who you gonna call?
the da vinci code was terrible. don't go see it unless you want a couple good laughs. my favorite line which i think should get tom hanks the oscar was "we need to get to a library. IMMEDIATELY."
i'm going through one of those "i want to get rid of the majority of things that i own and start over" phase. i don't know if i should listen to that little voice in my head or if i should ignore it. i'm going to have to move my entire life into storage in a month and i have so much crap. all i really want to take with me are my books, my photographs, and my bed. i'm also a pretty big fan of my shoe collection and my extensive catholic
kitsch art. other than that.... this shit is just taking up space.
i want to be a ghostbuster.

the da vinci code was terrible. don't go see it unless you want a couple good laughs. my favorite line which i think should get tom hanks the oscar was "we need to get to a library. IMMEDIATELY."
i'm going through one of those "i want to get rid of the majority of things that i own and start over" phase. i don't know if i should listen to that little voice in my head or if i should ignore it. i'm going to have to move my entire life into storage in a month and i have so much crap. all i really want to take with me are my books, my photographs, and my bed. i'm also a pretty big fan of my shoe collection and my extensive catholic
kitsch art. other than that.... this shit is just taking up space.
i want to be a ghostbuster.
heh. I like that line.
That picture is 100% hawt.