Just ripped off a bitchin email to the ex telling him how lame I fucking think it is that he doesnt pay his child support.
My company is being sold so I have to drive 40 mins to work instead of 8.
On the flip side I got offered a sweet but temporary position with the school system while this girl is on her maturnity...
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My company is being sold so I have to drive 40 mins to work instead of 8.
On the flip side I got offered a sweet but temporary position with the school system while this girl is on her maturnity...
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The ex wants to come back 'cause he had an awakening I reckon. Homeless - loking like a shit biscuit. What am I supposed to do? Married forever - 2 kids - and he loves me like mad.... what do I do about all the lies before???? what do I do that this is our 2nd separation? What do I do that he doesnt seem...
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do whatevers best for YOU.
Ouch, your foot.
Eesh, I have one on the inside of my right lower calf and I know when I got the first one there, my foot twitched like a fish out of water. So good luck on that.
Thanks for the compliment on my owlish wisdom.
Sometimes I think I am smart, other times I doubt myself completely. But aren't we all our own devil's advocate?
Eesh, I have one on the inside of my right lower calf and I know when I got the first one there, my foot twitched like a fish out of water. So good luck on that.
Thanks for the compliment on my owlish wisdom.
Sometimes I think I am smart, other times I doubt myself completely. But aren't we all our own devil's advocate?
When does the L Word Start again?
Unfortunatly, I was in the Navy for awhile. When we were out on deployment, the ladies were passing around the L Word, imagine that...if you can. Haha, Navy chicks watching lesbians...lol. Anyway, I haven't seen the new season but what I have seen of the previous ones I've liked.
And for the other issue: Stick your finger up his ass, they cough really well then... LOL! Good luck with the green.
And for the other issue: Stick your finger up his ass, they cough really well then... LOL! Good luck with the green.
Hi to you too local girl

Im so pissed. Freakin people at work call me all the time! It is so irritating. I need to remember the pros of being the boss (making the schedule, more money, etc etc.) Im just so fucking tired of people being late and all that bullshit.
The ex shows up here and because he is sleeping in some dudes basement has no where to take...
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The ex shows up here and because he is sleeping in some dudes basement has no where to take...
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wtf? I want off the hamster wheel awhile. I need a damn holiday. I cant eat but so many fucking potatoes and they arent even chillin me out that much any more
Fuck the potatoes! Just enjoy mashing the fuck out of them!!! haha, enjoy your New Year's celebration, however you decide to partake in the festival...
I feel like Im trying to merge a circus clown with a Vampiress.
WOW....thats a picture.
How do vampires kill circuses? They go for the juggler
How do vampires kill circuses? They go for the juggler

weird, I am doing well and yourself besides the mutant you are trying to make that is lol. Happy holidays to ya
Lets get this party started
I need to go to bed................. so confused about the ex. So worried about not having enough time to do all I want to do!
my computer at home is finally fixed - hoorah!
I miss baysponge...what happened.
I had a wild night last night. pretty sick of people who dont do what they say they are gonna. fuckers
I miss baysponge...what happened.
I had a wild night last night. pretty sick of people who dont do what they say they are gonna. fuckers
Whew - where has the time gone.
My computer at home is not working so I am limited to work, and its been kinda crazy here, so its been awhile since I updated.
I had friends over last night to decorate the tree, played video games, I made sugar cookies. We played Battle of the Sexes. The girl questions are the hardest - poor dudes....
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My computer at home is not working so I am limited to work, and its been kinda crazy here, so its been awhile since I updated.
I had friends over last night to decorate the tree, played video games, I made sugar cookies. We played Battle of the Sexes. The girl questions are the hardest - poor dudes....
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he changed his name and went black, that usually means that they don't want to be found for a while.
I have yet to do MY shopping as well. would you like to meet up anytime soon?
So much time has passed. Been doing the usual with friends. The news around the house is I painted the living room. I discovered the most incredible primer. I never was much of a primer fan - seemed like more work to me, but this stuff is incredible. I rolled out the entire room in a half hour with half gallon of paint! Incredible! The...
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would rather put the voodoo on you
anyway have a great holiday sexy

[Edited on Nov 26, 2005 12:55PM]
[Edited on Nov 26, 2005 12:55PM]
My 20 facts
1) I am a walking contradiction
2) When I replace sex with food I cant get into my own pants
3) I either use sex or food as a crutch. If I dont have one, Ill reach for the other. Sex is my first choice.
4) I should stay out of the sun (red hair, freckles) but I love it so much....
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1) I am a walking contradiction
2) When I replace sex with food I cant get into my own pants
3) I either use sex or food as a crutch. If I dont have one, Ill reach for the other. Sex is my first choice.
4) I should stay out of the sun (red hair, freckles) but I love it so much....
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Please forgive yourself ... first off - it has been a while now and you do not deserve nor do you get any benefit from still clinging to that baggage - if you need to do soemthing to repent - do it but guilt is a waste in time and energy
Also - let go because it sounded like you needed to avoid the stress that year ... there are times in life when it is ok to be selfish and take care of yourself first - it is not like you were just being lazy or that you knew that it would be your last chance to celebrate Christmas w/ your mom ... ok it might have been better (at least for you guilt) if you had been more honest w/ her - but we all have (I certainly do) baggage in relationships w/ parents ... if you truly believe that she has forgiven you then you owe it to yourself to forgive yourself as well
as for me, I am ok w/ my depression - it exists and always will in some form - I just deal w/ the current state of the ups and downs - I think I am getting better at coping with it and working thru the downs so they are not so bad, so they do not last as long, and so they do not impact others as much. I do not regret being honest w/ my employers - I took that as a big step and a positive one at that - that I was strong enough to put that out there even when most people don't understand or don't emphathize ... I would do it all the same way if I had to do it again ...
what I was saying is that having to explain my inability to keep it from adversely affecting my two sons was what I consider my failure - or more accurately, having to explain it all to an 11 and 8 yo. I do not mind having to expose my imperfections to my sons ... I rather like the idea of teaching them that the important thing in life is how you react to adversity and how you pick yourself up when things are going bad. It was humbling though to have them cry a lot when they were told that we had to move away from everything they knew and were comfortable with because of me ... on top of it, the financial pressures of having to do it on someone else's schedule and not when it is most convenient or beneficial to us.
I did laugh a little though - my 11 yo admitted through his tears that I was "runing his life' - when I pushed to find out why, it was because I was taking him away from a girl in his class - mind you they are not close - he does not talk w/ her much - he has only shared his feelings with one buddy in his class & refused any suggestion that he try to nurture the friedship by e-mail or whatever - but he seemed crushed that his first crush was being unfairly taken away from him ... watching him struggle w/ these emotions for the first time was cute and I tried to be supportive - but I had to do it through the prism of my actions was taking this away from him ...
anyway, I better get to work this morning
take care m'lady
hugs always
Also - let go because it sounded like you needed to avoid the stress that year ... there are times in life when it is ok to be selfish and take care of yourself first - it is not like you were just being lazy or that you knew that it would be your last chance to celebrate Christmas w/ your mom ... ok it might have been better (at least for you guilt) if you had been more honest w/ her - but we all have (I certainly do) baggage in relationships w/ parents ... if you truly believe that she has forgiven you then you owe it to yourself to forgive yourself as well
as for me, I am ok w/ my depression - it exists and always will in some form - I just deal w/ the current state of the ups and downs - I think I am getting better at coping with it and working thru the downs so they are not so bad, so they do not last as long, and so they do not impact others as much. I do not regret being honest w/ my employers - I took that as a big step and a positive one at that - that I was strong enough to put that out there even when most people don't understand or don't emphathize ... I would do it all the same way if I had to do it again ...
what I was saying is that having to explain my inability to keep it from adversely affecting my two sons was what I consider my failure - or more accurately, having to explain it all to an 11 and 8 yo. I do not mind having to expose my imperfections to my sons ... I rather like the idea of teaching them that the important thing in life is how you react to adversity and how you pick yourself up when things are going bad. It was humbling though to have them cry a lot when they were told that we had to move away from everything they knew and were comfortable with because of me ... on top of it, the financial pressures of having to do it on someone else's schedule and not when it is most convenient or beneficial to us.
I did laugh a little though - my 11 yo admitted through his tears that I was "runing his life' - when I pushed to find out why, it was because I was taking him away from a girl in his class - mind you they are not close - he does not talk w/ her much - he has only shared his feelings with one buddy in his class & refused any suggestion that he try to nurture the friedship by e-mail or whatever - but he seemed crushed that his first crush was being unfairly taken away from him ... watching him struggle w/ these emotions for the first time was cute and I tried to be supportive - but I had to do it through the prism of my actions was taking this away from him ...
anyway, I better get to work this morning
take care m'lady
hugs always
I have missed you the past few days & I will be gone until Sun nite
I hope you are having a great time and I hope to hear from you next week
hugs m'lady
I hope you are having a great time and I hope to hear from you next week
hugs m'lady
"I PROMISE YOU ONE DAY EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE BETTER FOR YOU"~and on that note: i love donnie darko