it's picture time. do a little dance it's picture time.
this one is blurry. this way you can't tell that the cupcakes had letters on them that spelled out my real name. MUAHAHAHAH.
rick then rearranged them so that they said this: bet you still can't guess what my real name is.
me with heathurr. she rules, basically. really hard. her birthday is today, you should all go say happy birthday to her. if she has a journal up, i'm not sure if she does.
did i mention i love bacon?
more cupcakes with my friend thea. we have a band called another shitty punk band, i'm singer. she's guitarist. we rule. look for us at another shitty punk club near you.
drunk. this is me and ibitemylowerlip.
word up, son.
i don't remember why we were doing this, but it was hilarious at the time. something deserved a big thumbs up. maybe it was the bacon.
my lady lindsay and i
i don't remember doing this ... but i loves me some jager.
puppies!!! this is jadakiss and his sister layla (who belongs to heathurr).
ryan is wearing the best shirt EVER. i'm just making a face to illustrate how much the shirt fucking rocks, because it does. there are also cupcakes in my mouth.
someone bought me a dildo someone bought me a dildo! chuck is the sex.
with ibitemylowerlip. this was before i was fucking trizzashed.
i'm including this one again because i love it, and because jadakiss has never looked cuter. happy birthday to me. i still haven't recovered.
i have no idea why i didn't take any pictures with cain, seeing as how we are both so amazingly hot together. she came by later on with the fucking sexy ass rigormortis and the drinks i made them were too strong so they wouldn't drink them. then we watched pee wee's big adventure and sat around wanting to go to sleep but not being able to because of the god damned tornadoes. i'm ALREADY going through cain withdrawl (did ya hear that bitch..i beat you to it).
this one is blurry. this way you can't tell that the cupcakes had letters on them that spelled out my real name. MUAHAHAHAH.
rick then rearranged them so that they said this: bet you still can't guess what my real name is.
me with heathurr. she rules, basically. really hard. her birthday is today, you should all go say happy birthday to her. if she has a journal up, i'm not sure if she does.
did i mention i love bacon?
more cupcakes with my friend thea. we have a band called another shitty punk band, i'm singer. she's guitarist. we rule. look for us at another shitty punk club near you.
drunk. this is me and ibitemylowerlip.
word up, son.
i don't remember why we were doing this, but it was hilarious at the time. something deserved a big thumbs up. maybe it was the bacon.
my lady lindsay and i
i don't remember doing this ... but i loves me some jager.
puppies!!! this is jadakiss and his sister layla (who belongs to heathurr).
ryan is wearing the best shirt EVER. i'm just making a face to illustrate how much the shirt fucking rocks, because it does. there are also cupcakes in my mouth.
someone bought me a dildo someone bought me a dildo! chuck is the sex.
with ibitemylowerlip. this was before i was fucking trizzashed.
i'm including this one again because i love it, and because jadakiss has never looked cuter. happy birthday to me. i still haven't recovered.
i have no idea why i didn't take any pictures with cain, seeing as how we are both so amazingly hot together. she came by later on with the fucking sexy ass rigormortis and the drinks i made them were too strong so they wouldn't drink them. then we watched pee wee's big adventure and sat around wanting to go to sleep but not being able to because of the god damned tornadoes. i'm ALREADY going through cain withdrawl (did ya hear that bitch..i beat you to it).
those pictures made my head hurt from the imagined sugar rush and i won't deign to comment on that obscene german distilled death.
[Edited on Nov 09, 2005 7:05PM]
How's life??