a really fucking old picture:
a really fucking new picture:
i miss this girl more than words can say. she rules quite a bit, doesn't she? you know she does.
i start classes again on monday... i will be taking more of the heeeebrew, behavioral neuroscience (YES), mental illness through the sociology department (which i'll probably hate. fuck the sociologists) , and bioanthropology which i'm really really exited for as well. plus the extra 10 hours a week working at the sex lab. i will be a very busy lady.
not too busy to spend my first weekend in LA and san fransisco, though! i'm visiting one of my favorite girls in the world, ibitemylowerlip, and we're going to party like there's no tomorrow. hopefully i'll get to see james, emilyeve (mylove), lorelei and many others while i'm there. might be shooting a set too.
other than that i'm gearin up to watch new england stomp some mother fucking jacksonville ASS tomorrow evening. who's with me? you bring the popcorn. i'll bring the big giant cup of MOTHERFUCKING DYNASTY. it's playoff time again, bitches.

a really fucking new picture:

i miss this girl more than words can say. she rules quite a bit, doesn't she? you know she does.
i start classes again on monday... i will be taking more of the heeeebrew, behavioral neuroscience (YES), mental illness through the sociology department (which i'll probably hate. fuck the sociologists) , and bioanthropology which i'm really really exited for as well. plus the extra 10 hours a week working at the sex lab. i will be a very busy lady.
not too busy to spend my first weekend in LA and san fransisco, though! i'm visiting one of my favorite girls in the world, ibitemylowerlip, and we're going to party like there's no tomorrow. hopefully i'll get to see james, emilyeve (mylove), lorelei and many others while i'm there. might be shooting a set too.
other than that i'm gearin up to watch new england stomp some mother fucking jacksonville ASS tomorrow evening. who's with me? you bring the popcorn. i'll bring the big giant cup of MOTHERFUCKING DYNASTY. it's playoff time again, bitches.

i love the hell out of you darling.
i didn't really like behvorial neuro. i took a couple of them and it's all egg hatching responses, bird singing, lamprey movements, and larger scale reflex arcs. physio neurobio couses are the ones with the real meat on 'em. good luck!