tire though for my car and not a major problem. I didnt get 3 phone calls that I was expecting yesterday (you know what they say about expectations ---- premeditated resentments).
A new patient at work was admitted and died within 2 hours - before I could meet him. He was so well liked and I was looking forward to working with him. It doesnt happen - we are a mental hospital so not that many die there.
There was an 18 year old boy in todays paper that hung himself. How sad.
Did anybody see Kurt Vonnegut on the Daily Show??? What did you think?
DO this: go to google. ( duh)
Type in "failure" . Hit google search.
Read the first result on this list!!!
How whack is that shit? I love it.
I need some chocolate. Do you know the ASL (American Sign Language) sign for church and chocolate are damn near the same.
A new patient at work was admitted and died within 2 hours - before I could meet him. He was so well liked and I was looking forward to working with him. It doesnt happen - we are a mental hospital so not that many die there.
There was an 18 year old boy in todays paper that hung himself. How sad.
Did anybody see Kurt Vonnegut on the Daily Show??? What did you think?
DO this: go to google. ( duh)
Type in "failure" . Hit google search.
Read the first result on this list!!!
How whack is that shit? I love it.
I need some chocolate. Do you know the ASL (American Sign Language) sign for church and chocolate are damn near the same.
Its no problem at all, I am sorry to hear about your friend, but I am sure she will be fine. So when do I get to work on petting you, and giving you hickeys?