what little faith i had.......is all gone now. you'd think i would have wrote that about 8 years ago, lol. i just don't get it. i can say that until this past primary season i really didn't know how each party worked their primary. now all i can say is WHAT???? super delegates? what little faith i had in the democratic party started to fade as the inner working of a party gone wrong started to emerge. i am surprised at how much the republican primary system makes more sense to me then the party i've always associated myself with, the democrats.
change is the easiest rally cry to get people behind when so many are depressed, repressed, and upset with the system. if change is really what we want/need as a nation, why not get a whole new system???? have we forgotten that politicians LIE?
change is the easiest battle cry. after 8 years of bush who doesn't want a change?????
i guess i have issues with politicians that are treated like rock stars or the messiah. PEOPLE LIE TO MAKE THEMSELVES LOOK BETTER, PEOPLE IN POLITICS LIE TO STAY IN OR GET POWER.
for years there have been calls to reform election policies. what has happen to those cries? why would the new powers what to change the system that got them there? with breaking new every 30 seconds why not wait it out?? americans have ADD, give them a new scandal and they will forget.
instead of being the 'bleeding heart democrat' that has been my political identity, now i'm in no mans land.
it sure would have been nice to have had universal health care. it's hard to believe that a nation that prides it's self on being the 'world police' can't even take care of its own health care issues. aren't we one the only industrial nations that has the poorest grades in national health care????
maybe its the wine, maybe its the pms, maybe its because i'm a bitchy feminist, or maybe i'm just a bitch. either way i wish i had duel citizenship with a more tolerant /humane society.
change is the easiest rally cry to get people behind when so many are depressed, repressed, and upset with the system. if change is really what we want/need as a nation, why not get a whole new system???? have we forgotten that politicians LIE?
change is the easiest battle cry. after 8 years of bush who doesn't want a change?????
i guess i have issues with politicians that are treated like rock stars or the messiah. PEOPLE LIE TO MAKE THEMSELVES LOOK BETTER, PEOPLE IN POLITICS LIE TO STAY IN OR GET POWER.
for years there have been calls to reform election policies. what has happen to those cries? why would the new powers what to change the system that got them there? with breaking new every 30 seconds why not wait it out?? americans have ADD, give them a new scandal and they will forget.
instead of being the 'bleeding heart democrat' that has been my political identity, now i'm in no mans land.
it sure would have been nice to have had universal health care. it's hard to believe that a nation that prides it's self on being the 'world police' can't even take care of its own health care issues. aren't we one the only industrial nations that has the poorest grades in national health care????
maybe its the wine, maybe its the pms, maybe its because i'm a bitchy feminist, or maybe i'm just a bitch. either way i wish i had duel citizenship with a more tolerant /humane society.