this is going to be my halfsleeve. the decision is final. now i just need the cash. oh, shweet cash. i love thee.
charlie and the chocolate factory rocked my fuckin socks off. i want to see it again and again and again. and i LOVELOVELOVE deep roy. (he plays the oompa loompa).. he is my hero, probably.
i just made pasta with sauteed portabello mushrooms, potatoes, capers and tomatoes.. little bit of olive oil. it's called the "why the fuck aren't you all vegan" pasta.
my friend ashley's kitten is having little ones! she wants me to have one because we're moving across the street from eachother and she'll know that it's in good hands. i can't really see me with a kitten...i'm definitely a dog person. but maybe i would fall in love with one?
i'm going to start volunteering at the exotic feline rescue center that's about an hour away from here. i'll be giving tours and feeding and things like that. it's the 10th biggest in the world! they have 170 different types of exotic felines.. mostly lions, tigers, cougars, leopards and bobcats. they have some caracals and servals.. fucking awesome dude. you get to be right up next to them. maybe i could love a kitten. i love big cats. hmm.
i might be getting a tattoo today! either that or playing ping pong...
edited to add:
homemade pasta sauce with fresh basil = heaven.
anarchie is fucking hot.
i paid $25 for an infant aquarium-type thing last night at walmart. it has fake fish that swim around, and bubbles, and it plays either mozart, bach or ocean noises. it put me to sleep last night. rock.
charlie and the chocolate factory rocked my fuckin socks off. i want to see it again and again and again. and i LOVELOVELOVE deep roy. (he plays the oompa loompa).. he is my hero, probably.
i just made pasta with sauteed portabello mushrooms, potatoes, capers and tomatoes.. little bit of olive oil. it's called the "why the fuck aren't you all vegan" pasta.
my friend ashley's kitten is having little ones! she wants me to have one because we're moving across the street from eachother and she'll know that it's in good hands. i can't really see me with a kitten...i'm definitely a dog person. but maybe i would fall in love with one?
i'm going to start volunteering at the exotic feline rescue center that's about an hour away from here. i'll be giving tours and feeding and things like that. it's the 10th biggest in the world! they have 170 different types of exotic felines.. mostly lions, tigers, cougars, leopards and bobcats. they have some caracals and servals.. fucking awesome dude. you get to be right up next to them. maybe i could love a kitten. i love big cats. hmm.
i might be getting a tattoo today! either that or playing ping pong...
edited to add:
homemade pasta sauce with fresh basil = heaven.
anarchie is fucking hot.
i paid $25 for an infant aquarium-type thing last night at walmart. it has fake fish that swim around, and bubbles, and it plays either mozart, bach or ocean noises. it put me to sleep last night. rock.
Well, and the horror group and rigor mortis group too.