I met my boyfriend CaptainJonny's Dad the other night for the first time. He, John, John's bro and I had a lovely meal and everything seemed to go rather smoothly once my nerves had settled! I shouldn't have been nervous really.
I hope it goes just as well when I meet his mum.

Also, my first exam of this term seemed to go alright (hope I don't jinx it) and I now have proper jewellery in my septum.

I hadn't told my poor mum about it, and just intended to wear a retainer when visiting her, but when shopping in town I bumped into her. She was a bit shocked and said it was too manly for me etc.

Tuesday: I bought a cute little skirt today - I hope it gets warm again as I realised it'd be foolish to wear it on a night out, what with my dancing and JD&coke spillage problems.

I was convinced you were on my friends list. i hope i didn't delete you
I keep getting grumpy and deleting bits of my friends list
anyway! i came here to say...
thankyou for the comment on my sonic and tails set. I'm sorry it's taken me almost a month to get back to you! I was writing essays and things, work sucks!
and well done with your exam!
Your septum ring is the cutest!
Me dad thinks you're lovely as I said - you passed the dad test